HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/3/1984 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Dec. 3, 1984 Councilmembers present: Les Young, Ed Rich, Ray Duncan and Fred Ross. Neil Fuller, City Attorney and Peggy McArthur, City Clerk. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Fred Ross and Mayor Crain questioned the purchase of 800.00 for 10 hats. They didn't feel it was necessary to buy hats for the reserve officers. Mayor Crain said these kind of expenditures have to stop. Ray Duncan made a motion to accept the bills, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Mayor Crain read a letter of resignation from Bill Tarver. Mr. Tarver stated the position required more time than he had anticipated. Mayor Crian accepted his resignation and said he wished Bill was present so he could thank him in person for the job he had done as Councilman. Mayor Crain advised the Council that Sergeant Kirby suffered a collapsed lung and it appeared an operation would be necessary and he may be off duty for quite some time. Mayor Crain said he would keep the position open for him and said the City could go to two shifts until he returns, contact Douglas County for assistance, use reserve officers or hire an officer. It was agreed to discuss the matter later. ' Mayor Crain asked if the telephone system was satisfactory and if the executive override in Chief Brooks office had been removed. The City Clerk said the system appeared to be fine at this point. Mayor Crain said if he ever heard of any elective official's phones tapped, he would dismiss the person responsible, immediately. Chief Brooks stated, he resented the implication. The request from District Court for additional funds to operate their Court will be reviewed by Fred Ross and Les Young. Mayor Crain said he was happy to see that the City's Santa made the front page of the paper and Dick McGraw has assured him, that the sign would be ready in one week. Authorization was given by the Council to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission to change the zoning from R-2 to General Commercial, West of the Clinic as petitioned by Mountain View Investors II. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. No persons appeared against the re -zone. The Council reviewed a report from Fred Ross and Ed Rich regarding funds requested from the Council on Aging. Taking an average of requests from other entities, the Council agreed to donate to the Council on Aging, $1.04 per capita or $1,737.00 for the year, 1985. Motion was made by Fred Ross, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. The Council again discussed the vacancy left by Sergeant Kirby's illness. Fred Ross said the Council should wait and see how long Sergeant Kirby will be gone before running out an hiring another officer. He said funds could be allocated to pay the reserves. 1 -RLsnowLueun passed pue ueounp Reb L'q papuooas 'pauanofpe aq 6UL4aaw aqq geqq UOL40W a apew SSob paa3 'ssauLsnq aagganj oU 6ULaq aaagl 'aaaLl R4[o aqq goequoo pLnogs LLounoo aqq uo 6ULAa9s uL pagsaaagUL allORUP pagegS uLeao JORPW 'lLsnowLueun passed ' pue ssob paaj Xq papuooas 'ueounp 4" A'q apew SeM UOLgoW (pun} k3ua6Lquo0 3suadxa quaaano a 6UL4eaao) bL£ aOUeuLpap gdope oq LLounoo aqq Rq UaAL6 SeM UOLgeZLAogqny •aaoM p006 aqq do daaa pLnom A'agq padoq aq pLes pue gnduL aLa44vuawaL4ua6 agq paauegq ssoa paa3 ao} '6ULuueLd a6ueb 6Uol pue 6ULaegS anuanaa 'sgoLagsLa UOLgeaaoaa 'quawa0ao3u3 mel :6uLMOLLo; agq }o pasLadwoo quawageqs aql •SaALgeaaeu 6ULRuedwo0oe pue ga6pnq .Q eULWLLaad agq ;o UOLgeaedaad agq uo aaaLO RIO PUe LLounoo aqq paquawLLdwoo Fagg '986L Aoj quawageqs ga6pnq a ane6 pue aoUepuagge uL aaam aagaN JJ@P pue 'ggLeaqLeg uaLLH 'opaegwnS qog Xq paquasaadaa 'aoaawwoo }o aagwego aagogeuaM aql '44LL 'oaa aol gas aq LLLm 1a6pnq aqq aZLLeuL} oq 6ULaeaH a pLes ULea) AOXPW SLseq A'aeaowaq a uo paaLq aq pLnoo aaOL410 ue dL aas oq SeM saooa8 3aLg6 pue sgquow ma} a aol wagq ggLm apew aq pLnoo quawaaa6e up }L aas pue SweLLLLM }}LaagS oq lLeq 6unoA sal pue slob paaj aneq oq LLounoo aqq Rq paaa6e sum qL `UOLssnoSLpaaow aagjy •swaaq as0gq oq aaa6e pLnom gsaq aq; a004 geqq auo RUe JULgq q,UpLp aq pue sgquow xLS 04 aaagq ao3 aaoM 04 awoo oq uew a Ise 01 aLe; aq qou pLnom qL pLes SJ0oa8 }aLgl •qoC a ;o qno aq pLnom aaoL}go aqq aoeq sawoo kgaLN quea6aaS uagm geqq 6ULpuegsaapun aqq ggLM paaLq aq ABOLIJO up pagsa66ns sem qI 'SJSLgS OMq }o aOAe} UL qOU SEM PUP awLq LLe qe UOLgoagoad aOLLod Xq paaano0 R'413 aqq aas 04 squeM aq pLes ueounQ A'eb •aaoL}}o qqL aq; 6uLALq ;o crone; uL SeM aq pLes goLa P3 'Op 01 s6uLgq aaggo pue sgoC aaggo aneq A'agq se Sanaasaa agq 04 aLe; aq qou pLnom qL pLes bunoA Sal 1 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT DEC. 3, 1984 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Ray Duncan 2. Ed Rich 3. Wm. Tarver 4. Fred Ross 5. Les Young 6. Emp. Security Dept. 7. Wenatchee World 8. Steven C. Lacy 9. WA. Municipal Alerks 10. W. V. Humane Society 11. James Dart 12. Grant Road Hardware 13. Seco Construction 14. Independent Telephone Nov. Per-diemIt 11 Nov. Social Security (2) Notice of Hearing (In Trust for Adolfo Vasquez) Assn. 1984-85 Dues Dec. Dog Control 27th Payment Copier Christmas Decorations & Supplies Cords & Outlets for Christmas Decorations Bal. Due on Telephone System STREET 1. Emp. Security Dept. 2. Sahlberg 3. Harrison Auto Parts 4. Grant Road Hardware 5. Wenatchee Sand & Gravel 6. Cascade Gas POLICE 1. David Corn 2. Robert Hale 3. James Harum 4. Do. Co. Sheriff 5. Grange Supply Co. 6. Kayo's Car Wash 7. Travel Expense Rev. Fund 8. Harrison Auto Parts 9. Keyhole Security Center 10. Randi Morrell 11. In Print 12. Jack Millers 13. Kits Cameras 14. Apple V. C. American R. 15. Delco Industries 16. Blumenthal Uniforms Nov. Social Security 2 Cutting Edges & Parts Snow Plow Parts & Supplies Supplies for Shop Crushed Rock 1 Months Service Nov. WagesIs " Dispatching 380 Gals. Gasoline Nov. Police Car Washes Expenses Bill Brooks Spokane Parts & Supplies Fit Key to File Cabinet 1 Academy Uniform Typewriter Tavle & Office Su Processing Film & Photofinishing 19 First Aid Emblems 1 Set Dual Tools Shirts, Pants & Assessories *To be paid from City Hall Bldg., Fund Conference pplies 55.98 55.98 27.99 55.98 55.98 2 433.80 36.16 135.00 15.00 175.00 113.20 337.77 68.95 3 233.81* 530.88 444.42 69.65 37.10 11.95 148.80 T'k' :1, 149.28 93.30 37.32 667.00 444.22 40.00 208.01 43.34 22.68 15.00 103.43 23.39 31.23 6.65 59.95 1 226.70 3 171.50