HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/19/1983 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING 1 Sept. 19, 1983 Members present: John Plfugrath, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich and Hartley Beeler. Attorney Neil Fuller and Peggy McArthur, City Clerk. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Leasing of the City lots was again discussed. Neil Fuller stated that the Article of Corporation has been filed. He stated Ernie Elder was the only one he knew of listed in the Corporation. John Pflugrath questioned if Mr. Elder could rope the lots off ' and use only for his customers. Mayor Lannoye said Mr. Elder planned to keep the lots open to the public but up to this point anything they talked about was verbal only. Ed Rich asked if others wanting to be part of the Corporation would be able to do so and wanted to know what Mr. Elder would do if other businesses did not participate in the expense of paving it. John Pflugrath said maybe the City should just rope off the lots and not allow anyone to park there. The Council asked Neil Fuller to check into these things before adopting the lease and they would review the lease again at the next meeting. Neil Fuller was asked to draft an ordinance giving city employees a floating holiday. The Council agreed to grant this when negotiating salaries for 1983. Upon request from an employee to take the floating holiday, it was discovered that the ordinance had not been drafted or adopted. Bill Williams, Douglas County Sheriff, requested the City to pass a Resolution in the matter of supporting the 9-1-1 Election Ballot ' Proposition Entitled "Funding the 9-1-1 Emergency Communications System to be on the ballot in Nov. The cost of the system will be 50 cents per month for each telephone access line which would amount to approximately 6,000.00 in the City and for an additional 8,000.00 the County will dispatch for the City. Presently, the City of Wenatchee has been dispatching for the City. Sheriff Williams said the telepone 1 4:4a43 Fgt3 ' aoRL)W kLsnowtupun passed pup 4gp.a6nL;d ugoP Xq papuooas 'paujnoCpp aq 6ut4aaw agq gegq uotgow a apew JaLaaa XaP.aeH 'ssautsnq ,angq,an; ou 6utaq aaagl •Lauuosiad quno3 ssnostp ute6e oq paLLeo aq 6ut4aaw antgnoaxa up gegq palse gotb P3 'uewLtouno3 -Repsanl gotagstp auoZ Lo,aquo3 pooLj 80434euaM 4se3 agq .ao; agon pup qno u.anq oq allOkJana paputwaJ XpauuaA uagaH •anuanab paJPgS LPJapaj ,ao; 6ut.aeaH asH pasodo.ad JO; agep 6ut.aeaq agq se g3ZL 430 qas Lt3uno3 aqj -kLsnowtupun passed pup ggpa6nL;d ugop kq papuooas 'ueounp kea kq apew SUM UOL40W (Fna3 xpl 6ut44aS) •SSE •oN aoueutp,ap }dope oq Ltouno3 agq f'q uant6 SUM uotgeZLaoggny -kLsnowtupun passed pup upounp RPS Rq papuooas `gota P3 Nq apew SUM uotgoW •b-Cg uotgnLosaa gdope oq Ltouno3 aq; Nq uant6 SUM uotgeZtuoggnp 'uotssnostp a.aow ,aaq;y -44uno3 agq .ao; a6.ae4o quao 09 agq goaLLoo LL m Ruedwo3 BILLS SUBMITTED TO PAYMENT SEPT. 19, 1983 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Wm. McKenzie Sept. 1983 Salary 326.55 2. !Wm. Hamilton 619.06 3. Dorotha M. McGee 659.74 5. Roberta Burnap 470.86 6. Schmidt & Clem " If 300.00 7. Forrest Lannoye 340.54 8. Peggy McArthur 1 001.04 9. Virginia Kinzel 808.92 10. Fuller & Cassel Legal Retainer 1 500.00 11. Ronald Lannoye Salary 407.51 12. Lenueal Breckenridge 11380.97 13. Security Bank of WA. Withholding Deposit 2 176.15 14. Trusted Plans Service October Medical Insurance Payment 1 196.77 15. Pedco Credit Union Sept. Credit Union Payment 400.00 16. Petty Cash Cash Expenditures Postage & supplies 124.52 17. General Telephone 1 Months Service 152.94 18. Do. Co. Sewer Dist. 2 Months Service 16.29 19. Reid Pump & Supply Parts for Park Repairs 7.60 20. The Keyhole Desk Lock (2) & Keys 22.58 21. 'AA. Courthouse Supply Journal Forms for Court 44.68 22. David L. Dahl Witness Fee 10.00 23. D. A. Crittenden 10.00 24. Tony Lloyd 10.00 25. George Sperline Sept. 1983 Salary 326.55 STREET 1. Ronald Lannoye Sept. 1983 Salary 702.89 2. Lenueal Breckenridge 761.83 3. Robert Goodman 1 000.31 4. Pedco Credit Union Credit Union Payment 255.00 5. Security Bank of WA. Withholding Deposit 471.05 6. Trusted Plans Service Oct. Medical Insurance Payment 238.78 7. General Telephone 1 Months Service 36.13 8. E. W. Water Dist. 2 Months Service 26.15 9. North Central Petroleum 1 Drum Solvent 166.63 10. Morrill Asphalt Overlay 14th St., Hot Mix & 5 Gals. SSI 6 724.81 11. Petty Cash Cash Expenditures 21.33 POLICE 1. Wm. Brooks 3rd Quarter Cleaning Allowance 20.00 2. Harold Kirby 20.00 3. Michael Cattin 20.00 4. Hiram Thomas 20.00 5. Chet Virnig 20.00 6. John Harrison 20.00 7. Wm. Brooks Sept. 1983 Salary 1 477.55 8. Harold Kirby 1 234.60 9. Michael Cattin 1 289.00 10. Hiram Thomas 1 221.70 11. Chet Virnig 1 207.90 12. John Harrison 1 082.40 13. Kay Shepard 733.85 1 69' 9 s6n.a0 uyeH p.ao}} L LO ' £Z OO'8Z 4L)j 3uLadaa6uL3 IULud-ean0 'ZZ W17 wLLj se.aawe0 s46N ' LZ L8'8E saasno,al w,aojm 'Jd L saLeS IooH 'H Lned '02 6£'b8 quawaa,a6y aoueua3uLeW * daS suoL4eoLunwwo0 Le,alu90 •6L ZL'LOL L 4uawaAPaa E86L 'gdaS 3uawaaL4aa }o •4da0 •8L 00'9L9 s.aauosL,ad 08403euaM do 4310 'LL 00'09L L 90LAJOS auogdaLai f'oua6aaw3 aayo}euaM 10 X; Q '9L 00'8£ aoLAJOS auogdaLLgoW 'M'N auoaLLgoW '9L 66'LZ aoLnaaS LLA Q E86L '3daS pueLa,al 'tl LaeyoLW 'bl EXECUTIVE MEETING Court Personnel Sept. 19, 1983 Mayor Lannoye was asked by Ed Rich and John Pflugrath if Roberta Burnap had been dismissed for discussing a case with a client. Mayor Lannoye stated he had asked for her resignation and she would be terminated at the end of the month. He stated he hired Cindy St Vincent parttime and she would be put on full time the 1st of Oct. Also, Mayor Lannoye stated he asked Robert Crawford for his resignation as he is living in the same residence as one of his clients. 1