HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/7/1983 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Nov. 7, 1983 Members present: John Pflugrath, Hartley Beeler, Ed Rich, Ray Duncan and Darrell McNeill. Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were adopted as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. The Council gave Chief Brooks permission to attend a conference in Everett, Nov. 15th, 16th and 17th. It was authorized that he could use Travel Advance monies for his room and meals while attending. Ray Duncan said the new truck is in. The Council authorized that payment on the truck will not be made until the truck meets specifications, operating properly and all paint to match. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Ed Daling talked about the brochure they are about ready to have printed and asked the Council for 6,000.00 plus tax. That amount, he explained will pay for 10,000 brochures. Mr. Daling said the Port District would pay an additional 750.00 required ' to add data they feel will be advantageous to the map. Authorization was given by the Council to accept the agreement for use of Stadium Tax Funds between the City of East Wenatchee and the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce. The amount to be Six Thousand (6,000.00) plus sales tax if applicable. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Police car bids were opened as follows: 1. Ted Finkbeiner Motors, Inc. Two (2) 1984 Pontiac 6000 - $21,339.14. Ted Finkbeiner Motors, Inc. Two (2) 1984 Buick Skylarks $21,460.98. 2. Capitol Chevrolet Co. Two (2) 1984 Chev. Citations II $18,196.64. 3. Cascade Chevrolet Co. Two (2) 1984 Chev. Celebrity $21,172.13 plus 85 AMP alternator 525.60 plus air shocks 487.60 Total $22,185.33 After some discussion, Chief Brooks stated the citations are hatchbacks and are not satisfactory for police cars because of the light bars that have to be mounted. Authorization was given by the Council to purchase two Buick Skylarks from Ted Finkbeiner Motors if they meet all specifications. However, if they don't meet all specifications, the City will then purchase two chev. Celebrity sedans from Cascade Chevrolet. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. ' The Council authorized Mayor Lannoye to sign a permit for the Department of Transportation to work on City Street in conjunction with SR28, Jct. SR 2 to Ninth Street, N.E. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Mayor Lannoye explained to the Council, some of the work the State is anticipating within the City limits, including a signal light at 9th and Valley Mall Parkway. A MR LO �j LO AORPW •,LsnowLueun passed pue LLLaNN LLau.aeO Rq papuooas 'pau.anoCpe aq 6uL4aaw aq4 3e44 uoLJow a apew aaLaag X'aL3,aeH 'ssauLsnq Aagganj ou 6uLaq aaa41 *kLa3eL waLgo,ad a uaaq osLe se4 }ue.ag pue 4uow4se3 qe 4.46LL a44 se wL4 44Lm waLgo,ad aq4 ssnosLp pue jaam sL44 uoLjej,aodsue.al }o 4uawgAedaa aq4 3e AaaULBUa 941 ggLm 6uLmoago aq pLnom a4 pies ako'uuel ,aoRPW •awL3 a44 _4o 4onw os 4seL3 uo a,ae Remlaed LLeW RDLLeA pue 449 qe s3g6LL 3L4jeX4 aqj Fqm palse S'pauuaN .aagaH 'gLsnowLueun passed pup ueounO Xpe Rq papuooas 'g4ea6nL}d u4oC kq apew sem UOL40W •£96L 19 Aagwaoaa pauado aq 04 .aapeoL mau a Aol spLq .ao; LLeJ 00 LLounoO aq4 Rq uanL6 sem UoL4eZLu04gny 'RLsnowLueun passed pup ueoun0 Rea Rq papuooas '40Ld p3 Rq apew sem uoL3oW '00.00L`Z do 4unowe aq4 uL •4dap 3aa,a4s aq4 ao4 Aawwe410ef oLLe.apR4 a 40 ase4oand a44 paZLao4}ne LLounoo aql 6UL38aw 4a6pnq e ,aoA 'W•d 00:Z 3e g4tL •noN XepuoW 39s LLounoO aql -kLsnowLueun passed pup g3e,a6n Ud u4oC Xq papuooas 'ueoun0 R28 Rq apew sem UOL40W •pa}uasaad se ga6png 4,aeuLwLLaJd a44 pa4dope LLounoO aql BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT NOV. 7, 1983 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Ray Duncan Oct. 1983 Per -diem 55.98 2. Darrell McNeill 27.99 3. Ed Rich 55.98 4. Hartley Beeler 27.99 5. John Pflugrath 55.98 6. Emp. Security Dept. Social Security 2 482.48 7. Wen. Valley Humane Society Nov. Dog Control 150.00 8. James A. Dart 11 Payment Copier (14th) 113.20 9. E. W. Water District Bi-Monthly Water Statement 14.00 10. P. U. D. 2 Months Service School Bldg. 20.00 11. Clarkboardman Co. Supplement Freedom of Information & Privacy Acts (Judge) 20.24 12. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Bond for Deputy Court Clerk 30.00 13. Don Kelly Witness Fee 10.00 14. Lyle Gere 10.00 15. Marian Porter 10.00 16. WA. Courthouse Supply 250 Warrent Register Sheets 136.78 17. The Wenatchee World News Paper Publications 39.38 18. Hartley Beeler Interpreter for Municipal Court 15.00 19. Wenatchee Office Supply Office Supplies for Court Clerk 36.15 20. Apple City Office Supply " " " " " & City Clerk 41.60 ' 21. Nelson Office Machines Paper for Copier 43.00 22. Fuller & Cassel, Inc., Legal Services 13.77 23. Stanley Ackley Hydraulic %Z Cost of Circular Saw & Assessories 609.26 STREET 1. Stanley Ackley Hydraulic Tool z Cost of Circular Saw & Assessories 609.26 2. Sears, Roebuck & Co. Paint & Brush for Shop Bldg. 35.41 3. P. U. D. 2 Months Service to Shop & Garage 30.00 4. Emp. Security Dept. Oct. 1983 Social Security 471.32 5. Grant Road Hardware Paint, Brush, Primer, Rope & Hooks 53.91 6. Grange Supply Co. Gasoline 336.03 7. Elder Auto Parts Misc., Parts & Supplies 53.11 8. Cascade Natural Gas 1 Months Service to Shop 32.43 9. Douglas Black Construction Curb Work Rock Island road & Grant 628.88 10. Wenatchee Sand & Gravel Crushed Rock 30.10 11. WA. St. Treasurer Sept. Traffic Signal Maint. 180.79 12. Morril Asphalt Paving Co. 9.86 Tons Hot Mix (Grant & Rock Island)251.04 13. E. W. Water District Bi-Monthly Water Statement 14.90 14. Utah Salt Co. 90 Bags Salt & 3 Pallets 268.80 15. Columbia Concrete Products Mat. for Hydrent Posts(Grant & R.Island)23.65 POLICE 1. Kelli Keefe Oct 1983 Salary 177.74 ' 2. Kayo's Car Wash Oct. Police Car Washes 35.00 3. Fed. Licensing, J.V. Radio Station Authorization License 95.00 4. Kits Cameras Processing Film 10.29 5. Elder Auto Parts Parts for Police Cars 43.20 6. Grant Road Hardware Light Bulb 6.98 7. Grange Supply Gasoline 441.22 8. E. W. St., Dept. Labor on Police Cars 59.70 1 1 00'OL aOua.aaJU00 LLe3 uOLILIJISLbaa 86'OL 4uawdLnb3 £8'88L Mod uOL'4W3 £86L 18S (L) 80'98L £# s3aed B S.ALedab 00'999 L w00a 9 PJPOS SJDUOSLJd 00'09 (PLaL4SPuLM) anL40npa0 00'09$ S;aL4O aOLLOd q S;}Laa4S 10 USSV 'bL 00 SLneO '£L •00 6uL4SLLgnd 1009 'ZL 4aLOJna40 apeOseO •LL aa403euaM }O 440 'OL SSeLO 9 3uLed aPLs'4sE3 '6 '1,N00 33IIOd