HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/1/1983 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Aug. 1, 1983 Councilmen present: John Pflugrath, Hartley Beeler, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich and Darrell McNeill. Attorney Neil Fuller and City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted with vouchers to Inland Foundry, Best Way Motor Freight, Inc. and Wenatchee Sand & Gravel to be paid with Storm Drain monies. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. Authorization was given by the Council to accept the roofing bid of A -I Roofing, Brewster, for $8,980.00 plus sales tax with options and $0.60 per square foot for deck repair. Motion was made by John Pflugrath, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Ed Daling thanked the Mayor, Council and Chief of Police for their participation in helping make the Fun Festival a success. He stated they anticipate doing something again next year and said the Chamber would appreciate hearing about any negative comments 'go any problems can be ironed out for future festivals. Mr. Daling said hopefully they would have a draft copy of the brochure for the next Council meeting. Mayor Lannoye thanked Mr. Daling and the Chamber for the amout of work and time spent to advertise the City of East Wenatchee. Three bids were opened by Ray Duncan for the sander and snow plow as follows: 1. Critzer Equipment: WS09 Williamsen Sander $4,926.00 plus tax. 11' Viking plow $4,704.00 12' plow add $77.00 plus options if needed and sales tax. 2. Sahlberg Equipment: Wausau Plow $6,965.13 plus tax. Highway Sander $5,644.00 plus tax. 3. Washington Auto Carriage: Fox sander $5,584.00 plus tax. WAC snow plow $5,403.00 plus tax. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously to review bids and award the bid Aug. 15th. Mayor Lannoye asked that Bob Goodman and Ron Lannoye be present when they review bids as they will be the persons using the equipment. Mayor Lannoye said he had been receiving complaints about an insect problem on vacant lots at 1216 or 1218 N. Baker. Neil Fuller said the problem would fall under the public nuisance ordinance but the Council would need written complaints from surrounding neighbors before action could be taken. Mayor Lannoye said he would first contact the Health Department about the matter and if they take no action, IUaLO 9460 �'eW RLsnowLueun passed pup 'ueuna k" Rq papuooaS •pauunoCpe aq 6UL4aaw ayg geyg UOLgow a apew-AeLaag FaL4-APH 'ssauLsnq jaygunj ou 6ULaq a.Aagl '6ULaq MLg ayg JOS sL sp ULewaa aOueuLPJO ayg gegg paIse JaL998 RaL4,APH pup y4p,46n;Ld uyoC '40La P3 •00.05 og papuawp aoupULPJO ayg paguemR84g pLes LLLaNOW LLau.Aea pup upouna f'pa •UOL40as Aad 00-SL do gnowe up Slas eOueuLPJO s,94Q ayl •awoy aLLgow aad 00.OS ;o aal gas a aney saLgunoo SPLbnoa pup ueL940 ygoq pup aa404euaM 10 RIQ ayg 'pagegs aH •saa} UOLgOadsUL MOH aLLgolq og 6UL4ela.A `0££ aOueULPJO puawe og pagueM R844 d6 LLouno3 ayg palse aRouuel joXPW •,aog0adsui ayg aLn.A,Aano og aLge aq pLnoys LLounoo ayg Laa} Ra44 pips ygoq 4gpj6nLId uyoC pup 4oLa P3 'uanaOS4P4M 9po0 ayg woa; ageLnap you pLnoys uogoadsui 6ULPLLnq ayg pLps 44p.A6nL�d uyoC MOLAOU ueLd p aney ueO k4g 3 ayg 'sea,Ae aLgPUOLgsanb aip a,Aayg dL pup p944Lwgns uaaq aney sueLd LLe Lt4un panssL aq pLnom s4twuad ou 'aingnj ayg UL pLes DkODU e3 JOXeW •UOLSLOap s,aogoadsui 6ULPLLnq ayg aLn,a.Aano you pLnOO LLounoa ayg pLes pup,,`guaAaggLp sapo0 ayg 6ULguadja4UL wayg So ygoq jo jaggew a aq gsnC 446Lw gL q4bnoqi ay pLes J@ LLn3 LLaN ' 'anssL Aag4La g4Lm ,Aa6upp ou aas pnoo ;LaswL4 ay Pup XILLgp SLy So gsaq ayg og apo0 ayg pamOLLOJ pey aLzuaNOW -JW gLag ay pLps BkOuue3 JORQW 'JPPaO JOL44 4OUL q/L JOS paysLLgpgsa uaaq ppy 6ULge,A ou pup PaIONO OSLe pey ay pLes gpueLLOA ged • sguawaJ L nbaj apo0 g4LM gaw 4L geyg pasLnpe seM pue ,aepa0 ayg uo p830a40 pey ay pLps aLzua)IOW •.AW •UOLgeLOLn UL sem coop ayg geyg Moys og apoo ayg UL 6UL44OU puL3 pLnoo ay pup aOUatpne ayg aROUue pLnom pup pasoLo uayM asLou yOnw 004 6uLIew ajpmp.Lpy e.a;xa ayg 44Lm paUja0Uo0 a,Aam SjolopiJU00 ayl 'aales L'up 4l ajew pLnom coop ayg uo aieMpjpq PJlxa ayg Laa; you W pue sguaW@JLnbai 9po0 6ULPLLng ayg ygLM paLLdwoo pey L'ayg gLa; ay pLes aLzuaNOW LLLB 'L'oupdn000 So ageOLJL4Ja3 ayg pano.Adde seq ay pup jogoadsui 6ULPLLnq aq; Lq sanssL asayg Uo uaJeg seM UOLgOe ou geyg pagegs aH • 6u Lge,A peaids awe Ld s,.AepeO aq; 44Lm pauJa3uo0 sem ay pagegs aH •uepaO ygLM pa,Aanoo 6ULaq .Aop[jjoo jLxa pup RggOL ayg ;o SLLeM aoL.AaguL panLonuL gULPLdwoO .Aaygo s,gpueLLOA •uW 'uoLgeLLegsuL paALnba.A ayg }o gApd sem kLgwassp 6uLgaA e geyg PageOLPUL Rayg pup •OUI '.A000 .AannoouPA pagOeguOO ppy ay pagpgs aH 'LLem UOLgeuadas eaip anoy-Z aq; uLg4LM kLgwasse .Hoop aULd ayg seM pagegs ay U,AaOUo0 So anssL auo UOLglppe Mau s,ewaU10 eLgwnLO3 }o UOL4oni4suoo 6ULjnp pey ay ujaouoo So spaue omg og aoua,Aa}aA UL £86L 'ZZ aunp ua441.AM pey ay JaggaL a passnOsLP `LLeysAeW a.AL3 k1uno0 SeLbnod gpueLLOA ged •a,Aayg woAj paaoo.Advaq pue LLaN aSLnpe pLnom ay UPO 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT AUG CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Ray Duncan 2. Darrell McNeill 3. Ed Rich 4. Hartley Beeler 5. John Pflugrath 6. Janet Holcomb 7. Emp. Security Dept. 8. Carol A. Truitt 9. Charles Truitt 10. Janelle Truitt 11. Copy Cat Printing 12. Sears, Roebuck 13. James A. Dart 14. Wen. V. Humane Society 15. Libke, Jones & Mitchell 16. The Wenatchee, World 17. Grant Road Hardware 18. Apple City Office Supply 19. Elder Auto Parts STREET 2. Elder Auto Parts Grant Road Hardware 3. Emp. Security Dept. 4. Wenatchee World 5. Libke, Jones & Mitchell 6. Grange Supply 7. Wenatchee Sand & Gravel 8. Inland Foundry Co. 9. Best Ways Motor Freight 10. Seco Equipment Co. 11. Cascade Gas 12. Lloyd's Auto & Truck 13. WA. St. Treasurer POLICE 1. Grange Supply Co. 2. Kayo's Car Wash 3. Chelan Co. Treasurer 4. In Print 5. Kit's Cameras 6. Lighthouse Uniform Co. July 1983 Per -diem " Wages " " Social Security Witness Fee 11 11 1000 Printed Disposition Parts for Lawnmower llth Payment Copier August Dog Control 1, 1983 Cards Court General Liability Insurance added premium Notices of Hearings P V C & Couplings Park Repair Office Supplies G. E. Sealed Beam & Fuel Pump Parts for Repairs & Maintenance Parts & Supplies for Repairs July 1983 Social Security Call for Bids Sander Insurance Gasoline 118.55 Drain Rock 2 Sets Std. Plan 49 Frame & Grate Freight on the above Twine 1 Months Service Disc for Flusher June 1983 Traffic Signal Maint. Gasoline July 1983 Police Car Washes Housing of Women Prisoners 100 Printed officers notebooks Film, Photofinishing, Batteries Emergency Light & Mirror Hood & Binoculars 55.98 55.98 55.98 55.98 55.98 325.20 530.68 10.00 10.00 10.00 40.85 50.54 113.20 150.00 142.12 30.00 4.46 27.68 29.20 64.73 89.25 471.37 31.14 134.88 67.22 892.09* 230.00* 45.19* 24.94 8.12 164.78 243.03 310.61 35.00 122.50 371.85 78.31 110.72 JUDICIAL 7, Robert R. Perez, Jr. Interpreter 60.00 8. Terri Homer Witness Fee & Mileage 20.80 9. Robert Crawford Probation officer 561.00