HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/18/1982 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesExecutive Meeting Oct. 18, 1982 The Council agreed that Neil Fuller should continue the law suit between Ed Dillon and the City. Judge Hamilton ruled that it was a Civil matter and the case would have to go before District Court for collection of rental taxes due from 1981. The Council also agreed that they wished to continue the suit between Yakima Theatres and the City to collect all of the admission tax due to date and then Mr. Mercy could come before the Council and •reques:t lower admission tax and the Council would take it under advisement -after restitution has been made in full. ' The for Council agreed to a 1970 Ford Model submit a bid of $4,076.00 to Douglas County P.U.D. F-350 1 Ton Truck with aerial ladder. Authorization was given to the City Clerk to send a warrant of 10 percent to accompany the bid as required by the P.U.D. I city �� !� _ 1 COUNCIL MEETING Oct. 18, 1982 Councilmen present: John Pflugrath, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich, Darrell McNeill and Hartley Beeler. Attorney Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seonded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. Mayor Lannoye read a letter to the Council from Neil Fuller regarding overtime pay of Roy Freeman and Dan Reeves. Neil said he felt the Statute of Limitations had run on Mr. Freeman's claims. Neil Fuller stated in his letter that since Mr. Reeves had been paid his overtime by way of taking time off at the rate of one and one-half times his regular rate, while being paid for the same, he had received all he was entitled to. After some discussion Hartley Beeler made a motion that both claims be denied, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed by Darrell McNeill. John Pflugrath and Ed Rich did not vote. Motion carried. Authorization was given by the Council to adopt the Preliminary Budget as presented. Motion was made by John Pflugrath, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. ' The Council set Nov. 1, 1982 as the date for Federal Shared Revenue Hearing. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. The Council was advised by Neil Fuller that medical services for Dennis Rhea, a prisoner, would have to be paid by the City as Mr. Rhea has moved out of State. Mr. Rhea complained of heart pains while in jail in Waterville and was taken to Central Washington Hospital by ambulance and observed in the coronary unit. A meeting is to be scheduled with the Department of Transportation in reference to re-routing traffic during the new State highway change. Ed Rich said the State has in their plans to put a signal light at 9th and Valley Mall Parkway. Councilman John Pflugrath asked the other Council members if they had any thoughts on what should be done with the City lots off Valley Mall Parkway. He said he would like to see them sold. After some discussion, the Council asked Mayor Lannoye if he would check with some appraisers to see what they would charge to appraise the lots. The Clerk was asked to put this issue back on the agenda. Ray Duncan said he was still working with a company concerning the loader. Ed Rich said if the loader is not running by the next meeting, the Council should think about getting another loader. Mayor Lannoye asked that an executive meeting be called concerning a Court Case and a bid price for a truck being sold by P.U.D. which requires a sealed bid. There being no further business, Hartley Beeler made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Mayor City BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT OCT. 18, 1982 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Wm. McKenzie Oct. 1982 Salary 279.90 2. Wm. Hamilton 585.76 3. Dorotha M. McGee 598.70 4. Roberta Burnap 420.79 5. Robert H. Scott Public Defender Retainer 230.00 6. Forrest W. Lannoye Salary 293.89 7. Peggy McArthur 1 010.60 8. Virginia Kinzel 743.47 9. D. N. Fuller & Asso. Legal Retainer 963.00 10. George W. Sperline It It Salary 326.55 11. Ronald W. Lannoye It 11 382.34 12. Lenueal Breckenridge " " 334.06 13. Swallowline Printing 100 Stop Work Cards 27.53 14. Jacqueline Keagle Jury Fee 10.00 15. Mary Treat " 10.00 16. Kristy McGregor 10.00 17. Fritz Schwab 10.00 18. Constance Lawrence 10.00 19. Edgar Hinderer 10.00 20. Marvin Forney 10.00 21. Margaret Grubbs 10.00 22. Marilyn Martin 10.00 23. Ada Roy 10.00 24. Wm. Abshier 10.00 ' 25. Jon Rappuhn 10.00 26. General Telephone One Months Service 151.62 27. P. U. D. 2 Months Service to City Hall 78.00 28. Pedco Credit Union Oct. Credit Union Payment 250.00 29. WA. Physicians Service Nov. 1982 Medical Insurance Payment 1 080.75 30. C K C Leasing Inc. Oct. 1982 Payment for Copier 113.20 31. Nelson Office Machines Stand for Copier & Tonner & Waste Kit 209.05 32. Security Bank of WA. Oct. 1982 Withholding Deposit 1 759.20 STREET 1. Lenueal. Breckenridge Oct. 1982 Salary 666.99 2. Robert Goodman 1 090.21 3. Ronald Lannoye 684.59 4. WA. Physicians Service Nov. 1982 Medical Insurance Payment 179.15 5. Pedco Credit Union Oct. 1982 Credit Union Payment 155.00 6. Security Bank of WA. Oct. 1982 Withholding Deposit 385.80 7. Grange Supply Co. Gasoline 565.46 8. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Additional Premium - Audit 423.50 9. P. U. D. 2 Months Service 1 742.00 10. W. A. G. Inc. Filling Cracks on Grant Road 1 127.61 POLICE 1. Wm. Brooks Oct. 1982 Salary 1 411.00 2. Harold Kirby 1 315.05 3. Michael Cattin 759.82 4. Hiram Thomas 1 164.74 5. Chet G. Virnig 1 095.78 6. 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