HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/2/1981 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCouncil Meeting Nov. 2, 1981 ' Councilmen present: Darrell McNeill, Ed Rich, Ray Duncan, Hartley Beeler and John Pflugrath. City Administrator, Dick McGraw and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Mayor Forrest Lannoye called the meeting to order. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted Two warrants to P.U.D. were re -issued to replace lost Warrants 1798 and 397. Motion was made by Hartley Beeler, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Ed Rich said he looked at a truck at Cle Elum. It was too light and had an older bed. He did not feel it was suitable for the City. Ray Duncan said he attended a disability meeting. There was nothing discussed that would affect the City. Hartley Beeler said one street light was out and he would report it. Also, the Council stated there is a need for a street light at llth and Eastmont. Chief Brooks said there are other areas where lights are needed. Hartley said he would check all of these matters and report back to the Council. ' The Council received a letter from Ed Dillon concerning his overdue rental license. Attorney Neil Fuller wrote a letter to Mr. Dillon Oct. 19, 1981 stating his license was 4 months overdue and if not purchased within the next 15 days, there was no recourse except to issue a complaint and summons to appear in Court. Mr. Dillon owes approximately 1,000.00 for rental tases and refused to pay more than which he left with the City Clerk. The Council at an earlier meeting adopted by Ordinance, to set the maximum rental rate due in 1982 to be 350.00. The majority of the Council stated they wished to pursue the matter and hold Mr. Dillon to the Ordinance that was in effect at the time the tax was due in 1981. Mr. Dillon stated he has a petition ready for signatures to take his properties out of the City. Mayor Lannoye read a letter of resignation from Officer Richard Cawood effective Nov. 6, 1981. Mayor Lannoye accepted with regrets, a letter from City Administrator, Dick McGraw. effective Nov 1, 1981. Mr. McGraw stated he would continue to serve on the Board of Adjustment. Mayor Lannoye stated the call for bids for a used truck had been advertised and if any of the Council knew of anyone who might be interested, to send them ' specifications. Sealed bids will be opened November 16th at 8:00 P.M. The Council asked the City Clerk to ask Attorney Neil Fuller to draft an Ordinance, to have ready at the next council meeting, setting a milage rate for reimbursement, for employees using their own transportation when doing business for the City AOXRW - --, •X'LsnowLupun passed pup upouno Xpa Rq papuooas 'pauanoCpe aq 6UL4aaw a44 4eg4 UOL40W a apew aaLD@g XaL4aeH 'ssauLsnq aag4.An3 oU 6uLaq a,Aagl epua6e a44 uo )oeq aa44ew SL44 and 04 palse sem IaaL3 •aaLnbaa Raga 4p4m aas PUP sumO} LLpws aa44o 44Lm 40ago pLnom Sago pLes aauupLd 413 pup LLouno3 ag1 BULL B44 Meap 04 aaa4m pup 'sawog ALa44 }o 4no ssauLsnq 6uLop We aLdoad uagm 4Lwaad asn LeuoL4LPuoo a AOJ paau 844 6uLUaaouoo UOLssn3SLP qDnw 'LLpH 94L3 uL 'W'd 0£:L 4e g46 •noN 'XPPUOW ao4 40S SPM 6UL4aaw anL4noaxe uy papuooas 'ueouno XPd f'q apew seM UOL40W jona4 dwnp '0'Ni'd L561 a44 aaeLoap 04 •L'LsnowLupun passed pup 4OLb P3 Aq •44L •oao pauado aq o4 spLg •snLdans LLauno3 a44 Sq uanL6 seM u0L4ezLao44ny •X'LsnowLupun passed pup 'ueoun0 A'ea kq papuooas '43L2 p3 f'q apew seM UOL40W '44L oa0 pauado aq o4 spLS •aadLads 4uLpd mau a Aoj spLq Aoj LLeo 04 LLouno3 a44 Aq uanL6 seM UOL4ezLao44ny •spaeu dogs ao} aaupaLo wnnoen PLO a44 asn 4uaw4aedap 4aaa4s 844 4BL 04 LLouno3 aq4 Sq uanL6 seM UOLSSLwaad 'LLe4 R4L0 a04 4uawdLnba 4aessaoau apnLOUL o4 papuawp aq pLnogs 80UPULpao sL41 -pun; 4uawanoadwL pup LLeq 44L0 8n14eLnwwn3 ZLZ *ON aoueuLpao 6uLaq aoueuLpao pLes •6uL4a9w LL3uno3 4xau aq4 Lq Sppaa aoueULpao papuawe ue aneg 04 aaLLn.d LLaN Ise 04 IaaL3 44L3 aq4 paIse LLouno3 a41 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT NOV. 2, 1981 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Ray Duncan Oct. 1981 Per -diem 46.67 2. Darrell McNeill 11 " " 46.67 3. Ed Rich 46.67 4. Hartley Beeler 28.00 5. John Pflugrath 56.01 6. Forrest Lannoye Lunch Expense - City Business 4.95 7. C. K. C. Leasing 36th Payment Copier 139.48 8. East Wenatchee Water District Bi-Monthly Water Statement 14.90 9. Trick & Murray 1,000 Municipal Court Receipts 109.15 10. Emp. Security Dept. Oct 1981 Social Security Payment 2 168.98 11. Fuller & Cassel Oct. 1981 Legal Services 54.23 12. Central WA. Fire Protection Maint., on Fire Extinguisher 6.83 13. Libke Jones & Mitchell Additional Premium per Audit 760.79 14. P. U. D. 2 Months Service to City Hall 109.00 (To Replace Warrent #1798 Lost) STREET 1. Central WA. Fire Protection 2 Fire Ext. Maint., & Repair 13.12 2. Alpine Electronics, Inc. Crystal & Technical Service 46.26 3. Emp. Security Dept. Oct. 1981 Social Security 401.13 4. WA. State Treasurer Traffic Signal Maint., Sept. 1981 15.78 5. Wenatchee Radiator Heater Repair Dump Truck 7.83 6. Do., Co., Auditor Recording Deed 6.00 7. Libke Jones & Mitchell Add. Premium per Audit 760.79 8. Grant Road Hardware Parts & Supplies 18.69 9. Ronald Lannoye Lunch Expense - City Business 5.00 10. P. U. D. 2 Months Service to Shop (To Replace Warrent # 397 Lost) 1 766.00 11. Cascade Natural Gas 1 Months Service to Shop 56.44 POLICE 1. M.P.H. Industries Radar Parts & Repairs 43.40 2. Chevron U.S.A. Gasoline - Credit Cards 41.51 3. Consolidated Electrical Lights 56.37 4. Wen. Petroleum Co. Gasoline 363.42 5. Kayo's Car Wash Oct. Police Car Washes 30.00 6. Pay'n Save Corp. Batteries 3.57 7. Richard Cawood Vacation (7 Days) 430.89 8. Blumenthal Uniform Co. Service Bars & Shooting Pins 41.45 9. Jack Millers Processing 3.98 10. Elder Auto Parts Lights for Cars #3&4 20.00 11. National Rifle Asso. Annual Dues 25.00