HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/8/1982 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING
Sept. 8, 1982
1 Councilmen present: John Pflugrath, Ed Rich, Hartley Beeler, Darrell McNeill and
Ray Duncan. Attorney Pro-tem, Don Bell and City Clerk
Peggy McArthur.
Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye.
Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as presented. Motion was made by
Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously.
Bills and accounts were approved as submitted with vouchers to Sears in the
amount of 20.10 and National Rifle Assn., in the amount of 25.00, held until these
expenditures are explained by Chief Brooks. Also vouchers to Pybus Steel, Columbia
Concrete and Herb's Rent -all to come out of the cumulative storm drain fund.
Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously.
John Pflugrath stated that the street department appears to be spending a large
amount for tools and would like a copy of the inventory and also would like to see all
of the equipment engraved. Bob Goodman said he would take care of this.
Harry Patrick appeared before the Council concerning a shack he has on his property
next to the river. He claimed the man living in the shack has his permission to be
there and he wants him to remain. John Pflugrath said that by letting this one man
remain there it may create a problem with others who might want to move in and have
to follow the building code. Dick McGraw asked where do you draw the line and
stated the City should not have bums on the water front. He stated a code is a code
and everyone should have to abide by it. Councilman Darrell McNeill said he saw no
' reason why the Council couldn't allow and exception and if there is a problem, take
care of it at the time. Ed Rich said he saw no problem as long as the river front
didn't turn into a hobo jungle. Mayor Lannoye stated that the Police Chief would
make sure transients stayed out of the area if he could get permission from the
property owners requesting that treaspassers be removed. After much more discussion
it was agreed to let the shack stand unless there are complaints.
Bud Gensinger and Mrs. Norma Harvey again appeared before the Council concerning
Mrs. Harvey's irrigation problem. Mrs Harvey said she feels the City is responsible
for her loosing the irrigation water when Baker Street was widened. The Council
agreed she could cross Baker if she could produce documents showing the unnamed
springs she has rights to and if it is foreseeable that she can get water and where
she is going to cross. The Council would prefer that she not tap into the storm
drains as the City may be held responsible if weed killers, oil, ets., get into the
drains and would do damage to her property. They stated Mrs. Harvey would have to
discuss connecting to the storm drain with the City Attorney before the Council
could make andy definite discission.
Two bids were received for the surfacing of llth St., N. E. Basin Asphalt Company
submitted a bid of $21,185.00 for surfacing and 7.25 per lineal foot for sidewalks
Section #1 and 7.25 per lineal foot for sidewalks Section #2. Morrill Asphalt
Paving Co., Inc., bid $17,225.00 for surfacing and 8.70 per lineal foot for a total
of $23,671.70. Autorization was given by the Council to accept the low bid of
Morrill Asphalt. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed
Ordinance No. 338 (Parking Ordinance) was presented to the Council. The Ordinance
was not passed due to an incorrect description. Will be presented at the next meet-
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1. Ray Duncan
2. Darrell McNeill
3. Ed Rich
4. Hartley Beeler
5. John Pflugrath
6. Grant Road Hardware
7. Copytron
8. P. U. D.
9. Stallings Athletic Co.
10. The Craftsman
11. WA., Courthouse Supply Co.
12. Frank M. Smith
13. Jesse J. Rose
14. Petty Cash
15. In Print
16. The Wenatchee World
17. E. Wenatchee Water Dist.
18. Employment Security Dept.
19. Fuller & Cassel Inc., P.S.
1. Petty Cash
2. Reid Pump &Supply
3. The Wenatchee World
4. Wenatchee Sand & Gravel
5. Elder Auto Parts Inc.
6. Grant Road Hardware
7. Do., Co., Road Dept.
8. Dennis Automotive Electric
9. Employment Security Dept.
10. Bowman & Barnes
11. Pybus Steel Co.
12. Columbia Concrete
13. Herb's Rent -all
*Accunlative Storm Drain Fund
Grange Supply Co.
2. Kayo's Car Wash
3. R. M. Church
4. Mobilefone Northwest
5. City of Wenatchee
6. N.W. Law Enforcement Equip
7. Wen. Chiropractic Clinic
8. Ron's Rebuild
'9. City of E. Wenatchee
10. Sears, Roebuck & Co.
11. Central Communications,
12. Elder Auto Parts
13. Kits Camera
14. Cascade Chevrolet Co.
August 1982 Per -diem
Nylon for Weedeater, Hinges & Screws
Drum for Copier
2 Months Service School Bldg.
2 Dress Code Signs for Court
Office Supplies for Court Clerk
2 Ring Binders for Court Clerk
Witness Fee
Misc., Cash Expenditures
500 Printed Bldg., Permits
2 Notices of Hearing & Police Auction
Bi-Monthly Statement
August Social Security Payment
2 212.75
1 Months Legal Services
Misc., Cash Expenditures
Parts for weedeater
Call for Bids
3 5/8 Yds. Gravel
Parts for repairs & Shop supplies
Pipe Wrench & Supplies
43 Gals., Diesel
Generator Fan #4
August Social Security Payment
Supplies for Maintenance & Shop
Materials for Storm Drain
Catch Basin llth & Alvin Court
Backhoe Rental for storm drain
392 Gals., Unleaded Gasoline
August Police Car Washes
1 Mead Record Book
Sept. 1982 Service
August Prisoner's Room & Board
2 Streamlight lamp/reflectors
Treatment for Bill Brooks
Delco Regulator Labor Car #3
Police Car Repairs by St. Dept.
Clothing reguired for school -Kirby
Antenna & Speaker Repairs
Parts for Cars #2,3 & 4
Batteries for Camera
Headlight Swith #4
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