HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/15/1983 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Aug. 15, 1983 Councilmen present: Hartley Beeler, Darrell McNeill, John Pflugrath, Ed Rich and Ray Duncan. Attorney, Neil Fuller and Peggy McArthur City Clerk. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted, with a voucher to Columbia Concrete Products to be paid with cumulative storm drain fund monies. Motion was made by Darrell McNeill, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Councilman, Darrell McNeill said the trees in the park need to be sprayed again and would contact someone. Bob Goodman said he would remind General Telephone Company that they still have some cleanup to do where they buried cable. Mike from Basin Asphalt asked if it would be possible for Fabricland to tie into the City's storm drain. He said there was a dry well on the site but it would not handle the water during heavy rains. The Council said they would like to take it under advisement until the next meeting as they questioned if the storm drain could handle any more additional water. Mayor Lannoye said he and Bob Goodman would meet with Mike on Tuesday and go over the project so he could advise the owner of Fabricland of what the needs would be if the City should let them tie in. Also, Mayor Lannoye cautioned the Council that there is still one large building site still for sale on the adjoining property and before a building permit is issued the water problem should be looked into first. He stated that at one time Scott Johnson said if it was necessary to put a storm drain through the property to the river they would grant the City an easement. Mayor Lannoye said that was verbal and the last time he talked to Mr. Johnson, he stated they would want between 200,000 & 250,000 for such an easement. It was also suggested that the Department of Transportation be advised of the request and if they could foresee any problems. Authorization was given by the Council to accept the snowplow bid of Sahlberg Equipment for 6,115.00 plus tax. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by John Plfugrath and passed unanimously. Authorization was given by the Council to accept the sander bid of Sahlberg Equipment in the amount of 5,284.00 plus tax. Motion was made by John Pflugrath, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Neil Fuller said he drafted a lease for the City lots and had sent out copies for review. As no one had received them, it was postponed until next meeting. The Council took no action on the Sewer District's request to construct sludge drying beds as no one represented the District and there were questions the public and Council wished to ask. The Hearing will be continued until the next meeting. Mayor Lannoye said the water pipes running under the front steps of the old school bldg. are leaking and asked the Council what they wanted done. After some discussion, aOk4Q cj •L'LsnowLupun passed pup upoun0 Rub Xq papuooas 'pauanoCpe aq 6uL4aaw ay; ;ey; uoL;ow a apew JaLaag L'aL;,aeH 'ssauLsnq .anyq,an; ou 6utaq a,aayl 'SLy; ;o SDJLy ay uos.aad ay} asLnpe pinoys sjoo.a8 4aLy3 pue uo .aaoL;;o ay; daa� 0; b86L .ao; aLgeLtene aq ;ou Rem spun; ay; ;ey; pauoL;neo akouupl Aofiew •,CLsnowLupun passed pup 41e,a6nldd uyop Rq papuooas °yoLa p3 apew sem uoL40W •.aaoL;;o 441 ay} a.aLy o; LLouno3 ay; Rq uanL6 Sem uoL;eZLuoygne 'uoLssnosLp y3nw ,aa;;y LLpH �3t3 mau a ;o paau uL OS SL 44L3 ay; se ,aaoL;;o aay;oue p,ao;;e pLnoo L;L3 ay; ;t pauoLgsanb LLLalloW uew Wuno3 pue aR'ouue3 JOXPW 'aaoL;;o y;l a 6uL4sanbai aaq;aL a pa;;twgns sJoou8 ;at40 ' dot's ay; ut ,aauotgtpuoo .ate ay; ,ao; uogow a aseyound o; uotsstw.aad uanL6 sem uewpoog qo8 •;aayS qoe; a ;no papuey pue aayo;euaM ;sea uL pooL3 ZL6L ay; ;o SOMS pamoys 'aauueLd L';uno3 spt6no0 quegSLSSV 'uos.aa;ad uyop •L'LsnowLueun passed pue upoun0 Red Xq papuooas 'yoLa p3 Rq apew sem uoL3oW •40LJZSLO auoZ Lo.a;uo3 pooLJ aayo;euaM }sea ay; o; 6uLuLe4.aad ;Lw,aad ;uawdoLanaO Let;ue;sgnS 4uawa6eueW BULLBJ04S ay; anoadde o; LLouno3 ay; Fq uanL6 sem uoLgeZLuoygny 00010OZ ,aapun daal o; umop pa Leos aq o; ppy peon qupig uo syj akouupq ,aoFeW •uoLssnosLp .ao; ea.ay aayo;euaM ay; uL pauueLd sL but;aaw y;CL ;daS y •suoL;oLpsLunC uaam;aq dLysuoL;eLa,a 6uLJ,aom Ssa,appe o; slte; ueLd ay; se ueLd koua6.aawa ay; anoadde o; aLgeun aue Fay; pa;e;s kayl •passnosLp sem saoLnuaS L'oua6aaw3 ;o •4da0 ay; woa; .aa;;aL y '(586L RLnp) wnLuuaLq ;xau pa;uawaLdwL aq LLtm uoLLLtw 05$ 6uLuLewa.a ayl •wnLuuaLq sLyq squawano.adwL ;aa,a;s LeL.aa;,ae Ao; weAo.ad III SaL.aaS uoLLLtw OOL$ ayq ;o uoLLLtw 05$ quawaLdwL o; pagoaLa evn ayl 'we.a6oJd peon .aeati xts '8'tl'fl ;uodaa sngegs a pauLeLdxa akouueq ,aoSPW •L'LsnowLueun passed pue yoLa p3 Xq papuooas •gdaS uL L'epuoW ;sL ay; uo SLLe; kp0 ,aogel se yqL •gdaS .ao; 6uL;aaw LLouno3 ,aeLn6aa ;xau ay; ;as oq upoun0 Red Xq apew sem uoL;Om y •payo;ed aq pinoys ;oo.a ayq pup Sa;ewL;sa ;o aLdnoo a ;a6 pinoys upwpoog qo8 paa,a6e LLouno3 ayl 'Looyos ay; y;tm auop ;uem L'ay; ;eym aptoap JSJL; pinoys LLouno3 ay; ;La; ;nq sAeaL ppq anL; aae a.eay; ptes al'ouueq JOREW 'auOLe ;;aL ;snC ,ao pago;pd aq o; 6uL06 sem ;oo,a Looyos ayq ;t pa3Se yoLa p3 •adLd oL;seLd y;tm ;L a3eLdau 'peq s�ooL auLL ay; ;t pup adLd ay; a4e00L pue youau; a 6Lp mauo F4L3 ay; ;et'; pagsa66ns sem ;L il 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT AUGUST 15, 1983 1. Wm. McKenzie Aug. 1983 Salary 326.55 2. Wm. Hamilton 619.06 3. Dorotha McGee 659.74 4. Roberta Burnap 470.86 5. Schmidt & Clem Public Defender Retainer 300.00 6. Forrest Lannoye Salary 340.54 7. Peggy McArthur 1 001.04 8. Virginia Kinzel 808.92 9. Fuller & Cassel Legal Retainer 1 500.00 10. Ronald Lannoye Salary 407.51 11. Lennie Breckenridge 380.97 12. George Sperline 326.55 13. Security Bank of WA. Withholding 2 177.35 14. Clark Boardman Co. Publication Plea Bargaining & Guilty Pleas 21.87 15. Fuller & Cassel 63 Photocopies @.20 each 12.60 16. Webpco Printed Business Licenses 62.69 17. Pedco Credit Union Credit Union Payment 400.00 18. P.U.D. of Do. Co. 2 Months Service to City Hall 73.00 19. Int. Confrerence of Bldg. 6 Uniform Bldg. Code Manuals 141.42 20. In Print Printed Enveloped for Police & C. Clerk 142.07 21. Petty Cash Postage, Supplies & Landfill 133.42 22. Trusteed Plans Services Corp. Sept. 1983 Medical Ins. Payment 1 260.27 STREET T.-Ronald Lannoye Aug. 1983 Salary 702.89 2. Lennie Breckenridge 761.83 3. Robert Goodman 1 000.31 4. Security Bank of WA. Withholding 471.05 5. Col. Concrete Products 3 Units for Hight to Water Box 93.53* 6. Pedco Credit Union August Credit Union Payment 255.00 7. P. U. D. 2 Months Service 1 749.00 8. Sears, Roebuck & Co. Battery for Boom Truck 58.41 9. Petty Cash Cash Paid Outs 3.90 10. Gen. Telephone Co. 1 Months Service 38.85 11. Trusted Plans Serice Corp. Sept. Medical Insurance 238.78 POLICE 1. Wm. Brooks 2. Harold Kirby 3. Michael Cattin 4. Hiram Thomas 5. Chet Virnig 6. John Harrison 7. Kathleen Ann Shepard 8. Michael Ireland 9. City of Wenatchee 10. City of E. Wenatchee 11. Mobilefone N.W. 12. Central Communications, Inc 13. City of Wenatchee 14. Dept. of Retirement Systems 15. Kit's Cameras Aug. 1983 Salary 1 Prisoners Room & Board Labor for Police Cars August Mobilephone Service Repair on/off Control for siren & August Maintenance Agreement August Emergency Telephone Service August Retirement Payment Processing 1 477.55 234.60 289.00 221.70 207.90 082.40 733.85 27.99 962.00 29.85 38.00 112.56 1 160.00 1 101.12 4.10 1 i 96'LZL sde0 LL '00 oL3aL44V s6uLLLUIS OZ 9L'6LL IWaLO �413 g ,aauueld °IaaLO •0 °aOLLod aoLAJ8S s44u0W L auo4daLal 'uag •6L Lb'££b auLLoseg L'LddnS 96ue.Ag •gL SL•LZ Ja4seM pLaL4spuLM Jo3 dwnd •00 4D Loana40 apeoseg 'LL 99'LL sde0 aoS sa40led SjJ aM 4uL4S aa,Al auLd '9L