HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/4/1981 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING ' May 4, 1981 Councilmen present: Ray Duncan, John Pflugrath, Darrell McNeill, Ed Rich and Hartley Beeler. City Administrator, Dick McGraw, City Attorney Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. A voucher to Central Electric and a voucher to Castle Maintenance to be paid with City Hall Bldg Funds and the City Clerk was asked to hold the warrant to Central Electric until the paneling around the plug in was repaired. Motion was made by John Pflugrath, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. Mayor Lannoye gave Councilman Ed Rich, materials necessary for preparing the Six Year Road Program. ' Mayor Lannoye told Chief Brooks that Dick McGraw would be handling the uniform inventory and he was to discuss any future ordering of uniforms, badges, etc. with Mr. McGraw. Two Bids for hand held radios were opened. One from Alpine Electronics, Inc. and one from Norcom. After much discussion, a motion was made by Ray Duncan to study the bids and make the award at the next meeting as the bids were too complicated to determine with out some research. Seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously . Mayor Lannoye read a letter from Civil Service Secretary/Examiner, Bill Joy ner stating that due to health reasons he was resiging his position effective immediately. Mayor Lannoye asked the Council to contact him if they had any one in mind who might be interested. The Council unanimously stated they did not want to amend the Ordinance in reference to fortune telling. Mayor Lannoye told the Chief of Police that the Street Department employees should be called nights and weekends first before calling the Department of Highways to 'replace bulbs in the signal lights. Mayor Lannoye said he attended both the Sewer Dist, and Water Dist. Meetings and discussed with their Commissioners, a performance Bond before opening City Streets. The Water Dist. stated they have a Bond, and supply a copy of said Bond with the City 11 •-- �/ ,ice •SIsnowLueun passed pue ueounp Sea S'q papuooaS •pauinofpe aq 6uLlaaw aqj geg4 uoL30w P apew JOLaag X9L4 KPH °ssauLsnq Aag4.An_4 ou 6ULaq a.Aagl •Ppu96y 448L hW a44 uo joeq ja;4ew SL43 4nd of palse seM I.AaLO aq4 pue -4uawasLnpe Aapun sLqj OIP4 pinoM Fag3 pies I�ounoo aqj, •uoi3eroIsa,A aqg jo} @Lq�suodsaa aju SOL4�L�gn ago aWL4 }o g46uaL aq4 OSLP pue aal 9q4 se aPJ se pa4ep}no sL kaLLe pue s3aa.ags 6uLuado Aoj aouPuLpao aql pies osLP a4O uuPq AOS'PW ' -jaw uaaq seg uoL3oPjSL4Ps I[}un aLq�suodsaj a040PJ4uoo a44 ploy IL�M 4844 °6uLsoLo a44 44�M XddPq 4ou sL 44�0 844 ;I -40LJ4sLp aqj qq�M puoq e seq J040PJ4uoo goPa pue JaoM aia44 30eu3uo3 t'agj PIPS s,aauoLssiwwOD 4SLO A@MaS aql •4[ asoLo o} X'peaa We 4944 uagM pue s6ULuado FUP 10 aoueApe uL 44�6 ago XJ140U Xaq; 4egq passe JORUW ag; PUP BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT MAY 4, 1981 I CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Ray Duncan April per diem 46.67 2. Darrell McNeill April per diem 23.34 3. Ed Rich April per diem 23.34 4. Hartley Beeler April per diem 56.01 5. John Pflugrath April per diem 56.01 6. Employment Security April Social Security 2,254.50 7. C.K..C. Leasing Copier payment 139.48 8. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Ins. 2,480.00 9. Trick & Murray Forms for City Clerk 86.15 10. Eastmont Body Repair County Pickup 302.00 11. Grant Road Hardware Weed killer & seed for park 26.62 12. The Wenatchee World Notice of Public Hearing 13.28 13. Fuller & Cassel Inc. P.E. Extra Services 54.11 14. R. M. Church, Inc. Office supplies 94.34 15. Castle Bldg. Maint. Labor & Materials for City Hall 505.00 16. Eastside Paint & Glass Paint & Brushes for restrooms 12.88 17. Julie Manskey Witness fees 10.00 18. Donna Manskey Witness fees 10.00 19. Central Electric Materials & wiring room City Hall 133.63 I STREET 1. Employment Security April Social Security 401.12 2. Wash. State Treas. Charges for Signal Lights 203.14 3T--Ea91;9#de-Pa�At-&-G4ass 3. The Wenatchee World Call for bids (radios) 18.64 4. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Ins. 42.00 5. Sears Roebuck 4 garbage cans for street 76.60 6. Traffic Control Signs Co. Street signs & Cones 741.36 7. Elder Auto Parts, Inc. Shop & Misc. Parts 172.98 8. Cascade Natural Gas Service for shop 59.77 9. Douglas County Rd. Dept. sand 7 diesel 168.85 POLICE 1. Kayo's Car washes 30.00 2. Dick's Service 4 tires 241.89 3. Brodsky's Menswear & Uniforms 2 shirts 1 pant 90.94 4. Alpine Electronics, Inc. Batteries & Multiplier 73.92 5. 6. Blumenthal Uniforms Chevron U.S.A. pant, belt & badge holder Credit Charge (Officer Cattin) 68.25 18.58 7. In Print 1000 time sheets 31.91 8. Finance Division Report forms 28.26 9. Elder Auto Filters, Carb kit, head lamp, cleaner 76.30 10. Jack Miller's Film & Prints -7.84 11. Wenatchee Petroleum 280 gal gas 353.36 12. Pay'n Save Cleaning supplies & batteries 14.25