HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/7/1982 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Juee 7, 1982 1 Members present: Darrell McNeill, Ed Rich, Ray Duncan, John Pflugrath and Hartley Beeler. Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Mayor Lannoye called the meeting to Order. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. Councilmen John Pflugrath and Ray Duncan briefed what they learned at the meeting they attended in Yakima May 20th in reference to implementing local 1/2 cent sales tax. At this time the Council does not wish to impose the additional tax However, Ray Duncan warned that if the County did, they would receive 100 percent of the sales tax. He and John stated if that happens, the City would then want to make application. Mayor Lannoye thanked both Councilmen for attending this meeting. The Council gave Chief Brooks permission to purchase small parts and supplies in minimum quantities from Elder Auto. ' Neil Fuller stated the Hearing for Yakima Theatres has been set for Oct. 7th and 8th at Waterville. He said they are still trying to negotiate some kind of a lid and he has been in touch with their attorney. Neil Fuller stated that Judge Cone ruled in favor of the City in the Dillon matter. He said the City may want to negotiate some kind of a lid if Mr. Dillon appeals the matter, as the cost to the City for attorney fees would be costly. The Council stated they would like to wait and see what action Mr. Dillon takes before making any decision. Mayor Lannoye asked Neil Fuller if he had heard anything concerning reimbursement to the City in the Scott vs. City law suit. Neil said he would look into it. Clerk was asked to put this matter back on the agenda. Authorization was given by the Council to allow the Eastmont Swim Team to have a fireworks stand adjacent to Safeway parking lot. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. The Council postponed until next month, a request fro,r! Chelan -Douglas Council on Aging for the City's help to meet a 20% match for twc vans to be used in both Wenatchee and East Wenatchee areas. The Council wished to wait until they know if there will be any additional monies left after the County bills the City for the pool bond. The amount the Council requested is 570.00. ' The Council discussed a letter from the Department of Labor & Industries in reference to Mobile Home Set-up Requirements. Neil Fuller said he will look into the matter and advise the Clerk, Bldg. Inspector and Board of Adjustment of his findings. i'rZAA //A •SLsnowLuPun passed pup ggPa6nL3d uqop Sq papuooas 'pauanoCpe aq 6ut49aw a44 geyg UOL40W P apPw a@Laag SaLgaeH 'ssauLsnq Aa4ganj ou 6uLaq aaagl •paLgeg SPM a914PW SLgg 'uotssnosLp awoS aaq;y •SUOLgoasaaguL aa}aapuPgs I •qs gouaaj qP POOPLd aq pLnoO u6ts dogs Rem b P 4L parse sanaaa ueo •pagdopp aae sapoo mou a4g uagm paaaplsuoO aq SPw guawpuawP SL44 PUP Paaapao uaaq anP4 sapog Z86L a44 4P44 Seag •aW PasLnpe Ltounog a41 •gseo asn og ane4 M m a4 4W `286L `L SLnp ssauLsnq SLq uado 04 SueLd Seag •aW sy •6pLq M OaawwoO P uL 3L4SPLd moLLe og apog a44 papuawp you ane4 Sayq 4P44 wL4 PasLnpe LI3unoo a41 uojL gspo uP44 aa44ea 6pLq LPLOaawwoo a uL adLd oLgseLd gnd pLnoo 94 dt Ltounoo a44 parse Sp quaN aogeaado snLd ao4loeq P guaa pLno4s Sa44 p8aa6e Ltounog aq; 'papaaU sL ao4�opq P 41 •uPO Sa44 laom 4e4m OP LLLm maaO SgID a41 •eaae pa6ewep aqq oq 4a6 pue suLseq 404PO aamoL uPo Sagg os Is aaleg 6uoLe Sgaadoad agentad uo 4snaq gno og macro gaaags R410 a44 moLLe Oq sgsanbaa g;pap og parse SPM .aaLLnA LLaN •Ppua6P aqq uo JOPq a944PW SLgg Ind og parse Sem lJ aL3 aeaS SLgg paoe;ans aq pLno4s sgaaags g314m ap[Oap pue 6uL4aaw LLOunoo gxau aqq aao;aq •gs g4tL pue •3S auuy 'aPtaquaaag 'auPl aepa3 ge MOOL og paaa6e uawB ounoD 'SOLLod aqg ;as oq SgILLglsuodsaa ata44 SPM 4t gLa.4 aq gnq LLounoo pue aoSPW aqq 0IM gaaw pue auLLgno up SLddns og pPL6 aq pLnom aq PIPS aaLLn3 LLaN -;dap gaaags aqq ao; sauLLaPIn6 ssnosLp Oq qqq aunp 'SppuoW ao; qas SPM 6UL408w y •SLsnowtupun passed pup g4pa6nLdd uqop Sq papuooas '40Lb P3 Sq apPw SPM UOLgoW •SUOLgeOLILoads aqg do mpap og poke spm ueouna Spb •SLnp uL 6ut4aaw puooaS a44 pouado aq og aapups P ao} splq ao; LLeO Og LIounog aqg Sq uanL6 SPM uogeZtaoggny •aaggan4 41 oguL lOOL Og awL4 pagueM pue SgIO a44 40 SgILIglsuodsaa a44 aaam sabaego aqq }o awos 4e44 pal;stgps qou sem ag PIPS LLaN •sgsoo 6ULsOL3 L0040S a44 ao; aal a4g }o ;Ley aO; •00 aL4[i Puel a44 woa; LLIq a panLaoaa aq PIPS aaLLn3 LLaN •wa4g 43P;000 Sew aOLnaaS UOLgoaLLOO Mau atagg uo UOLIPwao}uL 6ULgsLM aagwaw LIounoo Sup pup passnostp SUM LpsodSLo aLgepuadaa woa; aaggaL y •uaaneg P oquL ssauLsnq a44 uang og wa4q moLLe qou pLnom Sagq PUP 6UL4Pas paglwLL ULewaa pLnom aaagq gegg LIounoD a4g paanssp aq pue SLIwp} a4g yglm Segs pLnom asuaOLL a4g PIPS SPauu@N AagaH •gons pup 4onS Sq SOSLwaad uo auLM pue aaaq ao; paeog Loaguog AonbLI agegS u046uLgsPM a44 oq apew UOLgeOLLdde aqq panoadde saawgwaw LIounoo go SgtaoCew a41 •SLsnowtupun passed pup gOLa P3 Sq papuooas 'LLLalloW LLaaaeo Sq apew SPM UOL4OW •auP�odS uL 410L aunp 'a4nII;SUL UOLquanaad awLaO Sep auo a puagge oq slooag }a14o aog LIounoo a44 Sq uanL6 SeM uOL4PZtaog4ny BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JUNE 7, 1982 CURRENT EXPENSE 1 1. Ray Duncan May 1982 Per -diem 55.98 2. Darrell M. McNeill 55.98 3. Ed Rich 55.98 4. Hartley Beeler IItIt 55.98 5. John H. Pflugrath " " " 55.98 6. Employment Security Dept. May 1982 Social Security 2 349.71 7. Petty Cash Miscellaneous Cash Expenditures 60.71 8. U. S. Post Office 1 years rent on P. 0. Box 45.00 9. The Craftsman Office Supplies 81.37 10. Trick & Murray Court & Journal Receipts 156.91 11. Knutson Lbr., Co. Material for Shelves Clerk's Office 23.09 12. Grant Road Hardware Parts -repairs City Hall and Park 89.32 13. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Liability Ins., Premiun & Bond 3 046.35 14. Laverne Araiza Witness Fee 10.00 15. Clark Boardman, Ltd. Publication -Search & Seizure Law Report 55.00 16. Fuller & Cassel Inc., Legal Services 450.97 17. The Empire Press Publication Mrs. Brown's Gift Shop 6.24 18. Assn. of WA. Cities Registration Fee Mr. Beeler 45.00 STREET 1. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Liability Insurance Premium 800.00 2. Cascade Natural Gas Corp. Service to Shop 1 Month 10.77 3. Employment Security Dept. May 1982 Social Security 451.02 4. Sears, Roebuck & Co. Battery Chev 4 Wheel Drive 47.82 ' 5. Petty Cash Miscellaneous Cash Expenditures 33.64 6. Elder Auto Parts Parts -equipment repair & Shop supplies 112.81 7. R. M. Church Time Book 7.10 8. Grange Supply Co. Regular Gasoline 177.61 9. Wells & Wade Hardware Oxygen Cylinder & Welding Road 46.81 POLICE 1. Grange Supply Co. Unleaded Gasoline 693.92 2. Blumenthal Uniforms 5 Uniform Shirts 131.70 3. Mid State Cleansers Reserve Officer (David Corn) Cleaning 3.87 4. Kayo's Car Wash May 1982 Police Car Washes 30.00 5. Alpine Electronics, Inc. Parts & Labor P A System Car #1 37.90 6. Jack Miller's Processing Film 14.28 7. Cascade Chevrolet Co. Parts Vehicle #3 17.49 8. Sears, Roebuck & Co. Battery Vehicle #4 65.29 9. Elder Auto Parts Parts Vehicles #1,2 & 6 54.36 10. Mobilefone Northwest Service for June 1982 35.00 11. R. M. Church Office Supplies & 2 Chairs 118.75 12. F. C.I. June 1982 Lease Payment 2 Police Cars 667.17 13. Radio Shack Dynamic Microphone for Cassette Recorder 13.73 14. City of Wenatchee May Prisoners Board & Room 480.00 ' 15. In Print 500 Time Cards 23.72