HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/6/1982 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCouncil Meeting
Dec. 6, 1982
Councilmen present were as follows: John Pflugrath, Hartley Beeler, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich
and Darrell McNeill. Attorney Neil Fuller and Peggy McArthur, City Clerk.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray
Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously.
Bills and accounts were approved as submitted with the exception of two vouchers to
Morrill Asphalt. The Council would like a representative from that company to attend the
next Council meeting and explain why they placed a sidewalk across a driveway and will not
remove same before realeasing the 10% and also, why the City is being charged for
Affidavit of Wages Paid. They felt this should have been made a part of the bid.
Motion was made by Hartley Beeler to pay all other bills, seconded by Ray Duncan and
passed unanimously.
Neil Fuller said he had talked with Gary Riesen, Attorney for Group Cable about the
franchise fees but had not heard back from him as yet. Clerk was asked to put this
matter back on the agenda.
Mayor Lannoye read a letter he received from Neil Fuller in reference to sanding
driveway into Valley Mall at 5th and 6th street. In researching the problem he stated
the law is very strict that a City has the responsibility to adequately maintain those
rights of way for the safety of persons who use them. He stated that since the City
control two signal lights we have some duty to not put a person in a position of
'being unable to respond to our signals and controls.
Councilman Beeler told the Council that P.U.D. will require 1,378.00 to provide street
lights to the locations on 14th Street. The City will have to furnish trenching, duct
and backfill and is required to sign a five year contract for each light. No action
was taken at this time and Councilman Pflugrath said he would check into the entire
cost of the project.
Greg Taylor, Gordon Ohme and Steven Gamble, representing the Cascade Loop Assn. gave
a presentation and requested 20% of the 1982 Hotel/Motel tax. Ray Duncan and Mayor
Lannoye said they were very disappointed that the brochures the Assn. had been passing
out left East Wenatchee off the map and the newest brochure showed East Wenatchee but
no possible way of getting into the City. After much discussion, the Council said
they would study the information presented and talk to Restaurant and Motel owners
and see if they feel they have benefited from the Association's advertising.
Dec. 20th was the date set by the Council for a emergency budget hearing. Motion
was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously.
Dec. 20th was the date set by the Council for a hearing of the final budget and
salary ordinance. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by Ray Duncan and
passed unanimously.
Authorzation was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 340 (Pertaining to Zoning)
' Motion was made by John Pflugrath, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously.
Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 241 (Dispensing with
Employees Retirement Program) Motion was made by John Pflugrath, seconded by Ed Rich
and passed unanimously.
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Mayor Lannoye asked the Council when they wished to implement the sales tax.
John Pflugrath, Ed Rich and Ray Duncan stated they want the tax to start the first
of April.
The Council agreed to pay for the lighting of the sign entering the City limits
with stadium Fund monies. The Chamber is to bill the City.
Councilman Pflugrath asked Bob Goodman if he had patched the roof on the school
building. Bob said it was on his schedule.
There being no further business, Motion was made by Hartley Beeler to adjourn,
seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously.
Mayor T
City C e
1. Ray Duncan
2. Darrell McNeill
3. Ed Rich
4. Hartley Beeler
5. John Pflugrath
6. Don Sapp
7. Kevin G. Winters
8. Eugene Shaw
9. Fred Padoshek
10. Do., Co., Serew Dist.
11. Wen. V. Humane Society
12. The Craftsman
13. Grant Road Hardware
14. James Dart
15. Emp. Sec. Dept.
16. Petty Cash
1. Emp. Sec. Dept.
2. Knutson Lbr., Co.
3. WA. St. Treasurer
4. Guthrie Machinery Co.
5. Pybus Steel Co.
6. Enterprise Oxygen Co.
7. Columbia Concrete Co.
8. Cascade Natural Gas
9. Do. Co. Road Dept.
10. Elder Auto Parts
11. Wells & Wade Hardware
12. Grant Road Hardware
13. Grange Supply Co.
14. Petty Cash
1. Grange Supply Co.
2. Street Dept.
3. Lighthouse Uniform Co.
4. Kits Cameras
5. Kayo's Car Wash
6. The Keyhole
7. Cascade Chevrolet
8. Mobilefone N. W.
9. General Telephone
10. Apple City Office Supply
11. Elder Auto Parts
12. Wenatchee Office Supply
13. City of Wenatchee
1. Do. Co. Fire Dist. #2
Nov. 1982 Per -diem
Witness Fee & Milage
Two Months Service
4th Quarter Dog Control Payment
Office Supplies, Police, Clerk & C.
Clerk 92.24
Nov. & Dec. Payment on Copier
Nov. Social Security Payment
2 325.32
Misc., Cash Expenditures
Nov. Social Security Payment 435.62
Siding for 1 Ton 22.62
Traffic Signal Maint. Oct. 1982 118.67
6 Drums Emulsion 211.20
Metal to extend levers on controls 6.29
Tank Flammable Gas 20.86
2 Curb inlet Boxes _,ft ,.., Qn.�Y---i- 116.49
1 Months service to Shop 75.77
Sand Bags Sand & Diesel 805.28
Misc. Parts & Supplies 128.20
Lights, Bulbs & Parts for Asphalt Roller 31.29
Nuts, Bolts, Washers & weather stripping 8.35
94 Gals., Regular Gasoine 104.34
Misc. Cash Expenditures 53.88
320 Gals., Unleaded Gasoline
Repairs on Police Vehicles
7 Shirts & 1 Tie
3 Rolls Film
Nov. Police Car Washes
Keys & Changed Locks Police Dept.
Signal Switch #3, * Trunk Lid Seal
Service for Dec. 1982
Emergency Telephone Wenatchee
Office Supplies
Misc. Parts Cars 1, 3 & 4
Office Supplies
Prisoners Room & Board
1 155.00
Second 6 Months Fire Contract 27 052.00
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