HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/9/1981 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Sept. 9, 1981 ' Councilmen present: Ray Duncan, Darrell McNeill, Hartley Beeler, Ed Rich, John Neil Fuller, City Administrator, Pflugrath. City Attorney, Dick McGraw and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye'. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were accepted with the exception of a voucher to Western Refrigeration in the amount of $140.79, be held until the warranty on the heating and cooling units have been checked. The Clerk was directed to pay Hale & Long with City Hall Bldg., Fund monies. Motion was made by Hartley Beeler, seconded by John Plfugrath and pass- ed unanimously. The drainage problem concerning Community Progress was again discussed and Mayor Lannoye asked Darrell McNeill, Ed Rich and Dan Reeves to look into the problem and perhaps discuss what can be done with the property owners. Hartley Beeler stated P.U.D. still does not have their inventory ready. It was suggested that the Street Department make a diagram also of the City's lighting system. Mayor Lannoye stated that General Telephone replaced the grass on 9th St., by the ' Lee Thulean residence Sept. 3rd and gravel was replaced Sept. 9th. Two bids were received for resurfacing Clements Circle. Morrill Asphalt in the amount of $31,950.00, Basin Asphalt Co., in the amount of $33,225.00. The Council accepted the low bid from Morrill Asphalt. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Attorney Neil Fuller stated he did not have the final draft for the amended rental tax Ordinance prepared at this time. Mayor Lannoye read a letter from the Department of Revenue stating that Larry's Drive-in paid to the City of Wenatchee $2,616.38, in Sales tax that should have been paid to the City of East Wenatchee. Mayor Lannoye said a copy of the letter has been sent to Wenatchee for reimbursement. Mayor Lannoye said they may want to give credit to the City for dispatching. Mayor Lannoye read a letter from Alcoholism Services Asso., requesting the City contribute at least 10 percent for 1982 and 25 percent for 1983 of the liquor board profits and liquor excise tax the city receives. The City is now required to pay 2 percent of these taxes and profits for alcoholism treatment to Chelan County. Councilman Ray Duncan said he is not in favor of this. Mayor Lannoye said although he does not have a vote, he was not in favor of giving any more than the 2 percent. No action was taken at this time. The Council set Sept. 21, 1981 as the hearing date for the Preliminary Budget. ' Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. The Council authorized to increase the fee from $10.00 to $20.00, to cover the cost of publication and other expenses for Public Hearings. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, -3 A o •A'LsnowLueun passed pue LLLaNN LLBJJPo A'q papuooas `pauAnoCpe aq buLgaaw ayg geyg uoLgow a apew A@Laa9 4OLgAeH `ssauLsnq AaygAnj ou6uLagaAa41 •6uL4aaw ygg -goo ayq a.Aojaq s6uLpuL} sLy Jo wLy asLApe pLnoM ay pup Aagoqoo 3o 4saL3 ayq puno.Ae wLy LLeO og adoH •.AW palse uaLLni LLaN •.Aaggew ayg 40,Aeas8,A oq awLg jaLLnd LLaN `ACauuogge aAL6 oq qjS •goo og panuLquoO ' SUM 6uLgaaw ayl •puZ •gdaS guawgsnCpy }o p.Aeoo aqq g4LM Saw adoH •,AW •sgoL £ N4 uo sawOH aLLgoW aa,A4g qnd pLnoo ay wLy pLog aALLO .AW geyq pagegs adoH 'aW '8L6L uL paseaoap `aALLO gAaH Aq panoAdde geLd q.Aogs a gnoge ujaouoo sLy paOLOA adoH wol •uoLgedLOLg.Aed goe.AWOO agegS 6uL -u.AaouoO uoLge,AgsLuLwpy Le.AauaO 40 guawq,AedaO ayq oq ajL.AM oq pa4se seM M.AaLo AgLO a41 •s96Je40 LequaJ guawdLnba pup sabeM awL4Jano `sa6eM RL.AnOH LLLq ayq 40 uMop�eaJq paLLegap a,Aow a gab 04 osLe pue saano0 A'gue.AJeM ALa44 geyM ;no puL4 pue oLA43aL3 SOLLeA gOeguoO 04 palse seM VaLO 44t3 a41 '6b'89L$ 6uLLe404 uoLgeq,AodsuP-q 4o quawg.Aedea ayq wo,A4 paALaoa.A RD44 LLLq a passnOsLP LLounoo 941 •awLgawos JOJ quawg,Aedap a41 ygLM A'egs pLnoM pup pagaLdwoo 6uLuLeag sLy aney `4SLL6u3 pue Len6uLLLq Meads queOLLdde ayq 4eg4 Rj3 oads pLnoo Fag4 dL gno puL.4 pue Ioa40 pLnoM 94 pLes soL6auaW •.AW •paque.A6 seM uoLssLw,Aad `uoLssnosLp awns Jaq;y "gsLL X4L[LgOLL9 ue aney oq dgLO ayq sa,ALnbe.A agegS ayq pLes aH •sgseq jo} 00'00Z$ Pagsanba.A `J9UO LssLuwoO aOLAaaS LLALO `soL6auaW sLuuao •Iseq ayq agaLdwoo oq F,Aessaoau egep a4q _4o gsow sey A'qunoo ayg se `00•gZL$ JOI AgLO ayg .Ao; agepdn •8•y•p ayg agaLdwoo oq uewsq;aAo A'qunoo seL6noo ayg }o auo aney og paaJ6e LLounoo ayl •,Aaguao aayOgeuaM a4g ge 'W'd 0£:9 ge 44VI 'gdaS 6uL4aaw uauuLp a qe k4Q ayg quasa.Adaa pLnoM ay dL McJgOW JOLO paIse LLounoo ayl I •6uLgaaw quawgsnCpy jo paeo8 LeLOads a;o klg Le68L ayq oq se auLL.AadS a6.Aoag oq Leg pLnoM ay pLes ualLnd LLaN •6uLgaaw gxau ayq JOI A'pea.A qL ane4 pue aseaaOuL ayg 44tM bZZ aOueuLPJO oq guawpuawe up g}eJp 04 Passe seM •AaLLnd LLaN 'fiLsnowLueun passed pup 4OLb p3 kq papuooas BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT SEPT. 9, 1981 CURRENT EXPENSE ' 1. Ray Duncan August 1981 Per -diem 46.67 2. Darrell McNeill " " 46.67 3. Ed Rich 46.67 4. Hartley Beeler 56.01 5. John H. Pflugrath 28.00 6. C K C Leasing Payment No. 34 Copier 139.48 7. General Telephone 1 Months Service 125.93 8. Copytron Maint., Agreement for 1 yr. on IBM & Paper for Copier 323.25 9. Emp. Security Dept. August 1981 Social Security Payment 2 159.50 10. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Insurance & Bonds 586.73 11. Reno Black Witness Fee 10.00 12. Norinne Black " 1110.00 13. Nancy Crawford It 11 10.00 14. The Wenatchee World Notice of Hearing Publication 20.16 15. Do., Co., Road Dept. East Wenatchee Maps 34.52 16. E. Wenatchee Water Dist. Bi-Monthly Water Statement 15.20 17. R. M. Church Office Supplies 54.08 18. Fuller & Cassel Inc. Postage & Photocopies 4.17 19. Wells & Wade Hardware Parts for Chain Saw 19.79 20. Grant Road Hardware Parts and Supplies for Park 43.83 STREET 1. Grant Road Hardware Misc., Parts &Supplies for Shop 29.44 ' 2. Employment Security August 1981 Social Security Payment 401.12 3. Cascade Gas Co. One Months Service Shop 1.20 4. Knutson Lumber Co. Lumber for Stencils 32.55 5. Alpine Electronics, Inc. Install St. Dept. Frequency 41.48 6. Matco Tools Screwdriver Set 36.86 7. Les Schwab Tire Repair 7.82 8. Elder Auto Parts Misc. Parts for repairing equipment 26.34 9. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Insurance 472.27 10. Wenatchee World Call for Bids Resurfacing Streets 22.75 11. Bowman Barnes Dist. Assortment of Nuts & Bolts for Shop 278.15 POLICE 1. Kayo's Car Wash August 1981 Police Car Washes 30.00 2. In Print Printed Forms 108.22 3. Texaco Inc. Credit Card Gasoline Charges 33.69 4. Trick & Murray 100 Books Washington Uniform Infaction 428.71 5. Elder Auto Parts Parts for Cars #3 and 4 69.83 6. Eastside Paint & Glass Glass for Showcase 42.00 7. Wenatchee Petroleum Gasoline 557.60 8. Advance Travel Fund School in Portland Oregon - Wm. Brooks 92.00 9. Gaurdian Life Ins. Co. Disability Insurance Richard Cawood 124.20 10. Motorola, Inc. Pager 207.90 11. City of Wenatchee Prisoners - Board & Room 360.00 ' 12. National Law Enforce., Set of Manuals Crime Scene Investigations 10.50 13. Radio Shack 1 Battery Tester 10.45 FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE 1. Financil Consultants Sept. Car Lease Payment 661.50 OVER ' 05'ZL9 Z 6L'Obl (a4onp uad) LLQM a-4a,aauoO Jo Ienowaa 6uol g aLPH •Z .aauoLIIpuoO JLV 6ul.Aledab 'auI `uoL3eaa6L.A}aa u,A93s9M •I ONnj '9019 IIVH kiIO