HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/17/1984 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCouncil Meeting Dec. 17, 1984 Council Members present: Les Young, Ed Rich, Fred Ross and Ray Duncan. Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Mayor, Don Crain called the meeting to order. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted with the exception of a voucher to Columbia Valley Bank. It was determined to hold the voucher until Neil Fuller talks with Bank personnel and find out when they plan to complete some patching and if they are willing to pay for it. Motion was made by Ray Duncan to pay all other bills, seconded by Fred Ross and passed unanimously. Mayor Crain authorized the City Clerk to transfer between individual appropriations within the current expense fund and street fund for the purpose of balancing said 1984 budget. Mayor Crain stated Sargeant Kirby had surgery and it would be a couple of days before his condition will be known. Mike Cattin said everything seemed to be going fine with the police department and he thinks they can provide 24✓hr. coverage. He said 8 reserve officers are helping out. 'Mayor Crain said he realized the hardship put upon the department with the Chief and Sargeant Kirby both gone and thanked Mike for his efforts. Authorization was given by the Council requesting Neil Fuller to draft an Ordinance setting a limit of 250.00 for department expenditures without Council approval unless there is an emergency and it is necessary to purchase an item immediately. Motion was made by Fred Ross, seconded by Ray Duncan. Ed Rich and Les Young voted against. Mayor Crain voted for the limit and therefore the motion passed. The Council on Aging sent a letter asking the Council to reconsider their first request. he Council agreed to leave the budget amount for the Council on Aging at 1,737.00 for 1985. Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance 375 (Rezoning from Residential-2 to General Commercial, a parcel of land located at Simon and Highline. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Fred Ross and passed unanimously. Six applications were received for Caincilman position No. I as follows: Bryan Taylor, Wanda Martin DeChenne, Don Moody, Mike Platts, Paul Cassel and Bill Tarver. Bill Tarver asked to be reappointed to the position. Ray Duncan made a motion to appoint Paul Cassel, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Paul Cassel was sworn into office by Mayor Crain. Letters were received from Center Investment, Inc., Wenatchee Valley Mall and ' East Wenatchee District Chamber of Commerce. They asked that 24 hour police coverage be continued and the Chamber strongly urged the Council to use the same positive progressive attitude in reviewing police salaries. 7 ' `� Lnsowl4n passed pup ssob pe.Aj Rq papuooas 'paujnocpe aq 6uLgaaw 84g 4e44 uoL ow ?'apew LasseD Lned 'ssauLsnq Aaygjnj ou 6ULaq aja41 'weak gxau aa[Laea uL gsanbaj aLa44 gab 04 L'ag Mm Ra4g Pees aH 'ti86L 10 9L •goo og aOLjd appw aq og pey 4uawaaa6e ayg uL a6uego Sue 4e44 paaanoosLp seM 4L pup 986L JOJ 6ULpun; LeUOLgtppe jo} ganoo goLagsLa woj} gsenbaa ayg OguL palooL 6unoA sal pue ay Pees ssoa paj] -jean' a44 }o gsaL; ay; aag}e 446La UOLgexauue JOI suoLgepuawwooaa awns aneq LLtm L'ayg PUP UOLssLwwoo 6uLuuELd ayg uo saagwaw 3o aLdnoo E 41LM pa�Leg ay pLes ssoa paaj ,jaded 41aam a uL asLgaanpe og k4Q a44 JOJ aLgtsea; you sL 4L se'Lesodojd ayq pagdaooe LLounoo a41 •pLaOM aa434euaM ay} wOJJ 986L ao3 6uLsL4janpE LebaL JOJ pantaoaa seM Lesodoad y 'RLsnowLueun passed pue sob paaj L'q papuooas 'ueouna kea kq apew seM UOL40W (4a6pn8 LeULj S86L )LL£ 'ON aoueuLpao gdopp og LLounoo ayq Xq uanL6 seM UOLgezLaoygny 'LLounoo ayg uo 6uLnaas LasseO Lned 4gLM gsaaaguL ;O 40LLJUOo ou aq 04 pajeadde aja4g pue saLI Q uog6uLyseM 30 UOL4RLoossy ayg ygtm sk9uao44e pa4OP4Wo ay Pees aaLLnj LLaN 'aoueuLpao XJPLEs 944 uL papnLOUL St saoLnjas Le6aL JOJ aauLpgaa JLa44 se 6uLgon woa} pauLEgsge Lassen Lned 'passed pup ueouna /CEa Rq papuooas `40La p3 Rq apew seM UOLgOW (aouputpap Q PLPS) 9L£ aoueuLpjo gdope og Ltounoa a44 Xq u9nL6 seM UOL4ezLjo44ne 'UOLssnOsLp awns aa41y •aojawwoa ;o jagwpya eajy aayogpuaM ayg 6uLguasajdaj 'opjegwnS qo8 Rq panLaoaa sem 4a6pn8 986L s,aa4ogeuaM 4sE3 og guawalddns y F] F CURRENT EXPENSE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT DEC. 17, 1984 William I. McKenzie Schmidt & Clem Donnell L. Crain Peggy McArthur Virginia Kinzel Fuller & Cassel, Inc., P.S. Ronald W. Lannoye Lenueal W. Breckenridge George Sperline Fuller & Cassel, Inc. P.S. Joel Goplin Robert Crawford Douglas County District Court Libke, Jones & Mitchell, Inc. Libke, Jones & Mitchell, Inc. Security Bank of Wash Carlson & Drewelow, P.S. Western Refrigeration, Inc. Signs & Such Petty Cash General Telephone STREET DEPARTMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Ronald W. Lannoye tenueal W. Breckenridge Robert W. Goodman Pedco Credit Union Equipment Manufacturing Co. Libke, Jones & Mitchell, Inc. Pete Savage Security Bank of Washington Interstate Parts & Equip. Columbia Valley Bank Blue Jay Diversified Builders Petty Cash General Telephone POLICE 1. Willaim Brooks 2. Harold Kirby 3. Michael D. Cattin 4. Hiram Thomas 5. Chet G. Virnig 6. John R. Harrison 7. Kelli S. Keefe 8. William B. Brooks 9. Harold G. Kirby Dec. Salary Public Defender Retainer Salary Salary Salary " Legal Retainer Salary Legal Services Probation fees Probation fees Dec. Payment Public Official Bond Insurance Premium Dec. Withholding Legal Services Furnace Repair 3 X 10 lighted sign Misc., Cash Expenditures Lines & 22 Days Service Dec. Salary11 Dec. Payment Parts for snow plow Insurance Premium Shop tools Dec. Withholding Tire Chains for Truck Sidewalk - Easement 3rd St. 15 percent retainage shop roof Cash Expenditure New Line & 22 Days Service 326.55 300.00 310.14 1,280.30 869.69 1,580.00 437.63 435.77 326.55 11.84 20.00 35.00 2,092.75 250.00 2,298.54 2,299.70 25.40 92.45 1,558.75 161.47 816.58 15 529.11 738.32 871.60 1,203.25 275.00 147.61 1,646.56 65.41 453.20 124.12 4,700.00 673.50 10.70 29.48 10 938.75 Dec. Salary 1,545.60 " 1 " ,327.55 1,387.65 " 1,314.60 " 1,270.90 " 1,291.00 " 721.74 4th Quarter Cleaning 20.00 11 " 20.00 L I 00'009`bL 40PJ4UOD aULd 4Le4 PUZ Z *ON aaLJ •03 seL6noO '68 3nNR3a 03MS -It1213033 L6'L96 OE 02'9b de.A4S de3 g de3 'SDLJ sw,ao;Lun Le43uawnLB 'OE 89' LL s86,ae4D p.aeo ; pa,a3 •OuI '03exal '62 09'96 SLLe.a8no3 q slued •ouI '•o3 w,aoj w asno4446L1 '8Z 60'£L agw4s Pa4LWLl LLQgN 'LZ 00'SOL`LL 40e.a4uo3 aULd Z 'ON aJL3 o3 seL6noO '9Z 98'L9L U06e100 AO; SLo.aluo3 W-£ SZ EO'ZL sa6ae43 pUe3 q pau3 .DUI ` V 'S'n Uoana43 'bZ 98'6L sla6,ae1 OOZ 'o3 •dLnb3 Le4luawnLO 'EZ OL'9ZL ;U8wa9,a6y '4ULeW b861 •3a0 SUOLleDLunwwo3 LeU;ua3 'ZZ 0£'LE9` L saa} .aauosLad •noN Aajnsea.ai L'luno3 ueLa43 ' LZ E9'LL Sa6Je4D pae3 4Lpa,a3 L'uedwo3 LLO LLa4S 'OZ S£'LE sgLnq u86eLeH E 'DuI •dLnb3 k4p noaS '6L 00'09b swex3 aDLnaaS .LL^LO UOLSSLwwo3 6ULULeJ_L a3L4snp LeULwLa3 alelS '4SeM '8L Ob'bLV L 4Uawa,aL4aa •3aO swalsL'S quawaJLlad 30 •ldaO 'LL 98'0b aDLAJ@S auogdaLLgoW •OaO 4samg4JON auOIDLLgoW '9L 00'SLL 4uawked •DaO UOLUn ;[Pau3 ODPad '9L OL•OLL 5•ae3 uo Aoge3 8a434euaM 4se3 10 R4L0 'bL 00'0Z UOSLJJeH 'H U4OC 'EL 00'OZ 6LUJLA Ia43 'ZL 00'0Z „ „ sewo41 •M weULH 'LL 00'OZ 60LueaL3 Ua4uenb 4lb ULlle3 '0 Lae4DLW '0L panUL4uo3 001Lod it 1 Current Expense City Hall Building Fund Contingency Fund Contractual Services Capital Outlay (Computer) Miscellaneous Street Right of Way Roadway Construction Traffic & Ped. Traffic Equipment Final Budget - December 17, 1984 120,994.00 to be added to investments 25,000.00 65,000.00 added to preliminary budget 50,000.00 20,000.00 added for anticipated annexation 10,000.00 158,107.00 added 50,000.00 120,500.00