HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/21/1980 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Jan. 21, 1980 Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Councilmen present were as follows: John Pflugrath, Darrell McNeill, Hartley Beeler, Ray Duncan and Ed Rich. Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were accepted after some discussion of the City's portion of an Identi-kit System Rental. The Council feel that other cities using the kit should share in the cost of the rental. Mayor Lannoye said he would talk to the City of Wenatchee about it. Motion was made by Hartley Beeler to pay all bills submitted, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. John Pflugrath said the flasher at 5th & Valley Mall Parkway is not working. Roy Freeman said he would take care of it. Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 292 (An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 290, relative to CETA trainee position No. I (Richard Perkins' position) to provide a monthly salary in the amount of 936.00) Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Authorization was given by the Council to call for bids for a sander. Bids to be opended February 20, 1980. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. There was much discussion about the amount of monies the City is expected to pay for fire protection for 1980. The fire district feels the City should pay 1.00 per thousand of the City's valuation. The Agreement between the City and Fire District excludes the City from any tax imposed by reason of special levies or bonds. The Council asked Mayor Lannoye to negotiate with the Fire Chief. The Fire District is asking 45,000.00 for fire protection and the Council budgeted 40,000.00 for 1980 after much deliberation between the Fire Chief and the City Clerk before the budget was adopted. Permission was given by the Council to purchase a 4 drawer file cabinet for the Mayor's paper work and supplies. The Mayor asked the City Clerk to purchase one on sale if possible. The Council discussed having all of the City's Insurance put under one carrier. City Clerk was asked to contact Libke, Jones and Mitchell to see if they can supply the City with a false arrest policy and the cost. Authorization was given by the Council to close out a passbook account at First Mutual. This savings is in the amount of 2,100.00 in a current expense library fund which was set up Oct. 12, 1973. These monies are to be put into current expense reserve account. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. 'Attorney, Neil Fuller is still working on the contract with the City of Wenatchee concerning the City providing false arrest insurance for prisoner care. There was some discussion concerning the new laws and regulations for prisoners and the problems of having female prisoners in the jails. Motion was made by Ray Duncan to change the date of the 2nd Council meeting in Feg. to the 20th because of Washington's Birthday, seconded by John Pflugrath & passed Unanimously. 1 -W/ • Lauuos,aad 6uLu.Aaouoo 6UL198w anLgnoaxa up .Ao; sa4nuLw Maj a aoJ uLewa,a 04 Liounoo a4q paAse a,'ouuel .aoXeW 'RLsnowLupun passed pup yje.a6nLJd uyop fq pauooas 'pau.AnoCpe aq 6UL4aaw 344 4eq} uoL40w p apew ,AaLaag Xa «apH 'ssaULsnq Aag4jnj ou 6ULaq auayl ' aoL aye pup do swaeM aayjeaM aye Li}un auop aq ueo 3eyl 6uL •Mpy} oq s4ae4s g4ou sL a.aay; pasLnpe seM aH •sasnq ayq Pup ua.apMo Looyos ayj 3o asneoaq .aalug uo g4GL B 44ZL uaaMgaq do PL�nq a3L ayq 4nogp auop aq pLnoo 6u.LyIawos J� palsp ygp.A6nL.4d uyop ' M Lw ounoo BILL SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JAN. 21, 1980 ' CURRENT EXPENSE 1919 Au 1. Douglas Co., Auditor 2. Trick & Murray 1979 General Election Costs Office Supplies Court Clerk 176.12 16.59 3. Cascade Natural Gas Service City Hall 117.09 4. DeForest N. Fuller Knobel Electric & Misc. Services & 433.31 STREET 1979 1. Webb Tractor & Equip., Co. Xeroxing Blade for snow & Ice 127.16 2. Cascade Natural Gas Service to Shop 105.28 POLICE 1979 1. Carson Brooks Labor & Materials Picture Frame 15.00 2. City of Wenatchee Dept. of Police Dec. 1979 Prisoner Board 730.00 3. R. M. Church Office Supplies Police & C. Clerk 58.97 4. Shell Oil Co. Gas -Credit Card Charges 13.44 5. Kayo's Car Wash Dec. 1979 Police Car Washes 9.00 6. Texaco Inc. Headlight Car #4 6.83 7. Wenatchee Valley Humane Society 38 Dogs taken to shelter 380.00 8. A Bangor Punta Co. Identi-Kit System Rental (Wenatchee)75.00 CURRENT EXPENSE 1980 1. The Wenatchee World 3 Publication Notices 30.00 2. Do. Co., Sewer District No. 1 2 Months Service 20.00 3. Dept. of Emergency Services 1st Quarter Payment 363.00 4. Libke, Jones & Mitchell 1 yr. Bond for Treasurer/Clerk Deputy Clerk & Judge 65.00 5. 6. Forrest Lannoye Copytron Western Inc Dinner Meeting (Chamber) Supplies for Copier 9.00 192.00 7. Wenatchee Area Visitor & Convention Bureau $300.00 of $800.00 Pledged 300.00 8. DeForest N. Fuller Jan. Payment on Law Books 35.00 9. Wa., Physicians Service Feb. 1980 Med., Ins., Payment 657.10 10. Wm. McKenzie January 1980 Salary 281.61 11. Wm. Hamilton 520.19 12. Dorotha McGee 487.55 13. Robert H. Scott, Jr. Public Defender 200.00 14. Forrest Lannoye Salary 272.22 15. Peggy C. McArthur 929.85 16. Virginia Kinzel 657.79 17. DeForest N. Fuller 643.01 18. Danney Reeves 302.29 19. Duane Harstad 328.79 20. Wm.Millett 328.54 STREET EXPENSE 1980 1. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. Gasoline 224.57 2. Wells & Wade Hardware Misc. Parts for Snow Removal Equp. 30.60 3. Pedco Credit Union Jan., 1980 Payment 501.00 4. Wa., Physician Service Feb. Medical Ins., Pay. 102.90 5. Danny Reeves January 1980 Salary 431.61 6. Duane Harstad 447.61 7. 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