HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/2/1983 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING '70a y A. / 983 1 Members present: John Pflugrath, Hartley Beeler, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich and Darrell McNeill. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to by Mayor Lannoye. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed unanimously. Ray Duncan gave a brief summary of the meeting he attended in Spokane May 2nd concerning Federal money thay may be available for Douglas County for East Wenatchee flood control. Ray said there were two pages of criteria that has to be met and 12 to 16 permits to be obtained. He stated that if the monies are made available, it would not cover the costs of such a project and a committee has been set up to sell the people,as their vote would be necessary in a levy election to raise the additional funds. Mayor Lannoye thanked Councilman Duncan for attending the meeting. Authorization was given by the Council to have street lights installed by the P.U.D. at 14th & Anne and 14th and Aurora. The cost to the City will be $1,378.00. Motion was made by Hartley Beeler, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Mayor Lannoye said he talked with the State electrical inspector and the city crew 'can put in the conduit as long as only city personell do the work. Bob Goodman was asked to check with Allen Hobson, Supervisor with the P.U.D. about the size of conduit to use etc. The City crew will have to dig the trench to the transormer, lay the conduit and then backfill the trench. No diceision was made concerning materials to be used for filling street cracks. Ed Rich said it would probably be a month before the County would be using the product Bob Goodman is interested in. It was suggested that Bob contact the airport people and others that might have used the product and see if it appears to be favorable. The Council adopted Resolution No. 83-1, authorizing Virginia Kinzel, Deputy Clerk, to sign treasurer checks and warrants in an emergency or ab,6sence of the City Clerk. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. Neil Fuller was not present, but advised the City Clerk that he had his doubts about amending the ordinance regarding to street openings. Therefore, he did not draft the ordinance requested by the Council. Mayor Lannoye was asked to contact Neil before the next Council meeting and the Clerk was asked to put the matter back on the agenda. The Council discussed an additional traffic light over east bound left turn lane at Grant and Valley Mall Parkway at the cost of $600.00. Mayor Lannoye said he thought the Department of Transportation should be responsible as they control 'that signal light. He said would talk to someone in their department. The Council accepted with regret the resignation of Wayne Wright, Jr. Wayne moved to Wenatchee so he can no longer serve on the Civil Service Commission. Mayor Lannoye told the Council he would appreciate suggestions, if any they have, of who might be interested to serve on the Board. The City Clerk was asked to write a letter of appreciation to Mr. Wright. 1 iCgl� AORPW 'kLsnowLueun passed pup ueoun0 kpej f'q papuooas °pauanoCpp aq 6uLgaaw ayq geyg UOL40W a apew aaLaag 4aL4aeH °ssauLsnq Aayganj ou 6ULaq aaayl •pa4U Led aq uayg ueo auLL60; a pue 'aSLnpe os ueo aOLLod ayq °waLgoad p aq og saeaddp 6uLIaed dL pue gaaagS pa£ uo'RLuo auLLaaquao ayq quLpd oq uewpoog qog pasLnpp LLounoo ayl uOLgepuawwooaa ayq a)ew og anpy LLLM aaLLnj WN Laa_4 Rayg pLes y4ea6nL3d uyop pue 4OLd P3 •a6pwpp ayq aLedaa pLnoys 94 Q ayq SLaal ay 'uLeap ayq aoq guawasea ue sey R4L ayq aouLs ptes FpauuaN •aW *D Nq suodsaa sL 04M al"Jagap pue qL qp TOOL oq wLq paIsp Pup aaLLnj LM paLLPO ay pLps aagaH •LLeW ayq puLyaq �upq ayq oq a6ewpp pasneo pup uLea gseL ayq 6ULAnp do pa66nLd 4aaa4S aaleg uo uLeap s,44q 3 ayq pLps S'pauuaN aagaH •apew aq PLnoo Lenoadde LeULd aaojaq uo pajoayo aq oq aney pLnoM SBULyq RUBw 16uLgaaw gxau ayq aaolaq osLe pue'squawwoo SLy anL6 pue pasLnpp aq pLnoys Rauaoggy X4g 0 ayg gLa; R944 °aanamOH •suoLgoafgo ou pey LLounoo ayg 'XLanLgeual •wagSkS wa04S ayq oguL paspataa aq pLnoM saouegsgns aLgeaLsaapun ou geyg Pup kLasOLo kaaA wayq saogLuow •V'd'3 ayq pLps RDLs6uL M 9 •aW aanLa ayg 04UL paseaLaa aq qou pLnoM auLaoLyo SULeguoo geyg aageM ayq ;o awos pLes FaLS6uLLLLg •aW •yquow aad 00.009 ao 00.009 oq yquow aad 00.Ob woa} o6 pLnoM a6ae40 ALa44 `sagea aaMaS Mau ayg ygLM pLps aH •wagsd's waogs s,41g 0 ayg oguL aa4um upaLo dwnp oq UOLSSLwaad palsp kupdwo0 jjnaj uaaygaON woa3 XaLS6uLLB9 X'aaaC BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT MAY 2, 1983 1 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Ray Duncan April 1983 Per -diem 55.98 2. Darrell McNeill " It 11 27.99 3. Ed Rich It it 55.98 4. Hartley Beeler it " it 55.98 5. John Pflugrath It " " 55.98 6. James Dart 8th Payment for Copier 113.20 7. Wen., Humane Society May Payment Dog Control 150.00 8. State Auditor March Payment for 1982 Audit 1 301.38 9. P. U. D. 2 Months Service School Bldg. 20.00 10. E. W. Water District Bi-Monthly Water Statement 14.45 11. Grant Road Hardware Supplies for Park & Ramp City Hall 38.51 12. Janet Holcomb April 1983 Wages 281.72 13. Emp. Security Dept. April 1983 Social Security Payment 2 519.65 14. Bob Crawford Probation Fees - Collected 570.00 15. 'Wen. Office Supply Office Supplies for City Clerk 5.78 16. Fuller & Cassel Legal Services & Photocopies 71.20 17. Elder Auto Parts Parts for Police Cars & Park Equipment 43.68 STREET 1. Grant Road Hardware 1 Pair Gloves 4.23 2. Lloyd's Auto & Truck Fuel Pump for Flusher 31.03 3. Interstate Parts & Equip. Strobe Light for Pickup 98.23 ' 4. Sahlberg Equipment 3 Flagmen Vest 28.03 5. P.U.D. 2 Months Service 1 791.00 6. Employment Security Dept. April Social Security Payment 471.30 7. Traffic Safety Supply 10 - 24" Barricades 258.79 8. Cascade Gas 1 Months Service to Shop 85.92 9. Elder .Auto Parts Misc. Parts & Supplies 34.47 POLICE 1. Kayo's Car Wash April Police Car Washes 35.00 2. Kits Cameras Photofinishing & Film 33.55 3. Grange Supply Gasoline 250.62 4. Berg's Sporting & Police Supply 12 Kubaton Defense Batons 32.10 5. Central WA. Hospital Hospital billing for John W. Gill 60.86 CURRENT EXPENSE 18. Clark Boardman Co. LTD. Guidebook to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts (For Judge Hamilton) 40.50 1