HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/7/1981 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCouncil Meeting Dec. 7, 1981 ' Councilmen Present: Ray Duncan, John Pflugrath, Ed Rich, Darrell McNeill and Hartley Beeler. City Attorney Neil Fuller and City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted with a voucher to Abby's Vacuum Center to come out of the City Hall Bldg. Fund. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Ray Dunan said there was not a quorum at the last disability meeting so he will report at the next meeting. A new street light at Eastmont and llth was discussed. The cost of 313.00 for the light , the Council felt was too highx. Mayor Lannoye also stated that Ed Dillon has a petition going around to take his properties out of the City. That would leave only one corner in the City. Mayor Lannoye and Hartley Beeler said they would look into the matter and asked the Clerk to put the issue back on the agenda. The matter of conditional use permits was postponed until the first meeting in Jan. Two bids were recieved for a snow plow. Sahlberg bid 9,575.00 plus tax. Critzer bid 7,079.29. The Council accepted the low bid from Critzer considering the plow meets the specifications called for. If not, the bid of Sahlberg will be accepted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Ray Duncan said he would check the Bid out with Critzer Tuesday. Two bids were received for the paint striper. Traffic Control bid 7,980.00, Scarborough and Daughter bid 4,237.00. The Council wanted time to look into both bids and will make their decision at the next Council meeting. Four bids were recieved for the surplus F.W. D. as follows: Howard France bid 527.76, Lyle Detillion bid 456.56, Lloyds Auto bid 1,177.00 and Orville Watson bid 4,015.00. Authorization was given by the Council to accept the high bid of 4,015.00. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Mayor Lannoye stated an agreement between the City of East Wenatchee and the City of Wenatchee for the 1981 Stadium Fund monies will come before the Council Dec. 21st for their approval. The Council agreed a portion of sidewalk on Hamilton Street should be removed and the ground sloped as it drops off now and is dangerous. ' Dan Reeves stated he has a space heater he will donate to the police department. If it is not suitable, the Council gave its permission to purchase one. Authorization was given by the Council to purchase a safe for City Hall from Pete Adelshon for 1,548.00, less 10%, plus tax and freight. Motion was made by Hartley Beeler, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. j4pU AIQ JOXPW •4LsnowLueun passed PUP LLLalloW LLW-Ae0 (q papuooas 'pau,anoCpe aq 6uLjaaw aq4 ;e43 uoL30w P apew JaLa9g SOL4.aeH 'SsauLsnq Aagq,anj ou 6uLaq aaagl •a4ep uageL P 3P .aa43.an; passnoSLP aq LLLM ,aa;4Pw SLgl •Sglo agq gljauaq o3 pasn aq pLnogs saLuow pun, WKLpP3S agq 3o awoS 19a.4 LLounoo aql •Z86L JOJ uoL'4Pw,ae;uL 4SLunoq a4ngL,a4SLp pup aa4o4euaM ;sea 10 44 Q ago uL g;ooq a0 aoL}}o a do 6ULJ"aS }noge uoLssnosLp awns SUM a.aagl ' •swaLgo.ad APManL,ap sLg ;nogP uanP,13 •,AW 44LM AIM pLnoM aq pLes akouueq JokpW •os op pLnoo pu943e 04 6ULgSLM SaaRoLdwa os uOoN 00:ZL 03 -W-V 0£-0L wOJJ •paM 'uoS s,uewpoog qo8 ;o Le.aaunj a43 ,ao3 LLPH k3L0 asOLo 04 LLounoo ag; fiq uanL6 SPM uOL4PZLuog4ny •jsanba.a 4a6pnq w,ao}Lun sLg ULg4LM SRU4S ag sP buoL se uoL30aCgo ou pPg LLounoo aql •sw,ao;Lun upg4 .a0g4Pa 6uLg4OLo 4aa,a4S 6uLse4o,and sj00.L8 daL43 -4nogp uoLssnosLp awns SPM a.aagl •uOL4dopP LPULd a0} 6UL409w 3sLZ •oa0 aq4 Aol Fpee.a 3abpng LeuL3 aq4 anPg 04 PaIse SUM *A@L3 46 agl •RLsnowLueun passed pup go La P3 fiq papuooas 'JOLaaB JCaLIJeH fiq aPPw SUM UOL40W •San,aasa,a pa.aagwnouaun g4LM paoupLeq aq LLLM ja6pnq pLes ga6pnq aoueLeq ;o Ino pasodo,ad agq 4daoop 0; LLounoo aq4 kq uanL6 SUM uoLIPZLJoggny •SL44 ao} ILpa.ao LLounoo ag; anP6 akouuul Ao4eW •IoPLq ag3 uL 6uLIp.aado SaL}LO MBJ ag; jo au0 seM aa404PuaM 4SP3 40 F3L0 aq; paZegS aH •asLP.ad 10 40L e 4uaw4uedaP aoLLod ago ane6 pup qoC pooh P 6ULop JOJ k3Lo aq4 PaquawLLdwoo op.aegwnS •.AW •sw94L fiPLgno LPILdeo Aoj pasn aq pLnogs saLuow asog4 3La4 Xagq pLes agl •ja6pnq aq4 aoueLeq oq pasn aq 4ou pLnogs •naa pa.aegS LPaapaH Laa} kagl leg4 seM 4nduL uLPw ALagl •4a6pnq pasodo.ad a43 ssnosLp 04 90uPpua34p uL aaaM op,aegwnS qo8 pup lkpauua)i .aagaH °a6p00 Mg ' ,spun; a43 g3LM 4}aL aq o4 seq 3L 'oN PCPs LLaN 'g0Jeasaa awns aa4}y •spun4 LP,a9ua6 ago 04UL spun] anL'4eLnwno wo.a; pau.aPa 4saaa4UL 4nd pLnoo X44 o ago d4 u@LLn3 LLaN p93se @XOUueq aoRPW -RLsnowLueun passed pup g4pa6nL-4d ugop Xq papuooas °go La p3 Xq appw SUM uoLgOW •6uL4aaw 4xau ago 4P UOL4dopp ao; 4ppa.a 41 aneg PUP paluase.ad Se aoueuLp,ao SJ pLPs ago 33e.ap .aaLLn3 LLaN aneg 04 LLounoo aq4 Aq uanL6 SPM uoL4PZL.aog4ny BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT DEC. 7, 1981 ' CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Ray Duncan Nov. 1981 Per -diem 46.67 2. Darrell McNeill 46.67 3. Ed Rich 46.67 4. Hartley Beeler 56.01 5. John Pflugrath 56.01 6. Employment Security Dept. Nov. 1981 Social Security Payment 2 030.29 7. Empire Press 1982 Subscription 9.00 8. General Telephone 1 Months Service Police & Treasurer 127.45 9. Fuller & Cassel Inc. 1 Months Legal Services 46.27 10. Abby's Vacuum Center Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner for City Hall 575.73 11. Libke, Jones & Mitchell 3 Public Officials Bonds 90.00 STREET 1. Wa., St. Treasurer Signal Maint. 5.65 2. Wenatchee World Call for Bids (3) 64.66 3. Morrill Asphalt Paving Co. 10% Due on Clements Circle 3 195.00 4. Travel Expense Expenses for Truck (To & from Sacramento) 263.88 5. Do. Co. Road Dept. 30 Gals., Diesel 36.96 6. Tradex Freight on Blade 22.15 ' 7. Cascade Natural Gas 1 Months Service to Shop 83.33 8. Ace Auto Parts 2 Wheels 10.50 9. Dick's Service 2 Snow Tires 67.72 10. Ted Finkbeiner Motors Parts for Power Steering GMC 205.42 11. Grant Road Hardware Parts & Supplies 63.96 12. Employment Security Dept. Nov. 1981 Social Security Payment 401.12 13. Elder Auto Parts Inc. Misc. Parts & Supplies for Repairs 48.52 14. Bob Dowler Urban Arterial Work Sheet Data Report 125.00 15. Lloyd's Auto & Truck, Inc. 1981 Interantional Truck 24,224.48 POLICE 1. Elder Auto Parts, Inc. Misc. Parts & Supplies Police Cars 101.92 2. Wenatchee Petroleum Gasoline 310.08 3. Travel Expense Sheriffs & Police Convention 11/18/81 20.00 4. Kayo's Nov. 1981 Car Washes 30.00 5. Alpine Electronics, Inc. 1 Antenna & Labor 80.16 6. Jack Miller's Processing & Film 12.04 7. Dick's Service Tires Mounted & Spin Balance 12.60 8. Radio Shack Batteries 4.61 9. David Corn Nov. 1981 Salary 481.64 10. Walter Doll to " to 330.90 11. Central Communications, Inc. Parts & Labor repairing 2 Scanners 72.45 1