HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/5/1984 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCouncil Meeting Nov. 5, 1984 Councilmen present: Ray Duncan, Ed Rich, Les Young, Fred Ross and Bill Tarver. City Attorney, Neil Fuller and Peggy McArthur, City Clerk. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Bill Tarver and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Bill Tarver, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Mayor Crain thanked Bob Goodman and his crew for doing a good job of sanding city streets during the last snow fall. Authorization was given by the Council to have Neil Fuller draft a contract with Columbia Valley Bank for right/of/way on 3rd St. which will include a sidewalk and all improvements for 4,700.00 in lieu of condemnation. It was determined by the Council that this amount is a reasonable price for street right of way and pedestrian travel rather than a costly condemnation suit. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Bill Tarver and passed unanimously. ' Bob Goodman thanked the Council for allowing him to attend a maintenance school in Pullman. He said he felt it was well worth the time and money spent. Mayor Crain said he felt the police department did a good job concerning the body they found buried on the river bank, but added, had it been a local person, he felt the showing of the skull on T.V. was in poor taste. The Council granted permission to Chief Brooks to attend a Sheriff's and Police Chiefs conference in Spokane Nov. 12th through 15th and authorized the expenditure of 250.00 travel advance. The check to be issued by the City Clerk. Authorization was given by the Council allowing Curwood Gackstetter and Thomas Kincaid to circulate petitions for annexation into the City. Motion was made by Fred Ross, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Fred Ross made a motion to reject all telephone bids received and draw up new specifications for a less expensive system that would be adequate for the City. He stated the specifications were too elaborate and the City at this time, doesn't need such a system. There being no second, Fred withdrew his motion and discussion followed. Bill Tarver said he and Chief Brooks were assigned to draw up specifications and they did so with the future in mind and a system that would be adequate for ' 10 years. He said the Council owes it to the Taxpayer to use good judgement when choosing a system and they wrote the specifications around a long term system. Bill Tarver then made a motion that the Council accept the low bid of Independent Telepone Systems of 6,717.27, pointing out that their bid of 4,690.00 did not meet specifications. Mayor Crain said if the Council accepted that system, it better be adequate for 1 sn Lueun passed pue y3L6 p3 Fq papuooas 'pauanoCpe aq 6ULgaaw ayg gPyq UOL40W apPw aanaPi LLLB 'ssauLsnq Aayganj ou 6uLaq aaa41 LLPH 44 Q UL 'W'd 0£:L qe 8 •noN aoJ 6uL4aaw 196pnq LeLoads a qas LLouno3 a41 •puooas P }o )3PL oq anp paLgeq sem UOLgow ayl •saLJL3 aaygo LPaanas se LLam se sL44 auop sPq aagogeuaM pageqs aH '986L UL asuaoLL Aad 00'9Z gPlb P aq saaj asuaoLL ssauLsnq ayq geyg UOLgow P apew ssoa paaj •awLq sLyq qP uaJPq sPm UOL40P ON 'obu saeaF aoaawwo0 So aagwe40 aq; Fq pageuop aaam geyq suoLgPaooap sew4sL.a43 PLO ayq UL pagsaaaquL aq gg6Lw pueLSI 100a SO k4L0 ayq PCPs aanael Mg •FLsnowLueun passed PUP aanaPJ LLLB Fq papuooas 'ueounO FPb Fq apew sPm UOL40W '00'000`Z paaoxa oq qou aangLpuadxa aql 'paOPLd aq Mm equPS 'g; 9L ayg aaaym Paae ayq UL aaaq sewgsLa40 auo wLag og s446LL PUP aayogeuaM 4se3 }o F4L3 sFPs geyq u6Ls a aseyoand og 'uLPJ3 aoFPW So gsanbaa ayg 4uPa6 oq LLounoO ayq Fq uaAL6 sPm UOLgPZLaoygny •aa44lwwo0 ayg uo anaas oq a)LL pLnom ay pLes ULPa3 aOReW •anaas oq pa9a6e aAPy aLdoed omq pLes aH 'anaas oq FqunoO seL6noO woa} aLdoad aaow ano4 paau Fayq pue paaa6e aaggLwwoO ayl •aayogeuaM gse3 apnLouL pLnoys Fayq 6uLuueLd aLLym pageqs aH 'aaquao aoLuaS a JOS aaggLwwoo agls P uo sL ay pLes aanael LLLB •6ULgaaw gxau a4q LLqun paLgeq sPm aaggew sL41 'sgLwLl 4413 ayg UL44LM su8ZL410 ayg 6ULdLa4 FLLengoe aae saeLLop xeq ayg geyg aanssP oq sgsanbaa 6uLIew saL4L4UO 0m ILPq oq aaggLwwoo P uo anaas oq yoLd P3 pue ssOa paaj paquLodde aoFeW aq; pup gsanbaa saPaF gsel aano paLgnop ueyq aaow sem gsanbaa ayl '986L JOS aa434PuaM 4se3 UL aoLnaas aoj 00'OL6`9 So qunowe aq; UL 6uL6y uo LLounoO ayg woa; gsanbaa a pamaLnaa LLounoO ayl •aPaF ayg ;o gsaL} ayq aa4jP LLqun suoLSLoap FUP 110 qnd oq paaa6e sem qL pue 6ULLapowaa passnosW LLounoO ayl 'pauLegsge ueoun0 Feb '4suLe6P PagoA ssob paaj 'wagsFs ayg JOS pagon bunoA sal 'uoLgow ayg papuooas yoL'd P3 puooas P sum aaayg dL pa)sP pup apew uaaq pPy uoLgow a geyq pageqs uLPJ3 aoFPW 'splq pasodoad ayq se qoC awes ayq op pLnom pup qsoo ayq }LP4 ueyq ssaL aaam gPyq swagsFs gP 6uLIOOL sham omq quads ay pLes ssod paaj •96uea 6uoL aq pLnoys 'uoLULdo sLy UL '6uLL9powaa PUP swagsFs auogdaLaq pLes aH asPaaouL an Len ayg Blew qou pLnom PUP Lapowaa oq FLgsoo aq pLnom 4L PCPs aH LLPH 44L3 quasaad ayq ao; sueLd aangn} 6uL�ew aao}aq paaamsue sL uoLgsanb Femy6LH ayq LLqun gLem oq quPm FEW LLounoO ayq 'pLPs ay 'osLV •agenbape aq qou pLnom uoLgeooL quasaad ayq 'UOLgPxauue qP 6UL�OOL sL F4l3 ayq dL pageqs aH 'LLPH A Q Lapowaa oq gogals a gP COOL og palse uaaq pey ay geyq pageqs 'goa;lgoav UP 'FasUOW Feb U014PLL24suL JOS gsoo LPUOLgLppe UP aq pLnom aaa4q 'palapowaa sL LLPH 4410 }L pageqs aH •aPaF a4g }o gsaLI ayg aaq;P LLqun 4lem LLounoO ayq pa4sa66ns ueounO Fea og uo pappe aq og pey geyq wagsFs a UL pagsaaaquL qou sPm pue sauLL Pagxa ayq paau awLgawos FPw FgLO ayq pLes 4OLb P3 uLPbP swagsFs auo4aLa4 ssnosLp qou pLnom ay se aoFew sL ay se buOL se ao saPaF OL I 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT NOV. 5, 1984 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Ray Duncan 2. Ed Rich 3. Wm. Tarver 4. Fred Ross 5. Les Young 6. Emp. Security Dept. 7. Chelan Co. Treasurer 8. James A. Dart 9. W. V. Humane Society 10. Woods Printing 11. Snyder Publishing Co. 12. Nelson Office Machines 13. East W. Water Dist. 14. In Print 15. Wenatchee World 16. Petty Cash 17. Fuller & Cassel STREET 1. P. U. D. 2. Southpark Ind. 3. Controller, W.S.U. 4. Waterville Empire Press 5. Seco 6. United Supply Co. 7. Grange Supply 8. Les Schwab Tire 9. WA. ST. Treasurer 10. Grant Road Hardware 11. In Print 12. Cascade Gas Corp. 13. Harrison Auto Parts 14. Emp. Security Dept. 15. Petty Cash 16. Basin Paving Co. 17. E. W. Water District POLICE 1. James Harum 2. Robert Hale 3. David Corn 4. Kayo's Car Wash 5. Do. Co. Sheriff's Dept 6. Grange Supply 7. Blumenthal Uniforms 8. Eastmont Pharmacy 9. Davidson's 10. Tri-City Herald Oct. Per -diem 11 11 11 Oct. Social Security 3rd Quarter Liquor Profits 26th Payment Copier Nov. Dog Control 50 Sets Comprehensive Zoning Ord. 1 Copy "The Art of Taking Minutes" Toner & Paper for Copier 2 Months Service Office Supplies Publications Misc., Cash Expenditures Legal Services 2 Months Service Shop & Ga Wayne Broom School Registration for Bob To replace lost check #1309 Equipment Rental 4 Test Plugs Gasoline Flat Repair & Tube Signal Lights Maintenance Misc. Parts & Supplies Rediform Time Cards 1 Months Service Misc. Parts & Supplies Oct. Social Security Landfill & C-2 15% Due on Baker St., Resur 2 Months Service Bus Garage Oct. Wages11 " Police Car Washes Dispatching Gasoline Uniforms Film & Gloves Supplies Publication for Police Officer MEE Goodman facing 55.98 55.98 55.98 55.98 55.98 430.38 90.38 113.20 175.00 810.55 14.45 199.73 17.60 84.63 192.31 146.88 23.46 4 578.47 38.00 293.16 100.00 13.64 28.36 19.16 401.36 30.05 498.27 48.99 29.99 20.92 84.06 530.88 16.06 587.50 43.70 owl-I'Mull 37.32 74.64 83.97 40.00 667.00 301.34 344.40 14.78 54.51 92.20 E 00'0L LS'ZL 99'ZLL S9,LZ 06 06'bE Z6'66L WOWS Mau luawkRd lsl swalskS auogdaLal luapuadopul ONfld 9NImins lltlH AlIO aaj uoL4aA4sL6aa wLLH saLLddnS q sl,Aed 'OSLW 6uLLane,A4 aLNM pooj g uoLlpaLPaW ,AauosLJd a.ae0 LeOWN uaoLddO aoLLod uoLleoLLgnd sdaLgo aoLLod I S};L.AagS 10 'usstl 'tlM '9L s.AaMW VeP '9L sl.aed olny uosLu-1eH 'bL slooig 'wM '£L • ussy saO LA.AaS glLeaH 'VM Le.AluaO 'ZL oLLgndaa-PLeAaH ewLjE?A 'LL l,uoD aaLLod