HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/7/1983 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Sept. 7, 1983 Members present: Hartley Beeler, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich, Darrell McNeill and John Pflugrath. City Attorney, Neil Fuller and Peggy McArthur, City Clerk. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted with a voucher to Pybus Steel to be paid with cumulative storm drain fund monies. Motion was made by Hartley Beeler, seconded by John Plfugrath and passed unanimously. The Public Hearing was continued pertaining to the request of the Douglas County Sewer District to construct additional drying beds located near Columbia River. Dale O'Neal, Manager of the District, stated there would be no objectional odor from these beds if the digester is working properly. He stated they want additional beds for drying the sludge to save some expense of hauling. The Council had no objections to the request. Mary Jacobson, representing the Wenatchee Area Visitor's Convention Bureau, requested an additional 2,000.00 in Stadium funds to promote tourism in East Wenatchee. Mary said a new map would be designed showing both bridges into East Wenatchee. Authorization was given by the Council to accept the agreement drafted by the Bureau. Motion was made by John Pflugrath, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Mayor Lannoye stated that in the future, the Council would like to review brochures and materials promoting tourism before they go to print so the Council can have some input. Mike May, President of the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce, spoke of the Chamber's appreciation for the support the Council has given the Chamber and the Visitors Convention Bureau. Fabricland tying into the City's storm drain was discussed. The Council found no objections and granted the request. The work will be done by Selland Construction and Basin Asphalt. The lease with option to purchase the City lots by Old Town Development Corp. was again discussed. The Council reviewed the lastest lease drafted by Neil Fuller. All of the Council members were satisfied with the lease as drafted. The lease, if approved by the Corporation, will come back before the Council for adoption. It was agreed by the Council, that the asphalt sidewalk that was put in on llth ' street by Morrill Asphalt be taken out by the City crew if time permits. The property owners have no access to their property as the area was used as a driveway. Morrill asphalt had agreed to furnish the asphalt needed, but did not feel it was their responsibility to remove it as a driveway was not shown in the specifications. 1 [ I J JORPW •L'LsnowLupun passed pup gge,a6nLdd uyoC L'q papuooas 'pau,AnoCpe aq 6uLgaaw a44 4e44 UOL40w a apew A@Laae RBL4ueH 'ssauLsnq .aa44.anj ou 6uLaq a,Aag4 pup .aapio o4 6uL40aw a44 paLLeo akouueq JORQW 'kLsnowLueun passed pue yoia P3 Xq paouooaS •auanuoo-aA 6uL4aaw JP Ln6aa a4g pup pauanoCpe aq 6uLga0w 9nL4noaxa ayq 4e44 UOL40w a apewJ2 LaaB L'aL4.AeH ssaoa.A a aoq paLLeo aL'ouue3 JO4PW • Lauuosied q,Anoo ssnosLp og paLLeo aq uoLssas anLgnoaxe up ge44 paAse 44e,a6nL;d uyoC 'Jay aoeLda.a o4 uosuad awL4 4.Apd .Aa44oue aALy pLnoo q,anoo ayq di palse ay pup qoC aLogm ayq uaeaL oq 4upM qou pip ays se pageuLwua4 seM qoC s,IuaLo q,Anoo 4ue4sLssp ayq ;o auo pies aFouueq JORPW 'kLsnowLupun passed pup 44e,a6nLJd uyoC Xq papuooas 'ueouno Red Rq apew seM uoLgoW •paE •430 pauedo aq oq spiq JOI LLeo pue snLd,ans ,Aapues pue MoLd 'jon.aq Leuo14euua4ul 996L ayq a,AeLoap 04 LLounoo aq; Rq uanL6 seM uoL4eZL.Aoy4ny •46L4 004 a.AaM xe4 snLd 00.5LL do sagonb ayq 4La; L'ayq se gaajjS Jajpq uo ILeMapis jo quawaoeLda.A .aoj sagonb 4da3oe qou pip Liouno0 a41 •xeq snLd 00'EbL$ pagonb •,aquoo pooh alLW XLsnOWLuPun passed pup y4e.A6nL;d uyoC Xq papuooas 'yoia P3 Xq apew seM uoLgoW •xeq saLps snLd 00-SgG$ , o gsoo a .Aoj speoi pueLsl 130a pug 4ue.ag do ,aauaoo ayq 4e .aa44n6 pup gano Mau jo •3•3 Zb XLa4ewLxo,Adde ,ao} ageneoxa oq pup q.Ano 6uL4sLxa aq; ;o uoLq,aod a anowaJ pue ageneoxa oq •00 uoLgonu4suoo 13eLB seL6noo jo agonb a44 4600p o4 LLounoo a44 Rq uanL6 seM uoLgezLaoygny •FLsnowiueun passed pup LLLalloW LL@JJRo Rq papuooas 'ueouno kpb kq apew seM uoLgoW •s.aaauL6u3 uosunW Rq a6ue40 a4pwL4s9 gsoo oq anp 6pupsn041 £Ob o4 OL£ woul papuawe seM 'gsoo goaCo,ad ,aapun 'qSL •3's 04 4uaAg 'ppoa pueLsl �ooa ' L *ON wa41 •s,APBX Aepu@Leo xLS 6uLnsua a44 .AOJ we.A6o.ad ga8,A4S anLsuaya,adwo0 ,AeaA xLS papuawe a44 4dopp 04 Liounoo ayq Xq uanL6 seM uoL4eZL.Aoy4ny 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT SEPT. 7, 1983 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Ray Duncan 2. Darrell McNeill 3. Ed Rich 4. Hartley Beeler 5. John Pflugrath 6. Janet Holcomb 7. P. U. D. 8. James Dart 9. WA. Municipal Clerks Assn 10. Emp. Security Dept. 11. Wenatchee Humane Society 12. E. W. Water Dist. 13. Kroll Map Co., Inc. 14. Nelson Office Machines 15. Wenatchee World 16. Fuller & Cassel 17. Copy Cat Printing 18. Wenatchee Office Supply 19. Hartley Beeler 20. Clarkboardman Co. 21. Robert Crawford 22. Dave Waterhouse 23. Tory Presher 24. Michael Begley 25. Mike Forister 26. WA. Courthouse Supply 27. Grant Road Hardware August Per -diem Wages 2 Months Service to School Bldg. 12th Payment Copier One Years Dues City Clerk August Social Security Sept. Payment Dog Control Bi-Monthly '.Dater Statement 6 Kroll Maps of E. W. Paper for Copier Notices of Hearings Legal Order Commitments for Court Office Supplies Court Clerk Interpreter Updating Searches & Seizures Probation Officer Witness Fee & Mileage II 11 II Supplies for Court Clerk & City Clerk Supplies for Park STREET 1. Emp. Security Dept. August Social Security 2. Wells & Wade Parts & Supplies Air Conditioner 3. Ind. Electric Co. Parts for Air Conditioner 4. Elder Auto Parts Parts for Repairs & Maintenance 5. Grant Road Hardware Miscellaneous Supplies & Parts 6. Overhead Door Co. Parts for repairing Shop door 7. Wenatchee World Hearing 6 year Comprehensive St. 8. Interstate Parts & Equip. Hose & Hose Fitting for Loader 9. Joe Welty Ford Part for Boom Truck 10. Cascade Natural Gas 1 Months Service to Shop Bldg. 11. Sears, Roebuck & Co. Multimeter 12. P. U. D. 2 Months Service to City Shops 13. Grange Supply Co. Gasoline 14. Traffic Control Co. White & Yellow Paint 15. Pybus Steel Co. Material & Labor for Storm Drain 16. Munson Engineers Preparation of Faus Fund Applica 17. A -I Roofing & Insulation City Shop Roof * To be paid from Accumulative Storm Drain Funds Plan Part tion 55.98 55.98 55.98 55.98 55.98 321.74 20.00 113.20 15.00 530.03 150.00 14.00 26.18 55.90 20.92 24.61 122.55 34.95 15.00 36.37 530.00 10.90 10.90 10.00 10.00 269.39 24.24 471.30 46.83 207.94 84.96 27.81 8.60 10.00 9.89 29.64 8.12 26.86 25.00 395.01 1 211.71 73.47* 1 265.94 10 621.00 J 1 i 00.000 z 6Z'6£ 6L'8L L L6'96 VZ'8 L L L£'ZL 98'LS Ob'ZZ 8b'bOL 00'993 00'S£ Z0' L L 68'b£ Z6'9b LS'9ZV b£'9Z spao3aa ao aamowumul q saLoL48 auo4daLa IaaLO 4a wsLanoi neaane uoL4uanuo3 g sa041SLA 98404euaM 'L ONfl3 WfIIOHiS spae3 ssauLsnq lueLO (pa4oe4ge sdLLs aas) saLedad Jeo3 wao}Lup saLpeq L LnaaS W L3 uod 4auLge3 aLH s6na0 uoL3dLa3saad saLedaa ae3 aoLLod ao3 s4,aed saLaa4leg A aoLLod uo AogeL s,gda0 'qS aae3 saauosLad uawoM s84seM -APO aaLLod 4snbny s,0404d i XOua6.aaw3 a3LnaaS s44uoW L no3 I aoLLod saLLddnS aoL31p auLLoseg 4uawu6LLV pu3 4uoa3 JUL-Ad uI 'SL suoL4eoLunwwo0 Leaqua3 'bL saLeS 3ooH 'H lned '£L •o3 g 3ongaoa °saeaS 'ZL u4eH '3 Pa0d3LL3 'LL sued 04ny aaPL3 'OL •dao3 aneS u,ked •6 aa4o4euaM '3 do 4 Q '8 aaanseaai -03 ueL943 L 4seM ae3 s,oS'e3 '9 seaawe3 s,4L3 '9 •o3 auogdaLai 'uag •b FLddnS aoLddO 4410 aLddtl '£ fiLddnS a6ueag •Z s,L'aaLLeW 'L 33I l0d