HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/20/1982 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Dec. 20, 1982 Councilmen present: John Pflugrath, Hartley Beeler, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich and Darrell McNeill. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted after some questions concerning two vouchers to Morrill Asphalt. Dan Jennings representing Morrill Asphalt said they were not advised of a dreivway where they placed an asphalt sidewalk. The specifications and sketch didn't establish a driveway he claimed. After some discussion, the Council agreed that the city crew would take the asphalt out and replace the new if Morrill would furnish the asphalt. Mr. Jennings said he would agree to that and would send a letter to that effect. Also, Mayor Lannoye suggested that the charge for the Affidavit of Wages Paid be included in the bid price in the future. Also, Mayor Lannoye asked Neil Fuller about a voucher to Carlson and Drewlow. Neil said they stated they would charge only 55.00 per hour rather than 70.00 which they billed the City. Neil advised the Clerk to change the voucher from 245.00 to 192.50. There being no other questions, Hartley Beeler made a motion that the bills be paid. Seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Hartley Beeler said he and Bob Goodman still are working on the light project with P.U.D. It will have to wait until Spring now because of weather. Mayor Lannoye said he received a letter from the Amateur Hockey Assn. thanking the Council for giving them permission to operate a fireworks stand. Cliff Tvedten thanked the Council for the Eastmont Swim Team for their fireworks stand July 4th and said the money was put to good use. Mayor Lannoye said one individual operating a fireworks stand said most of their profits would go to Muscular Dystrophy. However, after checking, he had not turned any proceeds over to them. He advised the Council that they may want to take a closer look in the future, at the applicants who apply for stands. Neil Fuller said he talked to the Attorney for Group Cable and they don't have the statements at this time as they have to come from New York but he said the franchise fee should have increased because of cable incresses etc. Clerk was asked to put this matter back on the agenda. Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 342 (animal Control) Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Authorization was given by the Council to adopt the Contract for Communications Services between the City of Wenatchee and the City of East Wenatchee for the year 1983. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 343 (1982 Emergency Budget) Motion was made by John Pflugrath, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed ' unanimously. 1 a O ";LO c-vri AOR'eW *RLsnowLueun passed pup ueounO keb Xq papuooaS •pauanoCpe aq 6UL40aw ay; ;ey; uoL;ow a apew aaLaas kBL;aeH 'ssauLsnq aay;an; ou 6ULaq aaagl •pua;;p pLnoo pa;Saaa;UL auokaana OS aaay UOL;pooL a;Ls 6ULULea; a ;sa66ns o; al[L pLnom ' Fay; pies LLounoO ayl •sapoo uoL;eLLe;suL pup do ;as awoH aLlgoW o; aouaaa;aa uL •ussy 6uLsnOH Lean;oe;nueW uo46uLyseM ay} woa; aa;;aL a peaa aRO uue] JOXPW •aeaR ay; ;o ;SAL; ay; as;;p ;46noy; aaow ;L anL6 pLnom Fay; pips Ll3uno0 ayl •a;aLdwoo o; sy;uow gL 0; ZL aje; pLnom pup 00.0091S RLa;ewLxoadde ;Soo pLnom ;I •saOLnaas ;uawaLddns pup UOL;eoL;lpoo ;o uoLssnosLp awns seM aaayl •a;on ;ou PLP LLLalloW LLaaapO pup aaLaag RaL;.aeH •ueounO f'ea Rq passed pue y4e.A6nL;d uyoC Xq papuooas ';a6pnq ay; ;daoop o; uoL;ow a apew yoLb P3 Looyos ay; uod 00.0001OL do Rpn;s k4 M qL sea; e 4Sule6e seM ay pa;e;s OSLe aH L0040S ay; ao; PaZLaoy;np LLounoO ay; ;pqm ;SULPbP LLL;S SEM PUP aaoL;;O y;[ p 4SULP62 SEM ay PLes aRouueq aoReW •;a6pnq ay; uo s;y6noy; S,JORPW ay; paISP aaLaaO uewLLounoO °uoLssnosLp aaow yonw as;;y -;no umoay; aq pLnoys pup 46Ly oo; Spm ;L ;La; pup 496pnq ay; paUOL;sanb ssob paaj •aLdoad SsaL y;lM UOL;onpoad aaow ;a6 noR pup 46Ly oo; spm ;a6pnq ay; ;La; ay pa;e;S ua;panl ddLLO •;abpne LeUL3 ay; 4SULe6e paaeaddp suosaad oml •;sanbea SLy; 0; paaa6e Llounoo ayl 'RJPSSaOaU sL aaoL;;o UOL;egoad a sLaa; ;anoo ay; ;L auL; ;o awL; ay; ;e LpnpinLpuL ay; woa; pa;oaLLOo aq LLLM XaUOw ayl •saOLnaaS uoL;egoad ao; 4a6pnq ;ano0 ay; o; pappp aq pLnoo 00.00b`Z dL LLounoo ay; palsp uo;LLweH 96pnC -RLsnowLueun passed pup y;ea6nL;d uyoC Xq papuooas '40L2 P3 Rq apew SUM UOL;oW (aoueuLPaO RJRLeS) bb£ aoueuLpaO ;dope o; uanL6 SUM UOL;eZLaoy;np 'uoLssnosLp awos aa;;y ,XLsnowLupun passed pue LLLalloW LLaaaeO Rq papuooas 'upounO Red Xq apew SPM UOL40W •;aaa;s o; ;uaoaad Oq pup asuadxa ;uaaano o; ;uaoaad 09 anuanaa xe; saLes pue R';aadoad ;LLds o; LLounoO ay; Rq uanL6 seM UOL;eZLaoy;ny BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT DEC. 20, 1982 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Wm. McKenzie Dec. 1982 Salary 279.90 2. Wm. Hamilton 585.76 3. Dorotha McGee 598.70 4. Dorotha McGee 3% earned retirement 235.12 5. Roberta Burnap Dec. 1982 Salary 420.79 6. Roberta Burnap 3% earned retirement 189.57 7. Robert H. Scott Dec. 1982 Public Defender Retainer 230.00 8. Forrest W. Lannoye Dec. 1982 Salary 293.89 9. Peggy McArthur " " 11 1 010.60 10. Peggy McArthur 3% earned retirement 432.83 11. Virginia Kinzel Dec. 1982 Salary 743.47 12. Virginia Kinzel 3% earned retirement 293.89 13. D. N. Fuller & Associates Dec. 1982 Legal Retainer 963.00 14. Ronald W. Lannoye Dec. 1982 Salary 382.34 15. Ronald 14. Lannoye 3% earned retirement 150.15 16. Robert Goodman 3% earned retirement 72.96 17. Lenueal W. Breckenridge Dec. 1982 Salary 334.06 18. Lenueal W. Breckenridge 3% earned retirement 63.91 19. George Sperline Dec. 1982 Salary 326.55 20. Pedco Credit Union Dec. 1982 Credit Union Payment 250.00 21. Carlson & Drewelow Deposition Fuller & Lannoye 245.00 22. Security Bank of WA. Dec. 1982 Withholding Deposit 2 102.46 23. P. U. D. No. 1 of D. C. 2 Months Service to City Hall 200.00 '24. Office Plus, Inc. Typing for Robert W. Crawford 9.60 25. The Wenatchee World (2) Notice of Hearing 22.29 26. General Telephone Co. 1 Months Service 144.23 27. The Craftsman Office Supplies city Clerk's Office 21.45 28. Northwest Bearings Parts for Lawnmower 30.92 STREET 1. Ronald Lannoye Dec. 1982 Salary 684.59 2. Ronald Lannoye 3% earned retirement 300.27 3. Robert Goodman Dec. 1982 Salary 1 090.21 4. Robert Goodman 3% earned retirement 403.78 5. Danny E. Reeves 3% earned retirement 226.30 6. Lenueal Breckenridge Dec. 1982 Salary 666.99 7. Lenueal Breckenridge 3% earned retirement 126.98 8. Pedco Credit Union Dec. 1982 Credit Union Payment 155.00 9. Security Bank of WA. Dec. 1982 Withholding Deposit 414.24 10. Traffic Safety Supply Co. 2 Traffic Control Signs 21.84 11. Joe Welty Ford Glove Compartment Latch for Boom Truck 5.38 12. Chevron U.S.A. Gasoline Credit Card Charges (Seattle) 98.48 13. P.U.D. No. 1 of D. C. 2 Months Service 1 757.00 14. Central WA., Fire Protection Co. 1/2 Fire Extinguisher for Gas House 19.56 15. Wells & Wade Hardware 10 Syly. Starters 5.62 16. Grange Supply Co. 81 Gals. Gas @ 1.086 p/g 87.97 17, Basin Asphalt Co. .86 Tons Cold Mix 25.05 ' 18. Elder Auto Parts, Inc. Parts for Roller & Shop supplies 36.81 19. Pybus Steel Co. Part for Snow Plow Blade & Asphalt Roller 11.05 1 09'2L Pled s96eM 40 4LnePLbdV LL'L9£ Z 44LL do uoLIAod 6uLoe;AnsaA uo %OL 00'OS (1009) seaLd A9LLn0 16uLuLe6.Ae8 eaLd 00'99 Mel a,AnZLaS q 40.AeaS uoLgdL.AOsgnS 68' E L 9L'bd£ 68'L 8S'OL £0'bL LS'6L 06'66 0 L' Zb Z6'ZEO 9L'EZ 00'9ZS 86'Z9 S6'b89 ZE'EZ 90'ZOZ 8L' LL6 8L'S60 bL'b9L SS'98Z SO' 9L£ 00' L Lb 00'OZ 00'OZ 00'OZ 00'OZ 00'OZ 00'OZ L# .Ae3 J01 SI-ARd 6/d 9LL'L 0 allLLoseg °•sle9 L62 L# asOH A04eLPPb SJULad sw.Aod 1,Aodaa awL.A3 asnoH seg Ao3 Aagsn6UL4x3 a.ALj Z/L s;aL40 aOLLOd 9 sd;Lua4S ;o ussv 'VM sad0Lanu3 009 L 4uaw,�ed 4uawa,AL3a21 Z86L '090 sp.Aeo JLp8,A0 uo pa6.Ae4o auLLOseg aOLn.AaS 3uogd8LBi Loua6.Aaw3 286L '0a0 pau.Aea 4uaw0,A Lja,A %£ L'aeLeS 11 L',AeLeS aoLn,aaS LLnL3 Z86L '3a0 Pau,Aea 3u8wa,a L3a.A %£ L If L It L It L 4ueLeS Z86L '0a0 11 If 11 11 11 It II 11 11 aoueMOLLV 6uLue9LO Aa*4ieno 43b 00 6uLned 4Le4dsV LLLJAOW -LZ 00 6uLned 4Le4dsV LLLauOW OZ 133biS 00 uewp,AP09 A-1ELO '0£ 03 uewp.APOS IueLO "6Z 3SN3dX3 AMbn0 s'4,Aed o4nV AaPL3 'LZ •03 XLddnS a6ue.Ag •gZ aoLn.AaS u04sLd 'SZ se,aawe0 SILK 'bZ L'Juno0 4ewou4LnW '£Z 00 uOL43a4O.Ad aaLJ 'VM LeA-4ua3 'ZZ pund 6uLnLonad a0uenpV Lane.Al 'LZ JUL-Ad uI 'OZ swa4SfiS 4uawa.AL4aa jo 4da0 •6L 'V'S'n uo,Ana43 •8L 9a4o4euaM d0 44L3 'LL p.Aeda4S uaaL44e)j ' 9 L p,aeda4S uaal44eN 'SL pueL8JI Lae4oLW 'bL L'e,AB or esLl '£L uosL.AueH u40P 'ZL 6Lu.ALA 4a40 ' LL Spw041 we.ALH 'OL uLJ3e3 '0 Lae40LW •6 L'gJLN PLO-AeH •8 WO.A9 'wM 'L uosL.AJPH u40P •9 6Lu.ALA 3a43 '9 sewo4l weaLH 'b 6uL4420 Lae40LW '£ j%ALN PLO.AeH •Z s300,A8 'wM -L 33I lOd