HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/18/1981 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING May 18, 1981 Councilmen Present: Ray Duncan, John Pflugrath, Darrell McNeill, Ed Rich and Hartley Beeler. City Administrator, Dick McGraw, City Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously . Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Hartley Beeler, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Hartley Beeler introduced two exchange students. One girl from Africa and a girl from Egypt. Danny Reeves asked about a catch basin on Valley Mall Parkway that water seemed to be rushing out of from the rain. Mayor Lannoye said eventually the drain may have to be connected to the storm drain. It was moved, seconded, and passed by the City Council that the City will require the adoption of two County Roads proposed for annexation by Douglas County. It was agreed that the City will accept the annexations, the zoning will remain the same (streets & roads only) and as the City of East Wenatchee has no indebtedness, the Council ' stated that there would be no requirement of any assumption of indebtedness by the area to be annexed upon annexation. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Bill Schmidtman, Douglas County Commissioner took th a Notice of Intent which will be signed by the three Commissioners at their next regular meeting and returned to the City after execution. Authorization was given by the Council to accept Norcoms bid for 3 radios. An amended bid was presented by Norcom as they were advised that the City was asking for two channels rather than three. After some discussion, the Council suggested they purchase the necessary frequencies they may need in the future, at this time. Norcom's bid would be approximately 2,552.01. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Dick McGraw advised the Council that the competitor stated for the money, Norcom's bid for the General Electric radios was the best buy. Authorization was given by the Council to appoint Mike Ireland as Secretary/Examiner to the Civil Service Board. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. There was more discussion concerning street openings. The Counci 1 said they would present their recommendations at the next council meeting. Charlie Johnston, Manager of the East Wenatchee Water Dist. told the Council they should give some serious consideration as to the condition of the street before a crossing is made before holding a utility responsible for the patching for the life of the street. The Council advised ' Mr. Johnston the patch and the area around the closi ng was their only concern, not the whold street. Mayor Lannoye asked Mr. Johnston if he would notify the Utility Council that this issue would be discussed at the next Council meeting if anyone was interested. 1 � a0�gL0 •X'LsnowLueun passed pup ueoun0 4ed Xq papuooas 'pau,anoCpp aq bULgaaw aqg gegq UOL;OW a apew .aaLaag 48 Lq.aeH 'ssauLsnq Aag4.An.4 ou 6ULaq aaa4l •awLq sL4q ;e uajeg seM UOL;De ON •44,aadoid agenLid Uo MUL SL44 ao.aodua IOU pLnoo 4;L0 a44 pips UaLLn� LLaN •aoueuLpaO 4'410 a 6UL;dope (q saopds 6ULIJPd paddeoLpueH a4q ;o 4uaw90JO;Ua UL pagsaaagUL aaaM 4844 dL LLounoo aqq palsp a4ouupq ao,'eW •UOL;n;L;sa.a oU panLaoaa panLonuL uaaq anpq XPW qeq; kgLLedLoLunw Ruy •pun3 6uLnLonab gsnjgL4uy aqg OquL pLpd seM goLgM 000`99 pup punt Le.aau96 aqg 04UL quaM 43L4M 00'000`LL Pa,AaAODaa a;egS aqj LELJ4 4no44LM panLOSW seM aSeo a4l 6ULned '0 9 •S PUP ;Legdsy LLIJJOW uaomgaq 6uLxLd aoL.ad pup BUL66LJ plq oq aouaualaJ UL Le.aauag RauJO44V aq; wOJI aaq;aL p panLaoa.a ppq aq LLounO3 aqq pLo; a,'Ouuel AORPW '•kLsnowLueun passed pup gge,a6n;Ld uqop f'q papuooas 'upoun0 Red (q apew seM UOL40W •snLd.ans gLun 6uLL000 g 6ULgea4 sp6 PLO 844 pa,aeLoap LLounoo a41 •dLag 446Lw SL44 ,IL eas og woo.4g,ano0 944 UL Ind aq qe;souu a4; aq; pa4sa66ns OSLP seM ;L pue glun a }o aaLid aq; uo joago oq palsp spM a)ouueH .aoRPW wooi4inoo aqq pup aoL;.4O s,sl,aa10 aq; Aoj agenbape IOU sL .aeaf gseL paLLegsUL gLun agl •aoL;;o s,slaaLO aq; ,aol glun 6uLL000 Q 6UL4ea4 Ja4goue uo s;46nog4 s,LLounoo a4; pa�sp DRODUeq.aofpW BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT MAY 18, 1981 CURRENT EXPENSE ' 1. Do. Co. Sewer Dist. #1 2 Months Service 20.00 2. Petty Cash Purchases paid by Cash (slips attached) 93.18 3. Telephone Co. Local & Long Distance 1 Months service 144.52 4. E. W. Water District Bi-Monthly Water Statement 14.00 5. WA. Physicians Service June 1981 Medical Ins., Pay. 801.59 6. Pedco Credit Union May 1981 Credit Union Pay. 300.00 7. Security Bank of WA. May 1981 Withholding Deposit 2 073.60 8. Wm. McKenzie May 1981 Salary 280.05 9. Wm. Hamilton " " " 559.50 10. Dorotha McGee so of 11 526.40 11. Roberta Burnap It It 11 381.81 12. Robert H. Scott, Jr. Public Defender Fee 215.00 13. Forrest Lannoye Salary 270.71 14. Richard McGraw 46.67 15. Peggy McArthur 783.88 16. Virginia Kinzel 692.50 17. D. N. Fuller & Associates Retainer Fee 900.00 18. Ronald Lannoye S alary 338.00 19. Robert Goodman 355.50 20. George Sperline 326.72 21. David T. Ellis Judge Pro-tem 50.00 22. In Print 3 Boxes envelopes 1 box letterhead 126.45 STREET 1. Southpark Industries Skinner Valve 69.86 2. Traffic Safety Supply Co. 6 No Parking Anytime Signs 51.80 3. Les Schwab Tire Center Flat Repair, Tube & Service Call 38.65 4. Knutson Lbr. Co. Timbers for Truck Bed 68.15 5. WA. Physicians Service June 1981 Medical Ins ., Pay. 110.16 6. Pedco Credit Union May 1981 Credit Union Pay. 187.00 7. Security Bank of WA. May 1981 Withholding Deposit 351.40 8. Pete Savage Matco Dist. 1 Pr., Snips for Shop 14.69 9. Muffet & Sons, Inc. Mis., Parts & Supplies Storm Drain Repair 178.74 10. Ronald Lannoye May 1981 Salary 646.01 11. Robert Goodman 636.36 12. Danny Reeves 960.02 POLICE 1. Blumenthal Uniform Co. Badges & Collar Ornaments 231.90 2. Eastside Paint & Glass 1 pint Lacq. 5.88 3. Jack Miller's 2 8x10's and mountings 12.08 4. Dept. of Retirement May 1981 Retirement Pay. 971.29 5. City of Wenatch - PD May 1981 Emergency Telephone Service 524.00 6. Central Communications Inc. Parts & Labor Car #3 Radio 60.43 7. NW Law Enforcement Equip. 2 Lamp Reflector Modules (Flashlights) 27.57 8. McArthur Fire Equip., Inc. 1 Extinquisher w/vehicle bracket 36.17 9. Wen., Petroleum Co. 316 gals., gasoline 398.79 11. Cascade Chevrolet Co. City of Wen. P D Parts Car#1 and Hub Cap Police Car Custodian Services for Inmates 51.46 240.00 '10. 12. Shell Oil Co. Credit Card Charges Gasoline 21.41 13. Wm. Brooks May 1981 Salary 1 261.64 14. Harold Kirby 1 188.15 15. Richard Cawood 1 101.45 16. Michael Cattin 1 171.45 09'199 sae3 OOLLOd Z •A'ed aseal 186L 4PW •4uI s3ue3Lnsuo3 Lpp ueujj •L 3nN3AR 03UHS ]V'd303j bb'£69 44LwS o£ ESLI '6L 9b'198 6LUALA 4943 '8l 9Z'OLO L RuELLS L86L 42W SPW041 we.ALH 'LL 1,NOO 33IIOd