HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/15/1982 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCouncil Meeting March 15, 1982 Councilmen present: John Pflugrath, Ray Duncan, Ed Rick, Darrell McNeill and Hartley Beeler. City Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. Hartley Beeler said he would report a light that is out on the 1200 block of N. Baker. Ed Daling, representing the Chamber of Commerce, showed the Council a print from Terrys' Signs for the proposed sign they plan to put upon entering the City of East Wenatchee. They have enough money to purchase one sign and asked if the Council would consider donating Stadium fund monies for one sign, as they would like to put one on either end coming into East Wenatchee. Authorization was given by the 'Council to use some of the 1982 Stadium fund monies for this project. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. The Council appointed Ed Rich and Mayor Lannoye to meet with the Chamber on this matter and asked that the Chamber submit a request. ' The Council unanimously picked a logo presented by the Chamber that will correspond with the signs the Chamber plans to have installed entering the City. Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 328 (amending Ordinance No. 305 - relating to Business Licenses) Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Authorization was given by the Council to enter into a joint agreement with Douglas County for Emergency Services if it is agreeable with the Board of County Commissioners. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. The Council received a proposed maintenance agreement from the Department of Transportation for sweeping SR 28 & SR 285 within East Wenatchee. Attorney Neil Fuller read the preliminary proposal from the Dept. and felt some changes should be made and a hold harmless clause added. Motion was made John Pflugrath, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously with the changes and additions included. Jan Griffitts, Director of Cascade Loop Assn. presented the Council with some brochures and traveler's guides, featuring the out lying areas. She asked it the City would like to participate by donating some of its stadium fund monies to include the City of East Wenatchee in the up coming brochures. The Council asked that she come back in the Fall and make another request as the brochures and guides are to be printed next week and does not give the Council time to review the request. Ms Griffitts extended an invitation to the Council to attend a dinner meeting the Assn. has planned for April 29th at the Four Seasons. The Council authorized Jim Howard, former member of the Jaycees to set up a fire works stand at Peter Rabbit. Mr. Howard stated a large percentage would be donated to Muscular Dystrophy. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by John Plfugrath. and passed unanimously. 1 i 'ALsnOWLueun passed pue g4e.A6nL}d uqop Aq papuooas 'pau.AnoCpe aq 6ut4aaw ayq qe44 uoL40w a apew A@Laag AaL},APH 'ssautsnq aay4An} ou 6utaq Atayl ',AeaS sLy} Ao} laam I.Aom Anoq ual-,Anoj a Ao} 'gdap 4aa.a;s ay} woA} Isanbea aq4 patuap LLouno3 ay,L '6UL4aaw 4XaU ayl 4e s4g6noy4 AL944 aAL6 pue 06e aW13 awns Ino passed pey ay AoLIOd '4dap 3aa.A4S 944 M8LA9,A 04 LLounoO ayy pajse yoLa p3 'S,ALeyO UO aAL6 pLnom Sago aoLAd leym aas pup sAep Ma} gXau a44 uLy;LM a.Angtu,Anj uMOJ3 44LM 10943 PLnom ay pLes aAOuueq .AoSeW 'gdap sLy JO} SJLe40 }o aLdnoo a palsanba.A osLe aH •saL,aaq;eq aseyound o} UOLSSLWAod U9AL6 seM SJoo,a8 }aL40 LLeH S3L0 Ao} Iueg ,aageM }oy a aseyo,and o3 pea.A6e LLounoO aql 'UOL4tsod sLLounoO aqq 6ULje3LPUL SaL4LO 'yseM }o 'USsy ayq 04 ayL,AM 04 IUaLO 43L0 ayq palse aAouueI uOSeW 'ALsnoWLueun passed pue 40La P3 Sq papuooas `LLLaNOW LLa.A.AeO Sq apew sem UOLIOW 'suOLjPLn6a,A g saLn,a ayq bULsoddo puooau uo 06 04 paquem S9y4 pa4e4s LLounoO 8q3 'UOLssnosLp y0nw .aaq}y 'saLA4snpul g Aoge3 }o ';daa aq4 WOA} UOL4eLLe4suL awOH a MoW uo SUOL4eLn6ab B sa M do-4as pasodo,Ad puno,Ae passed aAouuel,aokeW p.aeoB L0043S a44 03 paquasa.Ad aq MOU LLLM .aa}}o aqi •g6Lq 04 000`09 01 000'09. seM aaSSO SJI D aq4 4101 ay se `ua}}o ue 6uLjeW a.Ao}aq sLesLe.Adde aq3 6uLaos Papuewap aney pLnom aq pa3eys aAouuel aoAeW 'ALsnoWLueun passed pup 43e.a6n}Ld Uyop Sq papuooas 'yoLa P3 Sq apew seM UOLyoW 'a6e.Ae6 snq aq-4 }O UOLssassod uodn ,AO £86L 'qaj a,AOjaq jou A@PULewa.A ayl Pup SLnp uL pLed aq 04 00-000'00L 4s y46 uo L0004S S,AequawaLa PLO a43 .ao} 'AaA,Ans pup S4soo bULSOLo }Ley-auo snLd 00'000'OSL 3oLU3SLO L0040S a44 .Aa}}o 04 LLounoO aq4 Sq UaAL6 seM UOL'4ezLAog3ny -suoseaS anoj 844 4SULe6e uOLJoe Sue 6uLjeq a,aojaq saaIeayl AO,AaW UO SL UOLSLOaP 4inoo aqq gegM aas pup }Lem o} paptoap SeM II 'Xe4 UOLSSLWPe up 44L3 aq4 XPd 04 6uLLLLm you a,ae suoseaS ,anoj }o saaumo ayq pLes aaLLnj LLaM BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT MARCH 15,1982 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Petty Cash Misc. Cash Paid Outs 9.48 2. Do. Co. Sewer Dist. 2 Months Service 20.00 3. R. M. Church Office Supplies 123.02 4. Northwest Safe & Lock Change Combination on Safe 33.92 5. The Empire Press Publication Planning Meeting 4.16 6. Libke, Jones & Mitchell 3 Public Officials Bonds 90.00 7. Fuller & Cassel, Inc. Legal Services 159.03 8. WA. Physicians Service April 1982 Medical Insurance Payment 1 080.74 9. Pedco Credit Union March 1982 Credit Union Payment 200.00 10. Security Bank of WA. March 1982 Withholding Deposit 2 192.35 11. Wm. McKenzie it " Salary 279.90 12. Wm. Hamilton 11585.76 13. Dorotha McGee 594.80 14. Roberta Burnap 415.99 15. Robert Scott, Jr. Public Defender Retainer 230.00 16. Forrest Lannoye Salary 293.89 17. Peggy McArthur 1 042.40 18. Virginia Kinzel 736.57 19. D.N.Fuller & Asso. Legal Retainer 963.00 20. Ronald Lannoye Salary 377.94 21. Robert Goodman 395.49 22. George Sperline 326.55 STREET 1. Petty Cash Misc. Cash Paid Outs 32.29 2. Elder Auto Parts Misc. Parts for Repairs & Supplies 115.86 3. Grange Supply Co. Gasoline 249.31 4. Shell Oil Co. Gasoline Credit Card Charges 15.73 5. Ace Auto Parts Choke for Flusher 13.25 6. Traffic Control Signs Co. Paint 2 736.08 7. E. Wenatchee Water District Water 45.00 8. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Add'1 Premium for new truck 90.00 9. WA. St. Treasurer Traffic Signal Maintenance 63.47 10. WA. Physicians Service April 1982 Medical Insurance Payment 266.31 11. Pedco Credit Union March Credit Union Payment 252.00 12. Security Bank of WA. March 1982 Withholding Deposit 387.05 13. Ronald Lannoye March 1982 Salary 695.89 14. Robert Goodman 665.34 15. Danny Reeves 1 002.46 POLICE 1. Elder Auto Parts Misc. Parts for Repairs #3 & 4 25.36 2. Wenatchee Radiator Radiator Overhaul #1 44.52 3. Jack Miller Processing, Film & Batteries 28.62 4. Central Communications Repairing 2 portable battery chargers 57.66 5. Mac's Tire Service of Chelan 8 Tires 345.14 6. Cascade Chevrolet Co. Repairs Car #1 19.37 7. Grange Supply Gasoline 541.91 8. Ray Page Monogramming 29 Police Badges 14.50 ' 9. Firestone Stores 4 Tires 189.48 10. City of Wenatchee Prisoners Room & Board 915.00 11. Mobilefone NW March Service Fee 35.00 12. Financial Consultants Int. March 1982 Car Lease Payment 667.80 13. City of Wenatchee March 1982 Emergency Telephone 524.00 1 Z£'£Z 83 MAaS LLALO „ „ „ PueLOJI 'y Lae43LW EZ L6'89L It ke.AB esLl ZZ 89'Z96 uOSL,A.AeH U40C ' LZ LL'9LL „ „ „ @IOLO Lae4oLW 'OZ VL'LL6 „ „ „ 6Lu,ALA 1940 '6L WLEL L Sew041 we.ALH '8L 99' 98Z L „ „ „ u L44e0 Lae40LW ' L L 9b'96Z L „ „ „ Sq.ALN PLOAeH '9L OE'LL£ L SoeLeS 286L P.AeW SIOOA9 •wM '9L £&'D£L L Pawf'ed Z86L 40-1PW Swa}SXS 4UMO.A[4ad JO •;daO 'bL panuL-4u00 aOLLOd