HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/20/1983 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING June 20, 1983 Members present: John Pflugrath, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich, Darrell McNeill and Hartley Beeler. City Attorney, Neil Fuller and Peggy McArthur, City Clerk. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were adopted as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. Ray Duncan said he had attended two Disability Board meetings but had nothing of importance to report. Bob Goodman said they are still digging the trench on 14th Street for the two street lights. Neil Fuller said he received the lease from Robert Scott concerning the City lots on Valley Mall Parkway and hopefully will have a final draft by the next meeting. Neil said he still had no answers about the water cooler and parking stops taken from the school the city purchased, but will have something to report at the next meeting. ' Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Resolution No. 83-3 (Six Compresensive Street Program) Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Year Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Chuck Munson was in Olympia trying to get UAB funds for Rock Island Road, Grant to SE 1st and/or 9th Street, from SR 28 to East City Limits. They called in a cost estimate before the meeting and stated it was probably a little high but can be amended at a later date. Mayor Lannoye passed a letter around from the Department of Transportation advising that approximately $1 Million in Federal aid urban system funds are available for distribution to cities and counties with a population under 5,000. Mayor Lannoye said he would take a copy of the letter to Chuck Munson and perhaps the City could apply for funds for a portion of Grant Road that is in need of maintenance. Authorization was given by the Council to call for bids for a new roof for the shop at the old school site. Bids to be opened July 18th. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. Authorization was given by the Council to call for bids to resurface 14th Street NE SR 28 to N. Aurora. Bids to be opened July 18th. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Ed Rich made a motion that the next council meeting be scheduled for Wed. July 5th as the 4th of July falls on the regular meeting night. Seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. 1 ,a0" •A'LsnowLupun passed pup 44p,a6njLd ugop kq papuooas •pau,anoCpP aq 6UL4aaw agg 4e44 UOLgow a apew aaLaag A'aLg,aeH °ssauLsnq a944inj ou 6ULaq a,aa41 •sgls gL aa6uOL agg page.aoL,aagap a.AOw 6uLwooaq sL 6uLpLLnq agg se a,aa4mawos IJPgS og anP4 Xa44 gnq '6ULPLLnq mau P 441M gaegS pue panowa,a 6uLpLLnq @41 aneg og aAL43a4la gsoo aaow aq A'ew ZL pa4P4s LLounoj aqi -aq LLLm spaau a41 ZP4M pauLWJagap sL 4L ua4m A'pnls SL41 w.aol.aad PL9L4 LP.angoa;LgojP a44 UL aS[Ijadxa 43Lm auoawOS aneg Ja44PJ pLnom A'agg pagpgs pup Zsanbaa SL44 uO UOL40P ou 1004 LLounoo aqi -00.00911 .ao4 Spngs A'4 M%spa4 paLLPgap a 4onpuoo pLnom aq palegs gOLgM 4deoun ZuawdOLaA@p R4 M Oe4 LedLoLunw P paglLwgns .LaoL140 uo1lpgOJd s,4,ano0 agg °p.ao4mRj3 qog •6ULPLLnq aqg 4o ain4n_4 a44 ssnosLp og 6UL4aaw uado Le Loads a do gas ueo LLounoo agg U944 pue saoL}3o JLa4g .ao3 agenbape aq pLnom Laazl A'a44 wOOU ;o gunowp agg 8ULWJ@4ap 04 ppaq guawg.aedap goea ,ao4 pue 6uLgaaw ZxaU a44 A'q SeapL awns aneg o4 ,aagwaw LLounoo 4oea palse aA'ouupl .aoA'eW •o1a 16uLpLLnq awes a44 UL SaoLjjO Ja440 aneg 04 upLd A'agg dL °spaau 44g j aqg woo.L gonw moo aptoap pLnogs LLounoo aq; pLps A'pauuaN ,aagaH •Loo40s a44 JOI sueLd passnosLp LLounoo a41 •aingoo.Lq agg 41LM PP94P 06 04 UOLSSLUUad ,aagwp40 agg ane6 LLounoo 941 •PapL a44 q;Lm Rddeg RJDA sPm Oq PCPs L910w auo 10 UaumO `6unoA sal *4daouoo agg 41Lm AddPg A',aan SPM a4 PCPs 6uLLP0 p3 -XOUaLoL1}a 4SOO 41LM pappe aq uPo SUOLgoas LPUOL41ppP os do ;as sL ain400.aq a41 •6ULpun4 ag1 jo auoglopq agg a,ae A044 se 'sL@gow @aJ44 a4g 04 p@gonap aq pLnogs a6ed P pagpls aXouuel ,aoXPW •apnLOUL pLnom aingoo.aq aq; 4PgM }o UOLgeguasa.ad }aL,aq a ane6 aseal 'JW •aa404Pu@M 4SP3 UL saLjun4,aodd0 uapLog paLLPo aq Mm gOLgM a.angoo.aq aLdwes P LLounoo a44 pamo4S @seal -JW •sagPLoossy aseal RJJa� 3o aseal jQjaA paonpojgUL 6uLLe0 P3 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JUNE 20, 1983 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Wm. McKenzie June 1983 Salary 326.55 2. Wm. Hamilton 619.06 3. Dorotha McGee 652.14 4. Roberta Burnap 466.26 5. Schmidt & Clen June 1983 Public Defender Retainer 300.00 6. Forrest Lannoye Salary 340.54 7. Peggy McArthur to1 031.24 8. Virginia Kinzel to to it 802.52 9. Fuller & Cassel Legal Retainer 1 500.00 10. Ronald Lannoye Salary 400.91 11. Lennie Breckenridge It " 11 374.87 12. George Sperline it " 11 326.55 13. P. U. D. 2 Months Service City Hall Bldg. 95.00 14. E. W. Chamber of Commerce Per Contract (Staduim Fund) 1 600.00 15. Chevron U.S.A. Gasoline Charged on Credit Cards 19.03 16. Trusted Plans Service July Medical Insurance 1 260.27 17. Copy Cat Printing Printed Office Supplies Court/Clerk 48.57 18. Pedco Credit Union June 1983 Credit Union Payment 300.00 19. General Telephone 1 Months Service,Police, City Clerk, Court Clerk & Planner 182.12 STREET 1. Ronald Lannoye June 1983 Salary 594.89 2. Lennie Breckenridge 749.73 3. Robert Goodman 982.21 4. Sonntag Machine New Spline for Huff Payloader 170.13 5. Chevron U.S.A. Gasoline Charged on Credit Cards 18.31 6. Trusted Plans Service July Medical Insurance 333.58 7. The Wenatchee, World Notice of Hearing 6 Yr., St., Plan 14.28 8. General Telephone 1 Months Service to Shop 38.38 9. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Auto Policy & Bldg. (9th St.) 293.00 10. Pedco Credit Union June Credit Union Payment 255.00 11. P. U. D. 2 Months Service to Shop, St. Lites & Signal Lights 1 733.00 POLICE 1. Wm. Brooks 2nd Quarter Cleaning Allowance 20.00 2. Harold Kirby 20.00 3. Michael Cattin 20.00 4. Hiram Thomas 20.00 5. Chet Virnig 20.00 6. John Harrison 20.00 7. Wm. Brooks June 1983 Salary 1 443.85 8. Harold Kirby 1 254.10 Michael Cattin 1 349.50 '9. 10. Hiram Thomas 1 197.92 11. Chet Virnig 1 185.82 12. John Harrison 1 069.12 13. Kay Shepard 726.35 14. 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