HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/15/1982 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING November 15, 1982 Councilmen present: John Pflugrath, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich, Darrell McNeill and Hartley Beeler. Attorney Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted after some discussion about several vouchers. Central Communications submitted a bill in the amount of 307.48 for repairing a radio that got wet. Chief Brooks said he didn't know why it got wet. Bob Goodman stated that the trunk seal was not tight and apparently water got in. Also a 26.00 registration fee was questioned by the Mayor for the Chief and one officer to attend a work shop in Seattle. Mayor also asked Neil Fuller if his invoices could be broken down more to show how much each law suit is costing the City. Neil said this could be worked out. There being no further questions, Ray Duncan made a motion that the bills be paid, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Ray Duncan said he has a disability meeting Tuesday and will report on that at the next meeting. Hartley Beeler said he was working with Karl Heath, P.U.D. about installing lights at 14th and 15th. He stated Karl should have written requests and costs in a few days. Clerk was asked to put this matter on the agenda for the next meeting. Mayor Lannoye asked Neil Fuller if he had an received an opinion from the Attorney General's Office concerning sanding the intersections in and out of the mall. Neil said he called but did not get an answer to date. Will try again. Neil Fuller said a Council member does not have to vote on an issue for whatever reason he may have. Mrs. Rankin thanked the Council for putting the library annexation on the ballot. She said she was surprised at the votes cast in favor of the annexation and stated it will be Jan. of 1984 before city residents can use the library under this annexation as taxes will be collected in 1983. Mayor Lannoye thanked Mrs. Rankin for coming. Neil Fuller said he did not have the zoning ordinance prepared as he is waiting for a legal description of the area from George Sperline. Will have the Ordinance ready for the next meeting. The Department of Transportation canceled their presentation as they are conducting a further study. Both Ed Rich and Heber Kennedy said they feel the department had under estimated the traffic flow through the City during construction of the new highway. Mayor Lannoye asked if anyone had checked the franchise fees with Group Cable T.V. Neil Fuller said he would check into it. Clerk was asked to put this matter back on the agenda. 1 �laal0 �';LO `any; i o � �'66ad UORQW l akouueq ;saU To3 •f'LsnOWLupun passed pup y;eu6nL}d uyop fq papuooaS •pauunoCpp aq 6uL3aaw ay; ;Py; UOL;ow P apPw uaLD@9 f'aL;aeH °SSauLsnq ,aay;,an} ou 6uLaq aaayl •saouaaa}}tp LLauos.aad awns uLP o; ;uawu.anoCpe Ua;}e pLay aq 0; 6UL4a0W anLgnaaxa UP JO} p81sP S�OOJ8 }aL43 'XPManLup a;enLid a sem SL44 pazLLP@a aney pLnoys Ray; Laa} LLounoO ayl 'R;LLLgLsuodsa,a .a Lay; s;L Laa} IOU saop Ruedwoo ay; pees upwpoog qo8 ';no ;L aIP4 as La auoawos aney 0; sey X;LO ay; }L sesuadxa SCUP Janoo LLLm a6PULe4au ;uao.aad OL ayl •;aau;s 44LL uo SSOuoe sILemapts I PLPL f'ay; S'PManLap a4; ;noge ULe6p gLeydsy LLIJJOW ;oe;uoo o; palse spm upwpoog qo8 ROL awooaq s;aaa;s ay; uaym wOLgoad a aq 4y6LW SLy; pLes Rpauu@N ,aagaH 'gPmMJPd LLeW R9LLPA PUP Ja}puP;S ;P UbLs ay; BULUJ90UOD ULP6e LLap.aoO /CPS ;oe;uoo pLnom ay pLes aaLLn3 LLaN 'LRLouaWWOO LPuauag s;oPul a.aoy sLLassel uPA }o SUOL;aod 6uLuoz J04 LLounoO ay; pajupy; S'pauuaN UagaH •f'La4PLpaWWL do ;L MOLLo} UPo ay OS poLJad Lenowaa Maus ay; 6ULunp anLaoaa RPW uokeW uo LLounoO ay; s4ULPLdwoo Rup ;nogg 6ULaea4 a;eLoa.adde pLnom ay pLes upwpoog qo8 •a6,ae4o ou aq LLLM aaay; os Woou a auPys o; sueLd 4aL43 ayl •SLeaW JOS 00'Ob Pup 00.09 6uLaq aa} uoL;pa4sL68a 6 9 `8 `L 'oaO °joLMauuaA UL S}aL40 OOLLod g s}}Lua4S 10 'Ussy uo;6uL4sPM }o aouaua}uoO ua;uLM a pua;;P o; SjOOJ9 }aL43 0; UanL6 sPM UOLSSLWuad •paspaLdSLp aaaM SaakoLdwa pue satuow ;uawaat;ai 844 So UOL:Ljod pooh a a6.aeyo pLnom kuedwoo ay; ;py; paaeadde ;L `sJO Lasunoo ;uaW;sanUL y;Lm s6ut;a9w LPUanas ,aa;}y •aseauouL kJ PLes ;uao.aad OL So naLL UL asPauoUL kJPLPs ;uaoiad L pue u?Ld ;UawaaL;au ;uaouad £ asoyo AJ aLO SILO pue saakOLdwa ayl 'LLounoO ay; Xq pa;dope 4a6pnq LPuL} ay; UL a.an6L} ;L}auaq ay; UL papnLouL sem a@kOLdwa yoea UOS ;uao,aad £ ay; ;Py; LLounoO ay; pasLnpe JJaLO k;LO ayl ';U8W3JL;aa sLy; ao} aoueutpao �aPLes ay; UL SUOLSLnoid uo aOUPULPJO OU SPM aaay; sP paLpuey aq Ueo pLy; M04 ASP pue SJDULWPXa LPOOL ay; ;oP;uoo pLnom a4 pLes LLaN •s6uL,aea4 4a6pnq Z86L ay; 6UL,anp LLounoO ay; k'q do ;as ;UaWDJL;aa ;uao.aad £ ay; anLosstp o; pa;on kLsnOWLueun saakOLdw3 SILO ;ey; pa;p;s akouup; .aoRbW '; L 0; UL VNO L L LM aH • uapuo UL SPM ;UPJJPM yo,aeaS a `S;ULPLdWoo ua;;L,am 146noua auam aaay; }L pLes LLaN 'coop ay; ;e sdo;s °paWLPLo Xay; °qoC JLay; ;nq 40LJ4SL0 44LPaH ay; pa;oe;uoo pey ays pLPS ayS •;a.aua} P pup s;Lgge.a aney pup ;Lun auo UL 6ULnLL a.ae suosuad OL pa;P;s ayS ';S uaMPS 000L ;P pa4POOL ;uaw4aede up ;noge 6ULULPLdwoo au[IaadS a6.aoa9 paLLeo RPP L P pLPS aSOuuP3 JOAPW BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT NOV. 15, 1982 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Wm. McKenzie Nov. 1982 Salary 279.90 2. Wm. Hamilton " 585.76 3. Dorotha McGee 598.70 4. Roberta Burnap It " 420.79 5. Robert H. Scott, Jr. Public Defender Retainer 230.00 6. Forrest Lannoye Salary 293.89 7. Peggy McArthur 1 010.60 8. Virginia Kinzel 743.47 9. D. N. Fuller & Asso. Legal Retainer 963.00 10. Ronald W. Lannoye Salary 382.34 11. Lenueal Breckenridge 334.06 12. George W. Sperline 326.55 13. WA. Physicians Service Dec. Medical Insurance 1 080.75 14. Pedco Credit Union Nov. Credit Union Payment 250.00 15. Security Bank of WA. 11 " Withholding Deposit 1 978.20 16. Willene Gaston Jury Fee 10.00 17. Mary D. Marker 10.00 18. Norma Thompson 10.00 19. Gerald Chapton 10.00 20. Delorah Easley 10.00 21. George Lytle 10.00 22. Connie Spoonemore 10.00 Jo Hopkins 10.00 '23. 24. William Emerson 10.00 25. Marilyn Patrick 10.00 26. Fritz Schwab 10.00 27. William Abshier it It 10.00 28. Central WA. Fire Protection Annual Checkup Fire Extinguisher 9.75 29. Penny McCamey Witness Fee 10.00 30. David Allen It 11 10.00 31. Ron Browning " " 10.00 32. The Craftsman Office Supplies City Clerk & Court Clerk 34.42 33. WA. Courthouse Supply 1000 Municipal Court Receipts 116.25 34. Office of State Auditor Remainder due on 1981 Examination 1 303.44 STREET -T7-Ronald Lannoye Nov. 1982 Salary 684.59 2. Robert Goodman it " 1 090.21 3. Lenueal Breckenridge " if 666.99 4. Security Bank of WA. It " Withholding Deposit 385.80 5. WA. Physicians Service Dec. 1982 Medical Insurance 179.15 6. Pedco Credit Union Nov. " Credit Union Payment 155.00 7. Interstate Parts & Equip. 1 Amber 12 V Strob light for Loader 97.22 8. Wenatchee Petroleum Co. Prestone for Street Vehicler 116.49 Central WA. Fire Protection Annual Service Fire Extinguishers & Parts 15.31 '9. 10. Grange Supply Gasoline 67.80 11. Les Schwab Tire Center Tire Repair on 79 Int. 13.23 1 ' 00'9Z uauPL[40 d 68'9L 1 00 9L 00 09 8b 00 36 Z6 00 9Z 00 98 Et 00 26 96 ZE 8L 8L bL 99 90 00 OZ 8 9E 0 LZ LO£ £9 OL L L9£ OZL 89 99L SE L 6L bZ9 Z£0 b89 EZ LL6 S60 b9L 98Z 9 LE LLb ssaupaueda.a (.aauos saLOL s.a Leda saOLA.aaS Le693 aOLA,aaS SPUOW L o asngy LenxaS dogS juoM Xe0 L s,ALeda8 a.ALJ £ d saOLAJDS XOua6.aaw3 jo 6uLdXl 6uL4sLUL,L0404d V wLL3 ea4b sLuuaO UOPeuLwex3 Lud) ea4b sLuuaO JOJ aOueLngwy Z# Je0 uL OLpea 6uL.ALedaa 40LeaH LequaW - 3uaw4ea,al u4eH SULe40 9 6uLPPn4S `saJLJ Z allLLoseg daal s,aauosLad 48A aOLLod uL asn Aol auolsa,ad PLOH sXeO (L)s,aauosL.ad uawOM b ,ae0 aOLLOd .ao3 4uawas,angwLaa spae0 Isa,a,atl OOOZ aOLA,aaS auogdaLal XOua6,aaw3 „ 3uawXed JuaWOJLgaa „ XaeLeS aOLAJaS LLALO X,ae LUS 386 L ' AON S'd 'OuI LasseO q ,aaLLnJ o0 auo4da Lal Le.aaua0 3SN3dX3 1N32 HF3 aOL;;O s, Le.aauag XauaOggtl '9Z oOexal 'bZ XespuLI epuLJ 'EZ se.aawe0 s:LL� •ZZ OLULLO aLLLA,aagehi ' LZ saOLAaaS 44LeaH o0 00 OZ suoL4eOLunwwo0 Le,aluaO •6L doo0 43 LeaH dno,ag • 8 L aOLA,aaS s.JOLO 'LL •o0 XLddnS a6ue.a9 '9L aa404euaM 40 A LO '9L •o0 wnaLO.4 ad a0403euaM 'bL 4da0 s,j}L.aa4S '00 ueLa40 £L }uaw4.aeda0 gaaa;S aagOleuaM 4se3 10 4410 'ZL 4ULUd uI 'LL aa4O4eu8M 30 X4LO 'OL quawa.AL4a'd Jo 'gda0 '6 p.aedagS uuy uaaLggeN '8 pueLa.al Lae4OLW 'L uosL.a.aeH ugop •9 6LUJLA 4a40 'S sewogl we.ALH 'b uL-43eO Lae4OLW '£ XqU L� P LO.aeH • Z sIoo.a8 'wM -L 30IIOd