HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/3/1983 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING
Oct. 3, 1983
Members present: Darrell McNeill, Ed Rich, Ray Duncan, John Pflugrath and Hartley
Beeler. Attorney, Neil Fuller and Peggy McArthur, City Clerk.
Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by
Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously.
Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan,
seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously.
Authorization was given by the Council to accept the lease with option to purchase
city lots between the City and Old Town Development. Motion was made by Ray Duncan
seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously.
Ernie Elder thanked the Council for the lease agreement and stated he has every
intention of keeping the lots open to the public.
The Council asked Ray Duncan if he and Bob Goodman would get together with Mr. Elder
concerning paving of the lots. Mayor Lannoye said the building inspector should
be advised so everything meets code.
The City received two bids for the surplus 1956 International with plow and sander.
'Dale Swezey of Brewster bid 389.99 and Neal Swezey of Brewster bid 589.79. John
Pflugrath made a motion to reject both bids, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed
unanimously. Mayor Lannoye asked Neil Fuller if the Council could now sell the
truck without further bidding. Neil assured him they can.
Mike May & Kerry Lease talked to the Council about the Brochure the Chamber has
been working on. Mr. Lease said they are about ready with the final draft and
should be ready to have them printed soon. Mayor Lannoye asked what the cost would
be and Mr. Lease said they have the figures but he did not have them with him.
He said they will have all of the information by the Oct. 17th meeting.
Mike May, President of the East Wenatchee District Chamber of Commerce invited the
Mayor and Council to attend a meeting at the Four Seasons at 11:30 Tuesday and
luncheon at 12:00. He said Roland Cook, District Administrator with the Department
of Transportation would be there to discuss the new SR 28 highway. Mr. May stated
it was very important for people to show up in support of the project. There has been
enough opposition, he said, that unless people start writing letters of support, the
project may go under. He stated that the Chamber wants to work with those people
who are negative and prehaps work out some kind of solution.
Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 356 (adding a floating
vacation day for all employees) Motion was made by John Pflugrath, seconded by
Ed Rich and passed unanimously.
Mayor Lannoye asked
the Council
if they wanted to
bid on a air compressor the
P.U.D. has for sale
agreed to put in a
as surplus. After some discussion,
bid if Ray Duncan, Ed Rich and
the Council
Bob Goodman look
it over and
feel it meets the needs
of the
City. The bid date
is Oct. 17th at
2:00 P.M.
and will require a
10 percent deposit.
Motion was
made by Darrell
seconded by Hartley
Beeler and
passed unanimously
to have the City
Clerk voucher
and write a warrant
for the 10
percent when a bid
price is set.
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1. Ray Duncan Sept. 1983 Per -diem 55.98
2. Darrell McNeill 1; " 27.99
3. Ed Rich 55.98
4. Hartley Beeler 55.98
5. John Pflugrath 55.98
6. Wenatchee Valley Humane S.Oct. Dog Controll 150.00
7. James Dart 13th Payment Copier 113.20
8. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Insurance premium 6 904.50
9. In Print Printed Letterheads 46.98
10. Norma Thompson Jury Fee 10.00
11. Connie Spoonemore 10.00
12. Ruby Hastings 10.00
13. Lynn Heminger 10.00
14. Arlene Dixon 10.00
15. Fred Valentine 10.00
16. Gerald Chapton 10.00
17. Gary Baugh 10.00
18. Jo Hopkins 10.00
19. George Lytle 10.00
20. W. L. Emerson 10.00
21. Marilyn Patrick 10.00
22. Joy Horner 10.00
23. Elodie Willis 10.00
'24. Mary Van Well 10.00
25. Dorothy Landin 10.00
26. Robert Perez, Jr. Interpreter (4) 60.00
27. Hartley Beeler " 15.00
28. Cynthia St. Vincent Sept. 1983 Wages 193.60
29. Emp. Security Dept. Sept. Social Security 2 502.87
30. Emp. Security Dept. 3rd Quarter Unemployment Compensation 90.04
31. Chelan Co. Treasurer 3rd Quarter Liquor Tax (2%) 91.51
32. Apple City Supply Office Supplies, C. Clerk, Police & City Clerk 104.08
33. Robert Crawford Probation Services 671.00
1. Wenatchee World Notice -Surplus Equiment 31.14
2. Grange Supply Gasoline 81.13
3. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Insurance premium 3 583.50
4. Wenatchee Sand & Gravel 32.20 Tons Crushed Rock 14th St. 173.08
5. Grant Road Hardware Parts Gas Pump 24.97
6. Emp. Security Dept. 3rd Quarter Unemployment Compensation 21.10
7. Emp. Security Dept. Sept. Social Security 471.30
8. Interstate Parts & Equip.Strobe Light Ford 1 Ton 103.96
9. South Park Ind. 2 Gutterbrooms 230.31
10. Seco Construction 50 Lbs Rags 39.24
11. Cascade Gas Corp. Service 1 Month to Shop 8.74
12. Mac Tools Tools & Supplies for Shop 72.13
'13. Les Schwab Tire 2 Spin Balances 13.44
14. Elder Auto Parts Miscellaneous Parts & Supplies 120.19
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