HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/7/1982 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING July 7, 1982 1 Councilmen present: Darrell McNeill, Ed Rich, Ray Duncan, Hartley Beeler and John Plfugrath. Attorney, Neil Fuller, and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Mayor Lannoye called the meeting to Order. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented with Mayor Lannoye asking that one addition be made. Mr. Bray stated at the June 21st meeting that it was a conflict of interest for the Mayor to sign his Son's pay check. With this addition, Ray Duncan made a motion that the meeting be accepted, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted with the Voucher to the Eastmont School District to be paid with City Hall Bldg. Fund monies. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed by Ray Duncan. John Pflugrath asked why the police department was now being charged for labor when a budget figure was excluded during budget preparation as the Mayor had stated it was just part of the the street personnel's job. Mayor Lannoye said he had found that it is ellegal for the street department not to be reimbursed. Also a voucher to Eastside Paint & Glass was questioned by Ed Rich. Councilman Rich said Ron Lannoye had agreed to fix the 1 ton on his own as he didn't want it turned over to the insurance co. A voucher to Young's Automotive was also questioned as Ron Lannoye had stated they would repair the transmission for approximately 350.00. Ron said they found other problems so they ' sold the City a rebuilt transmission. He added that it would have been more costly to repair it. Ed Rich did not vote on paying of the bills and John Plfugrath said Nay. Authorization was given by the Council to accept the low quote of 160.00 from Appleland Spraving for spraying trees in the park. Two other quotes had been submitted. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. It was agreed by the Council that specifications be drawn up for the resurfacing and sidewalk on the North side of llth St. from Baker to Valley Mall Parkway. It was also suggested by John Pflugrath, that a high spot at the East side of Valley Mall Parkway & llth be lowered. It was to be looked into. Neil Fuller said he had not received any response as yet on reimbursement Scott vs. City. Stated he would check into it again. Clerk was asked to put this matter back on the agenda. Neil Fuller said the working guidelines for City employees was in the process of being drafted. Neil Fuller said he feels the bill form the Title Company in his opinion, was in order and will send the bill to the City Clerk for processing. The Council agreed that the power to the elementary school should be left on. Ed Rich agreed to check with Bob Mitchell concerning Ins. on the shhool. There was some misunderstanding between the school board members and the City Council and the matter has to be resolved as soon as possible. Mayor Lannoye stated that Mr. Spidel has decided not to sell the City any property on Rock Island Road. Mr. Telford said he would donate right of way on the South west corner of Rock Island Road if poles, fire hydrants etc., would not interfer with ingress or egress to his property. Mayor Lannoye agreed to discuss this further •PauLy IOU seM uew puLyl a }L auop lab IOU pLnom sgoC quequodwL awns PUP poLuad )oeLS a SBM SL4I Laa} IOU ptp ay pLes aRouuel aoFeW 'poLuad joeLs ayl 6uLunp auofiue auLy uanau pLnom ay pLes uokeW ay; se awLl SLyq le auoawoS auLy of PaqueM uoReW ayl leyl paSLudans aLllL, a sem ay pLes y,eAnL}d uyoC •uewpoog qo8 pup uofieW aq; ' Rq uasoyo squeoLLdde b ayq MaLnuaquL ueo suagwawLLounoo LLe leyl os 'W•d 00:8 le 43Z1 RlnC uo; las aq 6uLgaaw Le Loads a leq; palse 44eu6nL;d ugop pue yoLa P3 •aun6L; la6pnq Rue Les sLy uLygtM SSegS ay se 6uoL Se uoLSSLwuad Paqueu6 LLouno3 ayl •suaoL;}o anuasau ay; ;o auo uLegau pLnoo ay pue uLlleo uaoL;;o 6uLXed aq Mm LeLugsnpui ai M leyl Palegs aH •paLgesLp st ay aLLym uLggeO uaoL};o uo} IuawaoeLdau a auLy pLnoo ay }L palse sjoou8 ;aLyg •Pau6tsun aLL; of 3uaL0 klL3 ayl 01 uoLleoLLdde ane6 akouuel uoReW 'luawwoo ou pLes y4eu6nL}d uyoC `suoLloaCgo ou pey ay Palegs yoLa P3 •pau6Ls aq IOU uoLgeoLLdde ay; geyq palse uaLaBS SaLlueH •uoLgeoLLdde aqq u6Ls of IOU uOXPW ayl 6uLlse puooaa uo 06 03 paySLM ay pLes ueoun0 keb `sueo uL suawogsno of panuaS aq pLnom uonbLL }L pue k4L3 ay; uL papaau seM quawySLLgegsa 6uLluLap uaygoue uaygaym uoLssnosLp yonw ual}y -IL uo auam sgy6noy4 s,LLouno3 ayl leym palse pup queunegsau s,o5 ay; uo; pueo8 Lou4uo0 uonbLL ayq wou; uoLleoLLdde uonbLL a PanLaoau ay pLes aXouuel JOSPW •ezzLd s,Rggtl uo} pueo8 Louquoo uonbLL ay; wou; asuaoLL Suaot;;o ageuoduoo }o abueyo a Panoudde Ltounoo ayl •ola °6uLgwnLd `6PL9 `sapo0 Z86L ay} }o Rue of pagdope aney Rew Rayq squawpuawe Rue 6uLpue6au klunoo seL6noo pup fiqunoo ueLayo loequoo 04 uogoadsul g uauueLd 43oq asLnpe oq Pa)Se oSLe sem IuaLO ayl •pauLnbau aq LLLIs pLnom ILwaad •6pLq pue aoueLuen a Ieyl wagl asLnpe osLe pue SLg4 ;o uogoadsuI •6PL8 pue uauueLd SILO ayl asLnpe of palse sem )u9L3 RILo aql •smel age4S mau ayq uapun sawoy ' aLLgow uo; SuoLloadsuL aptnoud pLnoo kjto ayl Rem ou sem auayq paau6e Ltounoo ayl •aunquan uLayl ;o uone; uL auaM suagwaw Ltounoo LLV •eaue Rqunoo seL6noo uo/pue aagogeuaM Ise3 ayq uL kueLLLxny I aLuay saL6e3 up 6uLZLue6uo uL luoddns S,LLouno3 aqq uo; pOSe LaluaH a6ueW g 40a •kLsnowtueun passed pup ygeu6nL4d ugop Sq papuooaS °yoLa P3 Nq apew sum uoL40W •(Iu0wa3uo4u3 mel) aayogeuaM Ise3 pue aayogeuaM uaamgaq quawaau6V PLV LengnW a Idaooe oq B oun03 aql Rq uanLb seM uoLlezLuoylny •Suoseau Sue anL6 04 PauLLoap a40uuel u04PW •Pagowap 6uLaq uo} suoseau ayq uoSeW aql wou} papuewap ueo •pagowap 6uLaq uaq;e sleep 0L uL43Lm LLoun03 aqI auo;aq 6uLaeay a pagsanbau Lou peq pup Itnb pey ueo asneoaq quLod agnw a sum IL pees uaLLn3 LLaN 'wLy Pagowap pey ay kqM uoReW ayl Pajse uayq ueo •quawquedap aoLLod aqq Rq pasungwLau 6uLaq Lou seM Sueo aoLLod uo} uogeL s,u0b SyM passe suogLpne ayq }t aLgtsuodsau aq pLnom ay wty PLoI ay gym uokbW ayq palse ueo •Pau6LS9u ay awL; 044 LLlun do 6uLwoo pey ay geyM anLaoau pLnom ueo awns sem ay qnq 4a4 se do qas uaaq qou peq weu6oud aqq legl wLy pawuo}uL aaLLnd LLaN 'Red IuawauLlau Sue of PaLlLlua seM ay dL pajSe uayq ueo •suaggew asayl gnoge wLy g4LM an6ue qou pLnom ay ptes akouuel uokeW •anLup agenLud a sem IL se uale8 uo yIZL I g4LL uaamgaq peon ;,ALP e oquL 06 04 Lou PLO; auaM Rayq pue peon agenLud leyl MoLd RILo ayl Rym palse uaq; aH R;ID ayl oq papeap uaaq pey hauls opeaoLoo ;L palse ueo Lou pey ay pLes ueo '413 ayl PaLLtq peq aq ;L palse sem ueo •pau6Ls SL43 Pauapao ay leyl paLuap aRouuel uoReW uoRPW aqq Xq PauL; aq uo Red awLquano ;o naLL uL awLq dwoo 6uL4sanbau wuo; a u6Ls oq pey ay PLoI sem ay Palegs aH •awLl dwoo ao} wLy Fed oq 5UL06 sem F4L0 ayq }L Pals? `aaROLdwa quawquedap laaugs uawuo} a 'sanaaa ueo puo}Lal •uW yltm Chief Brooks asked what he was going to do about his budget now that the Mayor decided that Ron's labor must be charged to the police department. He stated that he had been warned that he would be fired if he went over his budget but the monies he had requested when preparing his budget had been removed and he didn't feel he would have the extra in other areas to cover this. The Council assured him that an emergency appropriation would be adopted at the end of the year if his budget looked short. The City Clerk also advised the Council that the Attorney's budget would be in trouble because of the many law suits incurred which Neil Fuller had not anticipated. Mayor Lannoye said since two resignations from council members Ed Rich and John Pflugrath in their Council duties, he was asking Ray Duncan to be in charge of Streets. Ray asked both Ed and John if they would reconsider. Both deOined, saying they were too busy. Ray then agreed to accept the position. Mayor Lannoye said it would take some effort from both Ray and Himself to get the Six Year Road Street Comprehensive Plan ready by July 19th. John Pflugrath asked for an executive meeting to discuss the Planning Director after adjournment. There being no further business, Hartley Beeler asked that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Mayor 1I City FJ BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JULY 7, 1982 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Ray Duncan June 1982 Per -diem 55.98 2. Darrell McNeill 55.98 3. Ed Rich 55.98 4. Hartley Beeler 55.98 5. John Pflugrath 55.98 6. Darrell McNeill Registration Fee & Mileage - Spokane 81.00 7. Emp. Security Dept. June 1982 Social Security 2 317.9a 8. Chelan Co. Treasurer 2nd Quarter Liquor Tax 112.00 9. Don Smith Witness Fee 10.00 10. William Ashbrook 10.00 11. Alpha Rotert 10.00 12. Tommy Tompkins 10.00 13. Richard Wallen 10.00 14. Kimberli Rotert 10.00 15. Robert Rotert 10.00 16. Grant Road Hardware Parts for Park & City Hall Water Tank 103.50 17. The Craftsman Office Supplies City Clerks Office 5.61 18. Copytron Western, Inc. Supplies for Copier 72.84 19. Int. Conference Bldg. Remainder due on Code Books 2.15 20. E. Wen. Water District Bi-Monthly Statement 16.25 21. Reid Pump & Supply Parts for Trimmer 31.67 22. E M School District 1st Payment on School 100 000.00 23. Petty Cash Cash Expenditures Postage & Supplies 82.62 STREET 1. Emp. Security Dept. June 1982 Social Security 387.52 2. Reid Pump & Supply 2 Steel Adapters 2.90 3. Lawton Printing Co. 50 Decals 834.77 4. Grant Road Hardware Handle 7.36 5. N. Central Petroleum 2 Barrels Oil 471.78 6. Chevron Gasoline Credit Card charges 64.78 7. Elder Auto Misc., Parts & Supplies 125.78 8. Wenatchee World Publication - Call for Bids 21.56 9. Eastside Paint & Glass Paint 19.54 10. WA. St., Treasurer Traffic Signal Maint. 28.52 POLICE 1. F. C. I. Lease Payment 2 Police Cars 667.17 2. Mid State Cleaners Sewing Patches on uniform 5.30 3. R. M. Church Office Supplies 40.33 4. Jack Miller's Processing 3.45 5. Mobilefone N.W. July 1982 payment for service 35.00 6. Kayo's Car Wash June 1982 Police Car Washes 30.00 7. Grange Supply Gasoline 358.79 8. Western Refrigeration Air Conditioner Repairs 26.21 9. Young's Automotive Overhaul Transmission q4 528.44 ' 10. WA. Criminal Justice Comm. Applicant fee for examination 6.00 11. City of Wenatchee Prisoners 75.00 12. St. Dept. City of E. W. Street Dept., Labor Police Cars 135.66 13. Elder Auto Parts Parts for Repairs 100.37 1. Fuller & Cassel Inc. Legal Services 557.88