HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/4/1982 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING
Oct. 4, 1982
1 Councilmen present: John Pflugrath, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich and Darrell McNeill.
City Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye.
Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as presented. Motion was made by
Ray Duncan, seconded by John Plfugrath and passed unanimously.
Bills and accounts were adopted as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan,
seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously.
Councilman Ray Duncan said they were still working on some possibilities concerning
the loader.
Mayor Lannoye stated that George Sperline, Planning Consultant questioned if the
Council wanted him to issue building permits for individuals replacing roofs,
windows, etc. He does not wish to be chastised for not following the Code completely.
The Council all agreed that replacement maintenance should not require a permit if
there were no changes in the structure of the building. Neil Fuller said he would
study the Code to make sure it would not take an Ordinance to exempt these items.
Wayne Wright, speaking for some of the residents living on Colorado Street, asked
if there was any way that the City could plow the street. He stated, for 23 years
' it has been used as a City Street. John Pflugrath pointed out that the street is
a private easement and if this easement was a street it is in the County and the
City couldn't service it. Mr. Wright asked what it would take to bring the road
into the City. Neil Fuller said the City could not touch it even for compensation
as it is a private easement. It was suggested that the property owners try to purchase
a 30 foot strip.The City could then try to annex the property into the City. The
present owners are not willing to deed the property over to the City.
Mayor Lannoye asked who would be responsible if there was a fire or someone needed
an ambulance and couldn't get in. Neil Fuller said the property owners are
responsible to maintain the easement.
The Council all agreed, that they would accept the street if there was any possible
way for the property owners to obtain the 20 foot easement plus another 10 feet,
and if the State examiners approved the proposition and the County was willing to
let the City annex that portion into the City.
Neil Fuller said he would contact the Insurance company concerning 600.00 the City
was to receive in the Stanley Scott vs. City of East Wenatchee.
The Council agreed to let Neil Fuller try to work out a settlement with Financial
Consultants International, Inc. They are asking an additional 1,588.62 residual
plus sales tax of 426.22 for the two leased police cars. $650.00 is the top the
Council wished to negotiate for.
' Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 339 (Setting the Tax
Levy) Motion was made by John Pflugrath, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed
The Council set October 18th as the date for the preliminary budget. Motion was
made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously.
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1. Ray Duncan
2. Darrell McNeill
3. Ed Rich
4. Hartley Beeler
5. John Pflugrath
6. The Craftsman
7. The Wenatchee World
8. Wenatchee Humane Society
9. Grant Road Hardware
10. R. L. Polk & Co.
11. Petty Cash
12. Chelan Co., Treasurer
13. Emp. Security Dept.
14. Emp. Security Dept.
15. Dept. of Labor & Ind.
16. Emp. Security Dept.
1. Northwest Bearing
2. Cascade Chevrolet Co.
3. Dept. of Labor & Ind.
4. Elder Auto Parts
' 5. Grant Road Hardware
6. Emp. Security Dept.
7. Emp. Security Dept.
8. WA. St. Treasurer
1. Kayo's Car Wash
2. Jack Millers
3. Johnson's Inc.
4. Kit's Cameras
5. Dave Corn
6. Walt Doll
7. Ace Auto Parts
8. Mobilefone NW
9. Grange Supply
10. Wenatchee Office Supply
11. Elder Auto Parts
12. St. Dept. C. of E. Wenatchee
13. NW Law Enforcement Equip.
14. Apple City Office Supply
1. Fuller & Cassel Inc. P.S
Sept. 1982 Per -diem
Office Supplies for Court Clerk's office
(2) Board of Adjustment Hearings
3rd Quarter Dog Control Payment
Supplies for repairs
1982 City Directory
Postage for Police, Court & Clerk
3rd Quarter Payment for Alcoholism
3rd Quarter Unemployment Compensation
Sept. Social Security Deposit
2 302.04
3rd Quarter Industrial Insurance
1 083.70
Administrative Expense
Parts for Flusher 33.35
Brake Pedal Pad GMC 5.18
3rd Quarter Industrial Ins. 291.86
Parts & Supplies for repairs & maintenance 43.31
Supplies for storm drains, shop & traffic cont.14.72
3rd Quarter Unemployment Compensation 18.63
Sept. Social Security 435.62
Traffic Signal Maint., July & Aug. 1982 175.26
Sept. 1982 Police Car Washes
Processing Film
Office Supplies
Sept. 1982 Wages
11 " "
Used Alternater for #4
Service for Oct. 1982
243 Gals., Gasoline
1 Box catalog envelopes
Spring for mower & Filers for Police Cars
Repairs on Police Cars
B & D Test E for Marijuana
Office Supplies
Legal Services 676.84