HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/19/1982 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING April 19, 1982 Councilmen Present: Hartley Beeler, John Pflugrath, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich and Drrell McNeill. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Mayor Lannoye called the meeting to Order. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seonced by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved with the following exception: A voucher to Chelan County Sheriff to held as figure in billing was incorrect and also Chief Brooks wanted to check into the booking fee and vouchers to Basin Asphalt, Columbia Concrete Pybus Steel and Reid Pump & Supply to paid with cumulative storm drain funds. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. There was some discussion about the corner owned by the City on Baker Street joining the Brown property and also across the street joining Darwin Hobson's property. Both parties have indicated an interest in these parcels. Mayor Lannoye said he would talk to Neil Fuller about this. He stated it may not be worth the cost to the City if it requires a survey and appraisal. Mayor Lannoye advised the Council of the 1982 AWC Annual Business meeting to be held June 18th in Spokane and a workshop May 20th in Yakima on implementing the 1982 local govt. revenue package. The Council asked the City Clerk to put these matters back 'on the May 3rd agenda as they will know then which meeting they may want to attend. Authorization was given by the Council to to accept the agreement between Department of Transportation and the City of East 'Wenatchee. The State requested the City to sweep and remove debris from roadway of State Route 28 and 285 within the corporate limits of the City. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. The Council approved a drafted equipment maintenance form and asked the City Clerk to get price estimates and have it printed. Ed Daling, representing the Chamber of Commerce, gave two options for signs entering the City of East Wenatchee. The ouncil authorized Stadium fund monies of 5,142.00 for one sign. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Mr. Daling said he would meet with Attorney Neil and prepare the necessary paper work requesting the funds. Ed Daling also showed the Council a logo for the City equipment. After the Council decided on colors, Ed Rich said he would take it over to Terry Signs and have it finalized and then get some estimates for the decals. Mary Jacobsen, representing the Wenatchee Area Vistors and Convention Bureau, gave an update of the Bureau's progress and future plans. She said the Council may wish to participate in some joint funding in the future. Mayor Lannoye said the Ctty is working with the East Wenatchee Chamber andyhopefully come up with a brochure for the City of East Wenatchee. will 1 'kLsnowLueun passed pup LLLalloW LLaaaea Xq papuooaS •pauanoCpe aq 6uL;aaw 841 4e44 UOL;ow a @pew aaLD@g R@L;aeH 'ssautsnq aa44an} ou 6uLaq aaa41 •S'ouLnb SpaeMo; uoL;oaaLp a4; 6uLMo4s RPmIJ ed LLeW R@LLeA pup 4;5 ;e u6Ls a ;nd o; sanaaa upo woa; ;sanbaa a o; suoL;oaCgo ou pe4 LLounoo a41 •paj0a43 saa;aanuoo a4; ane4 ;saLJ a4 pa;seb6ns Ltounoo a41 •s4sne4xa Lanp uo uoLuLdo s,LLounoo a4; paAse aH •a6e311w ,Rood XJ@A 6uL;4a6 aAe pup pooh 6uLuuna ;ou aae sJeo pajaew oM; a4; PCPs SJooaB }aL4o •R;unoo a44 woa} ;sanbaa a uL 6u Laq pLnoM a4 ptes aH •ueLd a 6u Ld RI jo ;soo a4; ao4 Saotnaas XOUa6aawa ;utoC p o44 6uLaa4ua R410 4oea woa} 00•5Z 6uL4sanbaa St kl uno3 a4; Pees sjooag daL4o •449 RPW uLe6e paeo8 a4; aaoSeq sawoo aoueLaen pasodoad a41 •s;uawaaLnbaa 446La4 ;aaw ;ou saop u6Ls a4; pup 4Lwaad a ;a6 4ou ptp uapnol •aW pue u6Ls snoLnaad a seoeLdaa u6Ls st41 LLCM •uopnol •aW pup paeog aq; uaaM4aq ;no palaoM aq 04 ane4 CM as La 6uL44awos 'waLgoad e aq o; saeadde aaa4; 41 pup aaLLnJ LM o; ALP; RpauuaN •aW pa4sa66ns LLounoo a41 •4u8pt30e ue ;o aseo uL X4 M geLL s,44; o a4; ;nogg pauaaouoo SL paeog a4; pa;e;s aagaH ;uaw;snCpy ;o paeo8 a4; aao;aq aoueLaen a ao; paISe sp4 uopnol aLaaW •FeMlued LLeW SaLLPA pup •4S aa;aapue;S 110 u6Ls a ;noge Ltounoo a4q 44tM palLe4 FpauuaN aagaH BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT APRIL 19, 1982 CURRENT EXPENSE I. General Telephone 2. Wells & Wade 3. Taylor Insurance Agency 4. Copytron Western Inc. 5. The Empire Press 6. R. M. Church 7. P. U. D. 8. Pedco Credit Union 9. Security Bank of WA. 10. WA. Physicians Service 11. William McKenzie 12. William Hamilton 13. Dorotha McGee 14. Roberta Burnap 15. Robert Scott, Jr. 16. Forrest Lannoye 17. Peggy McArthur 18. Virginia Kinzel 19. Fuller & Cassel Inc. 20. Ronald Lannoye 21. Robert Goodman 22. George Sperline ' STREET 1. Columbia Concrete Products 2. Pybus Steel Co. 3. Reid Pump & Supply 4. Grange Supply 5. Southpark Industries 6. Basin Asphalt Co. 7. WA. Physicians Service 8. Libke, Jones & Mitchell 9. Knutson Lumber Co. 10. E. Wenatchee Water Dist. 11. P. U. D. #1 of Do. Co. 12. Pedco Credit Union 13. Security Bank of WA. 14. Ronald Lannoye 15. Robert Goodman 16. Danny Reeves * Accum. Storm Drain Fund POLICE 1. LeMaster Builders Supply 2. Cascade Chevrolet Co. 3. Grange Supply ' 4. Blumenthal Uniforms 5. In Print 6. City of Wenatchee 7. Dept. of Retirement 8. Chelan Co., Sheriff's Office 9. City of Wenatchee 1 Months Service 108.84 Electric Hot Water Tank 101.28 Notary Bond for 4 years 40.00 1 Case Dispersant for Copier 22.42 Publication of 2 Variances 14.56 Office Supplies 153.79 2 Months Service 194.00 April Payment 200.00 April Withholding Payment 2 159.65 May Medical Insurance Payment 1 080.74 April Salary 279.90 " 585.76 " 594.80 " 415.99 " Public Defender 230.00 " Salary 293.89 " 1 042.40 " 736.57 " Legal Retainer 963.00 " Salary 377.94 " 395.49 " 326.55 Catch Basin 54.06* Materials for Storm Drains 28.31* Used Pipe 428.51* Gasoline 112.58 Equipment for Sweeper 97.95 Hot Mix 79.91* May Medical Insurance Payment 266.31 Adding Prismo Striper 45.00 Lumber for Street Signs 45.79 Water for Street Cleaning 38.88 2 Months Service 1 755.00 April Payment 252.00 April Withholding Payment 387.05 April Salary 695.89 " 665.34 " 1 002.46 Materials for Tri-Pod 5.09 Parts for Car #4 29.74 Gasoline 281.87 2 Shirts 56.90 Printed Operating Supplies 227.33 April Emergency Telephone Service 524.00 April Retirement Payment 869.77 Women Prisoners Room & Board 156.00 Prisoners Room & Board 270.00 L9'69 saan4Lpuadx3 4se0 osLW 4se3 944ad 133di§ b9'88 saan41Puadx3 yse0 Z)sLW yseO 944ad CRIM ONIlkMIF. 00'9Z LeoLpaW uyeH dLL4d saweC 'uO '8Z ZE'£Z aOLA,aaS LLALO „ „ PueLaal Lae4oLW 'LZ L6'89L 4ea8 eSLI '9Z 89'Z96 uosLA.aeH u40C 'SZ 8b'SLO L „ „ 6LuaLA 4a40 'bZ b6'L£L L sew041 waaLH '£Z 99'98Z L 6UL44e0 Lae4oLW 'ZZ 9b' 96Z L „ „ 49-A L)l P Lo,aeH LZ OE'LLE L 4ueLeS LLAV sloo,a8 'wM 'OZ 00'OZ „ „ „ „ uosL.a.aeH u40C '6L 00'03 „ „ „ „ 6LuuLA 4843 '8L 00'0Z „ „ „ sewo4l we.aLH 'LL 00'OZ „ „ „ uL44e0 Lae4oLW '9L 00'03 „ „ „ „ 49uLN PLOueH '9L 00'OZ aoumOLLV 6uLueaLO AalAeno 4sL sIoo.a8 'wM 'bL L9'8£ spipo 4Lpa.aO uo pa6.ae4:) auLLoseg oOexal '£L 08'L99 Lp dV s4uaw4ed 8se93 s.ae3 8DLLOd 'I'3'3 'ZL 8L'61 sMe4 O P L4aA ao40W 186L aa,ansewi a4e4S 'LL 00'6Z aP03 aLLuannp 44LeaH q Le LOOS 10 4da0 'OL 03f1NI1N00 33IIOd