HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/6/1983 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING June 6, 1983 Councilmen present: Ray Duncan, Ed Rich, Darrell McNeill and Hartley Beeler. Attorney Neil Fuller and City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Forrest Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unnaimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted with a voucher to Morrill Asphalt Paving to come out of the City Hall Building Fund. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Bob Goodman said they have staked where the lights will be going on 14ht Street and will probably be starting on the work next week. Neil Fuller said he is still negotiating with Robert Scott over the City lots on Valley Mall Parkway and Ray Duncan turned a letter over to Neil that he received from Ernie Elder. Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 353. (Franchise Agreement between P.U.D. and the City) Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Resolution No. 83-2 approving ' the Watershed Agreement between Douglas County, South Douglas Conservation District, City of East Wenatchee, Flood Cntrol District, State of Washington and Soil Conservation Service. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. The Council approved a letter to the State Examiner for an audit in 1984 for the 1983 records. The Council set June 20th as the date for a Public Hearing of the Six Year Road Program. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. A Call for Bids for a roof for the school shop was postponed until more information can be received on different types of suitable roofing. The Clerk was asked to put this back on the agenda. Mayor Lannoye asked the Council what their wishes were concerning wages for the probation officer, as 2,400.00 budgeted has almost been expended. The Council unanimously agreed that the position is needed and suggested the budget be amended to include the additional monies closer to the end of the year. The Council authorized an agreement between Munson Engineering, Inc. and the City, for engineering services at the cost of approximately 1,500.00 for the purpose of putting together data for the purpose of submitting for an Urban Arterial Grant for Rock Island Road or 9th Street. Ray Duncan said it looked very favorable for ' a Grant if the information is submitted properly. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Hartley Beeler and passed unanimously. 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Ray Duncan 2. Darrell McNeill 3. Ed Rich 4. Hartley Beeler 5. John Plugrath 6. Janet Holcomb 7. James Dart 8. Wenatchee Valley H. S. 9. Carlson & Drewelow 10. Petty Cash 11. Emp. Security Dept. 12. Apple City Office Supply 13. Johnson's Inc. 14. Wenatchee Office Supply 15. Apple Land Spray 16. In Print 17. Libke, Jones & Mitchell 18. Fuller & Cassesl 19. Robert Crawford 20. 'dells & Wade 21. United States. Post Office 22. WA. Courthouse Supply 23. Craftsman 24. Grant Road Hardware 25. Nelson Office Supply STREET 1. Petty Cash 2. Traffic Safety Supply 3. Wen. Sand & Gravel 4. Morrill Asphalt Paving Co 5. Wells & Wade 6. Grange Supply Co. 7. Peter Savage 8. Interstat Parts & Equip. 9. Libke, Jones & Mitchell 10. Elder Auto Parts 11. Cascade Gas 12. Emp. Security Dept. 13. Grant Road Hardware 14. Sears, Roebuck & Co. POLICE 1. Kits Cameras 2. C. of E. W. St. Dept. 3. General Telephone 4. Kayo's Car Wash 5. Grange Supply 6. Central Communications 7. Davis Company 8. Elder Auto Parts 9. Cascade Chevrolet May 1983 Per -diem 11 It 11 11 May 1983 Wages 9th Payment on Copier June Dog Control Legal Postage, Bathroom Supplies & Mi May 1983 Social Security Office Supplies for Police & Co Office Supplies & Repairs Court Office Supplies City Clerk & Co Spraying Trees in Parks 2000 Current Expense Vouchers Bonds & Insurance Photocopies Probation Fees Collected Furnace Filters Box Rent for 1 year Treasurers Monthly Report Book Office Supplies City Clerk Parts for Repairs Park & Police Toner for Copier Misc. Supplies 3 Vests 6 Cubic Yards crushed Rock 5.86 Tons Hot Mix Supplies for Shop Gasoline Tools for Shop Strobe Lights for Pickup Insurance sc. Expenses 2 urt Clerk Clerk urt Clerk Misc. Parts & Supplies Repairs & Maint 1 Months Service Shop May 1983 Social Security Supplies for Shop & Mortar Mix Battery Truck #5 Film & Photofinishing Labor on Police Cars Wenatchee Emergency Phone May 1983 Police Car Washes Gasoline Repairs Cars 2 & 3, Radio in Car #1 Photo Evidence Ruler Echlin Flasher Floor Mats Car #1 & Seat Repair #4 55.98 55.98 55.98 55.98 55.98 259.96 113.20 150.00 39.00 158.39 519.94 23.83 51.24 14.78 180.00 69.45 847.90 3.80 850.00 22.86 45.00 93.39 2.93 40.05 90.95 23.30 35.27 44.94 157.35 18.94 548.36 43.25 130.97 627.10 77.10 10.80 471.30 8.22 59.92 33.24 59.70 32.84 35.00 263.42 395.15 6.21 4.09 79.53 CITY HALL BLDG., FUND 1. Morrill Asphalt Paving Hot Mix Parking Lot City Hall