HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/18/1982 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Jan. 18, 1982 Councilmen present: John Pflugrath, Hartley Beeler, Darrell McNeill, Ed Rich and Ray Duncan. City Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Bills and Accounts were approved as submitted, including a voucher to Top Auto for approximately 57.95 for shocks. Clerk was directed to fill in correct amount upon purchase. Motion was made by Hartley Beeler, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. The Council asked that in the future, the Civil Service Commission complete all applicant testing before ordering the applicant to take a physical. Mayor Lannoye and Councilmembers stated they have recieved mostly favorable comments on the condition of streets within the City. Mayor Lannoye told the Councilthey should be thinking about what they want to do about the roof in City Hall. It has been leaking in the Clerk's office and ' will have to be repaired in the Spring. The Council accepted the resignation of Robert Collins on the Civil Service Commission. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. The Council appointed Wayne W. Wright to replace the vacated position left by Robert Collins. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. City Clerk was asked to send a letter of Thanks to Mr. Collins for his years of Service on the Commission. Mayor Lannoye passed around 3 logo's received to date for the Council's consideration. No action will be taken until the Feb. 1st meeting. Attorney Neil Fuller was asked to draft an Ordinance amending Ordinance 260, allowing City employees to take half day vacations and hourly Increments for sick leave. Mayor Lannoye suggested a committee should be set up consisting of two employees, City Clerk and two Council members to manage the City's retirement program. Ray Duncan and Ed Rich agreed to serve. Other will be chosen by fellow employees. Neil Fuller said he will look into options for the retirement plan. There was much discussion concerning delinquent admission taxes for 1981. Those delinquent include, Columbia Cinema, Eastmont Lanes and The Golden Rule. Mike Mercy, President of Yakima Theaters stated he would not pay more than 4,000.00 in one year. Neil Fuller said he would write to these business advising them of their violation and request their reporting data. i 'kLsnOWLueun passed pue ueouno S'eb Xq papuooaS •pauanoCpe aq 6uL;aaw ag; ;eg; uoi;ow a apew aaLaag SaL;aeH °ssaULsnq Aag;an; ou 6uiaq aaagl •;uawasinpe aapun aa;;ew ag; ale; 0; paaa6e Liounoo agl •saL4iL�q�ssod aaow iUew seg pue ';aaw o; suazt;io aoLuas Ao4 aoeLd a sdegaad pue 4.Aeaq�L a apnLouL o; aoeLd Leap! ue aq pLnom ;i pa;e;s aH •LleH 44�3 aoJ 4g6Ls aan;n; a se Loogos apea6 PLO ag; 6ULsegoand 10 94M qssod ag; o;UL loot LIounoo ag; pa4sa66ns go Lb P3 uewLiounoo •;anoj ag; aoJ S'aeuoL;oLo gSLuedS Le6aL a asegoand o; uoLssLwaad pa;uea6 sem aaLaag S'aL;aeH uewL�ounoo -SLsnowLueun passed pue go b P3 kq Papuooas . M alloW LLaaaeo Xq apew sem uol;ow (•saaleao pueg-puOoaS pue saaloae umed 6uL4eLn6ab) SZ£ -ON aoueuLpao ;dope 04 L�ounoo aq; kq uanL6 sem uoL;eZLaog;ny BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JAN. 18, 1982 CURRENT EXPENSE 1981 1. Gene Williams Witness Fee 10.00 2. Ron Stacey Witness Fee 10.00 3. Terry Berg Witness Fee 10.00 4. Francisco Torrez Witness Fee 10.00 5. Lorenzo A. Miranda Witness Fee 10.00 6. Petty Cash Postage & Uniforms paid by cash 34.64 7. R. M. Church Office Supplies 58.47 8. Do., Co. Auditor 1981 Election Costs 198.05 STREET 1981 1. Shell Oil Co. Gas Credit Card Charges -Sacramento 119.43 2. Do., Co., Road Dept. Diesel 112.33 3. Mel's Heating & Boiler Service Repairs & Parts on Shop Furnace 155.77 4. Modern Machinery Parts for repairing sweeper 175.95 5. Webb Tractor & Equipment Nuts & Bolts for Snow plow 32.55 6. Elder Auto Parts, Inc. Misc., parts for equipment repair 42.79 7. Pay'n Save Corp. Starters & Light Bulbs 26.83 8. Chevron U.S.A. Gas Credit Card charges -Sacramento 23.35 ' POLICE 1981 1. Chelan -Do., Co., Health Dist. Physical for Michael Frankowick 108.98 2. Wenatchee Valley Clinic EKG Tracing, Interpret & Report 40.15 3. Mid State Cleaners Alterations 18.02 4. Shell Oil Co. Gas Credit Card Charges 20.46 5. City of Wenatchee Prisoner's Board & Room 735.00 6. Sears, Roebuck & Co. Clothing for John Harrison 51.33 7. Wenatchee Chiropractic Clinic Unoaid Balance for Wm. Brooks 8.00 8. Group Health Cooperative Hahn Medical Bill 61.20 CURRENT EXPENSE 1982 1. Do., Co., Sewer Dist Two Months Service 20.00 2. Chelan -Do., Co., Health Dist. Health Services for 1982 4 482.00 3. Assn. of WA., Cities 1982 Service Fee 347.49 4. WA. St. Assn. Court Administration One Yr., dues Court Clerk & Deputy 20.00 5. General Telephone 1 Months Service 108.54 6. Pedco Credit Union Jan. 1982 Payment 200.00 7. Security Bank of WA. Jan. 1982 Withholding Deposit 2 245.95 ' 8. Wm. McKenzie Jan. 1982 Salary 279.90 " 9. Wm. Hamilton " 11 585.76 10. Dorotha McGee " " " 594.80 11. Roberta Burnap to " 11 415.99 12. Robert H. Scott, Jr. it Public Defender Retainer 230.00 13. Forrest Lannoye " Salary 293.89 14. Peggy McArthur 11 1 042.40 1 1 u LL'89 .Ae3 aoLLOd a03 S1004S saLLddnS g o3ny dol 'LZ Z£'£Z aoLnAaS LLnL3 PueLa.AI Lae4oLW 'OZ L6'8SL „ „ Ae.AB op esil '6L 89'Z96 „ „ „ uosL,A,AeH u40p '8L 09'8LO L „ „ „ ajOL3 Lae40LW 'LL bL'LL6 „ „ „ 6LuaLA 4a40 '9L b9'6LL L „ „11 sewo4l we.ALH 'SL 99'982 L „ „ „ uL33e3 Lae4OLW 'bL SL'ESZ L „ „ „ AquLN PLO.1eH '£L OE'LLE L R-APPS Z86L 'uep SJOO.AB 'wM 'ZL bS'bSL L aoue.Ansul LeOLPaW Z86L 'qad aOLAJaS sueLOLS44d 'VM 'LL LL'ZLL L 4uawAed Z86L 'uep 3uawa,eL4ab So •3dao 'OL L6'8L sp,ae3 awLJ P84uLJd OOS luLud uI 6 LL'b ALed@b auLl aoLn,AaS S,jOLO '8 9E'6S £# ARO J04L) peb Lne4.Aano a3aLdwo3 J04 eLpeb aa433euaM 'L Zb' L sAaN L a LWO a41 ' 9 00'bZ9 auogdaLa1 Aoua6.Aaw3 Z86L •uep aa4o3euaM 3o A3L3 '9 8S'LLb auLLose9 wnaLO-AlOd aa40leu9M 'b L9'8 Passa:)OJd wM SLLOb Z S,uaMW PuP '£ 0L'96 s3oo.A9 'Sul 44tLLgeSLO .O3 "Sul a}Ll ueLp,Aeng 'Z b£'E6 SIOO.AB wM - saggoL3 s,uosuLgob 'L 9b'Z00 b£'999 68'S69 00'Z9Z 90'L8£ L£' 99Z bE'89Z Ob'Zb 9b'9Z L9'Lb 99'9Z£ 6b'SK b6'LLE 00'£96 LS'9EL „ „ „ It „ „ A,AeLeS Z86L 'Uep luawAed uoLup 4Lpar3 •uep 4LsodaO 6ULPLO4441M 'uep aoue,AnsuI LeoLPaW Z86L 'qad auLLose9 ZeaS A@IsLogdnab Aoqel g LeL.Aa4PW .AapueS Aoj Ao4oW AadLM auLLoseg g saLLddnS 'SLoo1 „ „ AueLeS Z86L ,AauLeIab Leual 286L A,AeLeS Z86L 386L 33IlOd sanaab AuueO 'OL uewpooO 3aagob -6 aAouuel pLeuob '8 uoLufl 4WWO oopad •L 'VM }o jue8 k4 pnoaS '9 aoLn.AaS SueLOLSA4d 'VM '9 wnaLo.A49d aa404euaM 'b AaxLuB P.AELLL0 'E ouL deep/3WV 99403euaM 'Z 4se3 A319d 'L 386L 133b1S auLLAadS a6.Aoag '6L uewpoog 4,Aagob ' 8 L uep aAouuel pLeuob 'LL uep sa4PLOOSSV g .AaLln3 'N '0 '9L uep LazuLA eLuL6,ALA ' 9 L 1,NO3 3SN3dX3 1N3bbfl3