HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/6/1981 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING ' 4pri1 6, 1981 Councilmen present: Ray Duncan, Hartley Beeler and John Pflugrath. City Ad- ninistrator, Dick McGraw, City Attorney, Nei 1 Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Mayor Forrest Lannoye called the meeting to order. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented:' Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Moti on was made by John Pflugrath, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Dan Reeves was asked by the Council to check with the City of Wenatchee concerning the purchase of bulbs for the signal lights. If the Street crew can purchase all of the bulbs necessary and change them it would cut down on the cost of maintenance and labor to the Department of Transportation. The Council told Dan the street department did a good job fixing up 13th Street. The Council approved the Final Plat of Village East presented by Heber Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy advised the Council that the Board of Adjustment approved the variance ' at their April 1st meeting. Motion was made by John Pflugrath to ap prove the Plat, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Authorization was given by the Council to allow the Eastmont Jaycees to operate a fireworks stand at 220 Grant Road. Motion was made by John Pflugrath, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Mayor Lannoye asked the Clerk to advise the Jaycees that a business license would be necessary for said stand. Mayor Lannoye passed around to the Council the written decision from the Douglas County Boundary Review Board in the matter of the proposed Gackstetter Annexation. Attorney Neil Fuller told the Council the Insurance companies had settled the Hisey vs. City of East Wenatchee matter. Mr. Hisey was awarded 50,000.00. The Council stated they were not interested in Real Estate to be sold at a public action by the Department of Transportation, located South of Larry's Drive-in. Mayor Lannoye said on several occasions he had talked with one of the Douglas County Commissioners asking if the County would deed to the City, N.E. 9th from City limits to and including Baker St. and Baker St. from N.E. 9th to Standerfer The Commissioner said they could not deed the property but could trade. The Mayor then suggested the County begin annexation proceedings. As of this date, the Mayor has received no reply. Mayor Lannoye read a letter from Paul Thrush stating that beginning April 1st ' the rent would be 50.00 per month if the City wished to continue using a portion of land next to the Texaco Service Station. The Council asked the Clerk to notify Mr. Thrush that they do not wish to rent the area. The Council received two letters from bowlers requesting that the City reconsider the City's new amusement tax. 1 'XLsnoWLueun passed pup ueouna Xea Xq papuooas 'pauanoCpe aq 6uL;09W ay4 4pyj UOL;Ow a apew aaLaag S@LIaeH 'ssauLsnq aay4an3 ou 6uLaq aaayl •uoL}paad000 pup asuodsa.A IOLnb ALa43 a0j -4uaw3aedap aoLLod aye pup ut34eo ajtW aao.110 pastpad as;IaL ayl LLpW �aLLeA aa433euaM UL aao3s a Aoj qup4Lnsuoo 444 jnoas 'aouuoo pLeuoa woa} aa438L p peaa 940uuPI "ReW •3a6pnq s,aeaS SL43 UL aoj pa46pnq ay paps ay yoLym aa6ed a pue oLppa p aspyoand o; uoLSSLwaad slooag 3aL4o ane6 Ltounoo ayl •kLsnOWLueun passed pue y3pa6nL}d uyop fiq papuooas sptq ao} LLpo o; ueound Xpa 4q apew spm UoLJoW •sptq ao; 4no qnd aq ueo asayl os suoL4eoLJtoads awos 496 oq pa)se sem ueo •4uaw4apdap ayj uaam4eq suoLIeoLunwwoo ;o sueaW ou sL aa841 se soLppa aaay4 aspyoand pLnoo ;uawlaedaa iaaa4s ayq dL palse kuupa •aa434euaM ;sea UL SULeLd pooLJ 04 6uLULp3aad Ino qnd Sayq aanooaq p 6uLua90UO3 joaaaoo aq qou Sew aoaawwoo }o Aagwego a8404puaM a44 pa3egs as'ouuel aos'eW •aaoL130 aoLLod a sp 4410 aye Aq paaLy sum maydaM SLy Uaym 4s8aa4uL 30 43LLdu00 a M ssod a o3 anp pau6Lsaa 04M 'saamog gayo seoeLdaa soLa6uaW •,AW papog aoLnaas LtA Q 044 04 pa3ULodde sem soLa6uaW SLuuaa ' •aa448L s,aLgna •aW o4 puodsaa pLnom pup suoL3e3LWLL Jo an,4p,4s ayq gsed k9m sem 4L V us A@LLn3 LION 'Raua043y •w944 panowaa anpy pLnom AaaULbUa a44 kym ao sa3e;s CaAans ayq ;noge 6UL44ou smou3 }nq aWLj Jp43 4e s96ewep ao; 4unowe jas p pled sem aLgna •aW pLes aFouuel aoA'eW *U 6L •xoadde UL pauaptm sem '4aa,a'4s Aa3eq uaym panowaa aaam SWLeLo ay 3e44 SOJUIS XOAans eoeLdaa o; �3Lo a44 6uLjsanbaa '-AP 'aLgna sawee M4 a84'aL p peaa aAuue1 -AOkuw BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT APRIL 6, 1981 CURRENT EXPENSE ' 1. Ray Duncan March 1981 Per -diem 46.67 2. Darrell McNeill 46.67 3. Ed Rich 46.67 4. Hartley Beeler 56.01 5. John Pflugrath 56.01 6. Chelan County Treasurer 1st Quarter Liquor Tax 105.32 7. General Telephone Co. 1 Months Service 104.93 8. Robert D. Miller Witness Fee 10.00 9. Raymond W. Gailey " 11 10.00 10. The Wenatchee World Publication 10.00 11. R. M. Church Co. Office Supplies 56.33 12. Fuller & Cassel Legal Service, Phone & Photocopies 296.04 13. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Insurance & Bond 3 112.84 14. Petty Cash Expenses paid out of Petty Cash 36.72 15. C K C Leasing 29th Payment Copier 139.48 16. Employment Security Dept. March 1981 Social Security Payment 2 212.01 17. Dept. of Labor & Industries 1st Quarter Industrial Insurance Pay. 783.25 18. Employment Security Dept. 1st Quarter Unemployment Compensation 152.14 19. In Print Amusement Device Certificates 48.89 STREET 1. Petty Cash Expenses Paid out of Petty Cash 45.56 2. Cascade Cable Constructors Rental on Backhoe 102.38 3. Wenatchee Radiator 1 Truck Core 552.57 4. Wells & Wade Hardware Riveted Roller Chain 12.04 5. Wa. St. Treasurer Traffic Signal Maint. 166.60 6. Dick's Exhaust Specialties Muffler for Flusher 50.19 7. Pete Savage (Matco Tools) 2 pr. Safety Glasses 19.85 8. Cascade Natural Gas 1 Months Service to Shop 77.71 9. Grant Road Hardware Pipe to repair Storm Drain 10.23 10. Dennis Automotive Electric Regulator for Flusher 107.89 11. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Additional Premium - Leased & Rental 100.00 12. Employment Security Dept. 1st Quarter Unemployment Compensation 36.18 13. Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1st Quarter Industrial Insurance 315.73 14. Employment Security Dept. March 1981 Social Security Payment 401.12 15. Elder Auto Parts, Inc. Misc. Parts & Supplies 56.05 16. Donald B. Vail Asphalt Roller, Tamper & Caulkins POLICE Trailer 1 312.50 1. Advance Travel Rev. Fund Travel Expense Wm. Brooks Training 115.37 2. Grant Road Hardware Florescent Bulbs 35.03 3. Chevron U S A Gasoline charge Credit Card 17.67 4. Jack Miller's Processing Film 18.38 5. Kayo's Car Wash March 1981 Police Car Washes 30.00 6. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. Unleaded Gasoline 489.53 7. City of E. Wenatchee -St. Dept. Repairs on Police Cars 294.35 8. Central Communications Repairs and Parts Radar Unit 51.83 9. Mid State Cleaners Reserve officer Cleaning 4.26 10. Eastside Paint & Glass Obscure Glass Police Chief's Offie 17.09 ' 11. Elder Auto Parts Parts & Supplies for Police Cars 43.14 FEDERAL SHARED REVENUE 1. Financial Consultants, Int. April 1981 Police Cars Lease Pay. 661.50 POLICE City of Wenatchee Police Dept. Custodian Care (Prisoners) 75.00