HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/16/1982 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Aug. 16, 1982 Councilmen present: John Pflugrath, Ed Rich, Hartley Beeler, Darrell McNeill and Ray Duncan. Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were adopted as submitted. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Mr. Henkle thanked the Mayor and Council for their support in their endeavor to organize an Eagles Aerie and Auxiliary in Douglas County. He stated that permission has been granted and they have had a couple of offers for a place to meet. It was suggested that the Employee Guidelines Ordinance be discussed at the end of the agenda. Authorization was given by the Council to have Attorney Neil Fuller draft an Ordinance for "No Parkino" on either side of 13th Street N.E. by Dolman Motel at the request of the owner, Les Young. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. This ordinance will be presented at the next council meeting. Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 329 (Intent to Join 'Library District). If accepted by the Library Board, this issue will be on the Nov. ballot. Motion was made by John Pflugrath, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. Neil Fuller said Jan. 1, 1984 would probably be the effective date for using the libraty if the citizens vote in favor of this measure. Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 330 (Establishing Mobile Home Inspections) The Council set the fee at 75.00 per section. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 331. (1982 Uniform Sign Code) Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 332 (1982 Uniform Fire Code) Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 333 (1982 Mechanical Code) Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. AWorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 334 (1982 Plumbing Code) Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 335 (1982 Uniform Building Code) Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. ' Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 336 (1982 Uniform Abatement of Dangerous Bldg.) Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. A Hearing date was set by the Council for the surfacing of llth Street N.E. Said date will be Sept. 8th for opening bids. A sub bid for sidewalks will be included 1 •aaLdoo a4; uo; wnip mau a uapJO o; UOLSSLwuad uanL6 sum IuaLO k;LO •a;ep 6UL;aaw AvLn5a.A a4; uo sLLP; )'PN Lo4 a se 448 'gdaS ,Ao; ;as seM 6uL4aaw LLOunoo ,APLn6au ;xau ayj •6UL48aw ;xau ay} ;P pa;;Lwgns aq Mm eoueuLpio a4j •pauLPgsgP LLLalloW LlaJJPO PUP 4SULe6P Pa;on ueJuno RPH 'JOAP; uL pa;on AaLaag k@L;JQH •44e,a6nL;d uyop f'q papuooas `aOLnuaS LL^LO .Aapun uoL;Lsod a4; 6uLOPLd aOUPULPJO up ;;Pap o; aaLLn3 LLaN 6uL�SP uoL;ow P apew gOLa p3 'aoLAJ@S BALD aapun seM uoL;Lsod a4; ;L uoL;eu6LsaJ Ja4 MPJP44LM 446Lw kPJS PSLI 3P43 k4UIglssod P sem ;L ;e4; pagP;s OSLP aH •uoL;Lsod LPL,Ae;a.AOaS P uP44 a,Aow sL ;L se aOLn,AaS LLnLO uapun ;nd aq uoL;Lsod AuaLO sp.Aooa,A aOLLod a4; ;e4; pa;sanbai SJooug ;aL40 •aOueuLPJ0 a4; ISULP6e Pa;OA JaLaag R@ L4JPH pue LLLalloW LLa.A.AeO 'ueoun0 �Pa '40Lb P3 Rq papuooas aouPULPJO a4; gdope o; uoL;ow a apew PUP Rauao;gN ayg Acq pa;;eip seM aOUPULPJO a43 a.Ao;aq uodn paaa6e pup passnosLP uaaq peq sanssL asa44 ;o LLe ;P4; pagP;s g4aA6nL;d uyop '.Aalaag uPwB ounoo fiq uaLLn3 LLaN 0; pagOauLp SUOL;sanb Ruew as;;N 'awL; SL4; gP paouo;ua aq pLnoys aOUPULpAO ay} ;L pauoLgsanb ay 'uoL;Lgad LLeOau a4; o; anp ogwLL uL UOL3lsod s,,AoRPW aq-4 4gLm ;La; ay PCPs .AaLaag R9L4,APH 'UOLssnosLP Aapun aweO aOUPULPJO sauLLaWq saaROLdw3 ' •pa.aunouoo ,fanaPH 's.aW *Rjg o a4; pue S@AJeH 'SJW .Ao; ;saq a4; aq pLnom 4P4M auLw.aa;ap PUP uoL;Pn;Ls a44 o;uL JOOL o; awL; SJagwaw LLP anL6 LLLM sLyj •;daS uL Ppuabe ayg uo loeq SL4; gnd pLnoo Rao; ;L palse LLounoo a41 •gaaJ4S J94PO sso,AOe 6uL.Ads paweuun up og s446LJ ayg sP4 ay PCPs ayS •pape.a6dn pup pauapLm sem ;aau;S aaleg auo;aq '40 ULA N 'N L60L ;e p94e00L S4.Aadoid J04 ;e Ja;eM uoL4P6LaaL pe4 a4s 4e4; swLPLo FanueH 'SJW 'uoL;P6LAAL Ao; DJa4; Ja;eM awns oguL 1004 PUP ;aa.A;S ua)eg sso.Aoe gno og ,ao •gS .Aalpq uo uLPup WJ04S „gL UP oguL deg o; UOLSSLwuad pa�sP TanaPH PwuoN 'SJW 6uL;uasa,Ada,a 'J@bU Lsuag png • sJauMO PUP L ayg k; L;ou o; RJI pLnom ay PCPs auLLaadS a6.Aoag •waLgo.ad aOLLod a 6ULsneo sL ;L se do pauPaLO aq pLnoys ;L Laa; LLOuno3 a4j •apo0 6uLPLLnq ayg ;o uoL;PLOLn uL auP S;LwLL R'4Q ayg UL41LM jueq AaAL.A ayg uo 6uLnLL s;uedn000 ;P4; auLLJadS aLwag pasLnpe LLOunoO ayj 'uoL;e;.Aodsue,Ag aq pLnoys pa.A,AnOUL sasuadxa kLuo ayg •sasinoo asa4; ,Ao; pas,AngwL8J aq Mm SJaOL;;O 4409 L '400 - ZZ •JuaS SUOL4PL406aN a6P4SOH paOUPnPN Pua44P Mm UL41PO JD OL;;O 'LZ - £Z '6nN 'I'g'3 a44 Xq pa,Aa;;o saLoua6e LLPws .Ao; gums puag;e LLLM kq.ALN •g6S 'sasanoo 6uLuLPA; o; kq,AL)I '16S PUP uL;;eO JaOL;;o puaS o; LLOunoo ayg kq UOLSSLuuad u9nL6 SPm S�00,ag ;aL40 'PM 'SLLP4a40 uL 449L 9 44SL •;daS PLa4 aq LLLM aPULwas sLyj •sasuadxa sL4 ,Aanoo o; �Oa40 aOUenpP Lane.a; 00'OOL$ pa;sanbaa S100ag ;aL40 'sLLLds snop,eeze4 uo aPULwas Rep oMg P pua;gP o; sJooug ;aL40 0; UOLSSLWJad pa;uPJ6 LLounoo ayj •uoL;PJDPp SUOO uLa4; ao; Xquno0 seL6noo uL saLgLO .aa4go ;o S.AOXPW pue 'SJaUOLSSLwwoO k4uno0 a44 og'an.aas o; uoL;Oa Las s,LLounoo ayg se pag;Lwgns aq Mm awPu s,ueouno •.AW •X'LsnowLueun passed PUP yOLb P3 kq papuooas 'Jalaag k@LgueH kq apew SPM uoL;oW •w,Aa; uPDR oMg P JOI p,APog XjMgeSLO ayg uo an,aas o; uoL;Oa Las ALaq; sP LLounoo a4g kq pa;PULwou sem ueoun0 kq uewLLounoo 'kLsnowLueun passed pup 44e-AbnL;d uyop kq papuooas 'ueoun0 kea Xq apew sum uoL;oW •wa;L pLq age.APdas a se Permission was granted by the Council to have a couple dress code signs made for the Court. Neil Fuller briefed the Council on the two law suits against the City, Mercy Theatres vs. City and Ed Dillion vs. City. There being no further business, Hartley Beeler made a motion that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. City Clerk 1 �I 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT AUGUST 16, 1982 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. General Telephone Co., 2. Wenatchee Office Supply 3. P. U. D. 4. Wells & Wade 5. WA. Courthouse Supply 6. Security Bank of WA. 7. Pedco Credit Union 8. Wm. McKenzie 9. Wm. Hamilton 10. Dorotha McGee 11. Roberta Burnap 12. Robert Scott, Jr. 13. Forrest Lannoye 14. Peggy McArthur 15. Virginia Kinzel 16. D. N. Fuller & Associates 17. Ronald W. Lannoye 18. Lenueal Breckenridge 19. George Sperline STREET 1. P. U. D. 2. 3. Grange Supply Basin Asphalt, Co. ' 4. Traffic Control Signs Co 5. WA. Physicians Service 6. Security Bank of WA. 7. Pedco Credit Union 8. Suggs Tire Service 9. Lenueal Breckenridge 10. Robert Goodman 11. Ronald Lannoye 1 Months Service 149.87 Office supplies City Clerk 7.19 2 Months Service City Hall 88.00 2 Belts for mower 25.52 1000 Criminal Docket Sheets Ct.Clerk 90.70 August 1982 Withholding Deposit 1 787.90 August 1982 Payment 250.00 August 1982 Salary 279.90 " 585.76 " 598.70 " 420.79 " Public Defender Retainer 230.00 " Salary 293.89 " 1 010.60 " 743.47 " Legal Retainer 963.00 " Salary 382.34 " 334.06 " 326.55 2 Months Service 1 748.00 232 Gals., Regular Gasoline 273.99 4.65 Tons Hot Mix 122.12 Wood Posts, Crosspieces, Paint & Visaline904.30 Sept. 1982 Medical Insurance Payment 179.15 August 1982 Withholding Deposit 385.80 August 1982 Credit Union Payment 135.00 2 Recap Tires for Pickup 96.90 August 1982 Salary 666.99 August 1982 Salary 1 090.21 August 1982 Salary 704.59 POLICE 1. Youngs Automotive Service Transmission Repairs #3 2. City of Wenatchee Prisoners 3. R. M. Church 1 Two drawer file 4. Central Communications Parts & Labor on Portable Radio 5. Grange Supply 303 Gals., Unleaded Gasoline 6. Dept. of Retire., Systems August 1982 Retirement Payment 7. City of Wenatchee August 1982 Emergency Telephone 8. Group Health Coop of Puget Sound Clifford Haun treatment 9. City of E. Wenatchee 5 hours labor on Police Cars 10. Fin. Consultants International Purchase of 2 Police Cars per contract 11. Wm. Brooks August 1982 Salary 12. Harold Kirby ' 13. Michael Cattin 14. Hiram Thomas 15. Chet Virnig 16. John Harrison 17. Lisa Jo Bray 18. Michael Ireland 19. WA. Physicians Service II 1 Sept. 1982 Medical Insurance Payment 168.38 555.00 33.88 57.82 363.90 032.92 524.00 63.00 32.30 635.16 411.00 315.05 258.91 164.74 095.78 971 .18 762.97 23.32 080.75