HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/20/1981 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING
JULY 20, 1981
Councilmen Present: Darrell McNeill, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich, John Pflugrath and Hartley
Beeler. City Administrator, Dick McGraw , City Attorney, Neil
Fuller and Peggy McArthur, City Clerk.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by
John Pflugrath, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously.
Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill,
seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously.
Councilman Ed Rich said he telked with Morrill Asphalt and Basin Paving and would be
ready to call for bids on Clements Circle soon.
Mayor Lannoye stated he talked with the State Examiner and street funds cannot be used
for the paving of City lots, however, money can be borrowed from the street dept. or
other funds and paid back with the same rate of interest the funds are earning from
the bank.
Hartley Beeler stated he received a letter from P.U.D. with a drawing for two lights
'in the City Lots. Each light would cost 307.00 and a monthly charge of 5.00 per light.
After some discussion, the Council decided to look into something maybe a little more
reasonible. John Pflugrath, Hartley Beeler and Ray Duncan will look into the matter.
Mayor Lannoye asked Hartley Beeler if he would talk to P.U.D. about their billing
system. Clerk was asked to put these matters back on the agenda.
Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 317 (fireworks stands)
The Council will limit the stands to three applications only within the City Limits.
Motion was made by John Pflugrath, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously.
Dick McGraw said he was still concerned about cleaning up of vacant lots, but was hoping
people would take care of it without council pressure.
There were no objections to the Six Year Comprehensive Street Program. The Council
adopted the Street Program Resolution No. 81-2. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded
by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously.
Mayor Lannoye said a contract had been let
in the amount of 350.00 plus sales tax and
is doing the work and it will be inspected
for payment.
for the wiring of the gas house and shop
the cost of the permit. Central Electric
and approved before the bill is presented
'Authorization was givne by the Council to Adopt Ordinance No. 318 (Annexation of Streets)
as there were no objections. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by Ed Rich
and passed unanimously.
Mayor Lannoye presented a proclamation proclaiming August 1, 1981 as Shrine Youth Circus
Day and urging all citizens to support the Shriners in every way in this worthy cause.
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1. General Telephone 1 Months Service 80.42
2. Wells & Wade Parts & Supplies 41.07
3. Do., Co., Sewer Dist. #1 2 Months Service 20.00
4. Petty Cash Cash Expenditures 108.35
5. R. M. Church Office Supplies 128.16
6. Do., Co., Auditor Pool Bond Assessment 6 579.48
7. Clark Boardman Subscription for Judge Hamilton 38.00
8. Pedco Credit Union July 1981 Payment 300.00
9. Security Bank of WA. July 1981 Withholding Deposit 2 073.60
10. WA., Physicians Service August 1981 Med., Ins., Pay. 801.59
11. William McKenzie July 1981 Salary 121.82
12. William Hamilton 559.50
13. Dorotha McGee 526.40
14. Roberta Burnap 381.81
15. Robert H. Scott, Jr. Public Defender Retainer 215.00
16. Forrest Lannoye Salary 270.71
17. Richard McGraw 46.67
18. Peggy C. McArthur 783.88
19. Virginia Kinzel 692.50
20. D. N. Fuller & Asso. Retainer Fee 900.00
21. Ronald Lannoye Salary 338.00
22. Robert Goodman 355.50
' 23. George Sperline 326.72
1. Petty Cash Cash Expenditures 13.52
2. Elder Auto Parts Parts for equipment repair & creeper 98.43
3. H. R. Spinner 1 Gal., Roundup 73.71
4. Pedco Credit Union Credit Union Payment 217.00
5. Morrill Asphalt Paving Co. 5.71 Tons Hot Mix for Street Repairs 161.88
6. The Wenatchee World Publications (6yr. road & St. Annexation) 23.23
7. Security Bank of WA. July 1981 Withholding Deposit 351.40
8. WA. Physicians Service Aug. Med., Ins., Payment 110.16
9. Danny Reeves July Salary 960.02
10. Robert Goodman 636.36
11. Ronald Lannoye 616.01
1. Wm. Brooks July 1981 Salary 1 261.64
2. Harold Kirby 1 188.15
3. Richard Cawood 1 101.45
4. Michael Cattin 1 171.45
5. Hiram Thomas 1 075.35
6. Chet Virnig 871.81 693.44 7. Lisa Jo Smith
8. Michael Ireland Civil Service 23.34
9. City of Wenatchee Emergency Telephone Service 524.00
10. Dept. of Retirement Retirement Payment 961.75
11. Guardian Life Ins., Co. 6 Months Disability Insurance Kirby 82.36
12. Shell Oil Co. Gasoline Credit Card Charges 16.16
13. Motorola, Inc. Radio Equipment 1 135.95
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