HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/21/1981 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Sept. 21, 1981 ' Councilmen present: Ray Duncan, Darrell McNeill, Hartley Beeler, John Pflugrath and Ed Rich. Attorney Neil Fuller, City Administrator, Dick McGraw and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted directing the City Clerk to pay a voucher written to Western Refrigeration to be paid out of City Hall fund monies. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Scott Lowery with the Department of Emergency Services stated they would like to have East Wenatchee back with the program. He stated the cost for 1982 would be 1,340.00 and could drop as low as 1,100.00 if Wenatchee agrees to join for the year 1982. Mr. Lowery left some booklets as to the responsibilities of the Department. The Council said they would consider the matter and make their comments at the next meeting. Mary Jacobson with the Wenatchee Area Visitor & Convention Bureau advised the City of the services the Bureau has given the City of East Wenatchee in 1981 and will continue to promote tourism in the future. However, the Bureau would ' appreciate the aid of the City. The Council unanimously agreed to release the 800.00 they budgeted in 1981. The Clerk was asked to voucher this amount for the next meeting. Mayor Lannoye said he was wrong in blaming the Bureau for the rules set forth by the Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce. Ray Hibert, representing River's Inn said the Bureau is doing a good job, and have brought a lot of business into the East Wenatchee area. The Council agreed that they would like to have the Ordinance relating to Hotel/ Motel Tax monies amended before 1982 to include that the monies can be used for advertising and tourism promotion. A portion of the Stadium fund monies could then be budged for the Convention Bureau. The Council adopted Ordinance No. 319 (amending the rental tax) Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Authorization was iven by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 320, amending Ordinance No. 224 ?changing fees for variance applications etc. from 10.00 per application to 20.00. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Mayor Lannoye advised the Council that two new members are needed for the Planning Board to fill the position of Clayton Wells and Walt Hansen. The Council unanimously agreed to appoint Neil McArthur to fill one of the positions. Also, one position is needed for the Board of Adjustment. Don Telford said he would like to resign if the Council can find someone to fill the vacancy. Authorization was given by the Council to adopt the Preliminary Budget as presented. a 0 �g10 i. �M"'WT WIR •L'LsnOwLueun passed pue 'ueoun0 f'ea f'q papuooas 'pauanoCpe aq 6uLgaaw aqq gegg uOLgOw a apew aaLaaB XaLgaeH 'ssaULsnq Aagganj ou 6uLaq aaagl •jaOM aqq 6UL4sanba.A 6uLJLJM UL 6UL44awos aneq Xagg gegq 'gaaags agg uo JaoM SUP saop 44[o agq dL pa4sab6ns sem qI •aagwnl uanea0 L'q L'emanLap aqq passnosLp ULe6e LLounoo aql 'pa6Ue40 suoL4eLn6aa pup saLna aqq qa6 04 6uLXa4 UL LLounoo aqq woa; gaoddns JOS passe kagl •aeaX AaaAa quay aLagq 6uLSLea sL bNo gegq 6uLULeLdwoo aaaM kagl •ussy Al SO LLe/1 aLddy woal punoae aaggaL a passed LLounoo agl •6UL4aaw gxau aqq JOS epuabe aqq uo a844PW sLgq qnd oq paIse sem IaaLO aql •awLg sLgq ge ua�eq seM UOLgoe ON •jonaq pasn a puLj SLgegoad pLnoo 4gLO aqq pLes 9,(ouuel aoXeW •auLgoew gULed a uo anpaanO sL k4Q ' aqq sIULgg aq pLes goLa p3 'mOLd pup 3ona4 aaggoue paau kagq pagegs osLe OH '00'OOL'L kLagewLxoadde aq pLnom gsoo aql •aeak sLgg auLgoew gULed mau a asegoand pLnoo gpawgaedao gaaagS aqq 4L LLounoo aqg palse sanaab ueo 'XLsnowLueun passed pup ggea6nLdd ugop f'q papuooas 'ueouno A'ea Xq apew seM UOPOW '00'E00'6SL aoueLeq So 4n0 M0u 1ga6pnq pLes 6uL3ueLeq So asodand aqg JOS aangn; aeau aqg UL speaq guawgaedao ggLm gas aq Mm sageo BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT SEPT. 21, 1981 ' CURRENT EXPENSE 1. General Telephone 1 Months Service all Depts. 128.71 2. Wenatchee World Notice of Hearing (Mini Storage) 10.08 3. Elder Auto Parts Supplies & Parts for Park & Police Cars 12.44 4. Do. Co. Sewer Dist. 2 Months Service 20.00 5. Dept. of Labor & Inds. 3rd Quarter Industrial Insurance Payment 731.61 6. Emp. Security Dept. 3rd Quarter Unemployment Compensation 155.21 7. Pedco Credit Union Sept. 1981 Credit Union Payment 300.00 8. WA. Physicians Service Oct. 1981 Medical Insurance Payment 801.59 9. Security Bank of WA. Sept. 1981 Withholding Deposit 2 073.60 10. Richard McGraw Dinner Meeting with Commissioners 10.00 11. Wm. McKenzie Sept. 1981 Salary 280.05 12. Wm. Hamilton 559.50 13. Dorotha McGee 526.40 14. Roberta Burnap 381.81 15. Robert H. Scott, Jr. Sept. 1981 Public Defender Fee 215.00 16. Forrest Lannoye Sept. 1981 Salary 270.71 17. Richard McGraw 11 " 11 46.67 18. Peggy McArthur it " 11783.88 19. Virginia Kinzel It it 11 692.50 20. De Forest N. Fuller Sept. 1981 Legal Retainer 900.00 21. Ronald Lannoye Sept. 1981 Salary 338.00 22. Robert Goodman 11 It11 355.50 23. George Sperline toItIt 326.72 ' 24. Petty Cash Misc. Cash Expenditures (Slips attached) 111.29 STREET 1. Sears, Roebuck & Co. Battery & Paint Machine 136.63 2. Elder Auto Parts Misc. Parts for Equipment Repair 38.77 3. Emp. Security Dept. 3rd Quarter Unemployment Compensation 36.19 4. Pedco Credit Union Sept. 1981 Credit Union Payment 217.00 5. Ronald Lannoye Sept. 1981 Salary 616.01 6. Les Schwab Tires, Tubes, Spin Balances & Casing 118.80 7. Robert Goodman Sept. 1981 Salary 636.36 8. Danny Reeves 11 " 11 960.02 9. Security Bank of WA. Sept. 1981 Withholding Deposit 351.40 10. WA. Physicians Service October 1981 Medical Insurance Payment 110.16 11. Dept. of Labor & Inds. 3rd Quarter Ind. Insurance Payment 314.60 12. Petty Cash Misc. Cash Expenditures (Slips attached) 17.13 13. Wa. State Treasurer Traffic Signal Maint., July 1981 768.49 POLICE 1. Dept. of Retirement Sept. 1981 Retirement Payment 961.75 2. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. Gasoline 324.06 3. Ad. Travel Exp. Rev. Fund Travel Expense Brooks, Portland, Or. 110.00 4. Jack Miller's Processing Film (4) 24.10 5. City of Wenatchee Sept. 1981 Emergency Telephone Service 524.00 ' 6. Wm. B. Brooks 3rd Quarter Cleaning Allowance 18.00 7. Harold Kirby " " It18.00 8. Richard Cawood It 11 18.00 9. Michael Cattin " 18.00 10. Hiram Thomas it 18.00 11. 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