HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/5/1984 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Councilmembers present Sept. 5, 1984 Les Young, Ed Rich, Bill Tarver and Ray Duncan. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Bill Tarver and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Bob Goodman advised that the curb at the entrance of McGregors has been completed. Bob Goodman was grated permission to attend a supervisors school in Pullman Oct. 3, 4 and 5. Registration of 100.00 is needed plus motel accomodations. Chief Brooks stated he attended a one day computer application shcool Chief Brooks discussed with the Council, the problems of transient population on the river banks. He said it is a problem that is hard to control as the land is privately owned. He stated he would talk to Neil Fuller and see if work something out. Doctors Randy Hein and Brian Addleman were in attendance to ask is something could 'be done about peddlers selling their wares in parking lots within the City limits. Mayor Crain advised them that some of the problems have already been solved and if it continues to be a problem prehaps our business license ordinance can be amended in reference to peddlers. The Council authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a contract between the City and Wenatchee Area Visitors Convention Bureau. The request for 2,000.00 from Stadium funds was approved by the Council when preparing their 1984 budget last year. After much discussion the Council authorized a call for bids for a telephone system. Bis to be opened Oct. 15th. Motion was made by Bill Tarver, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Bill Tarver and Chief Brooks will draft specifications for the system. Authorization was given by the Council to have Mayor Crain contact an architech and prehaps a builder to get some ideas and an estimate of cost to remodel city hall. Motion was made by Bill Tarver, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Two bids were received for repairing the shop roof as follows: Blue Jay Diversified Builders $4,490.00 and J. N. Vail Co. $11,787.00. Authorization was given by the Council to accept the low bid of $4,490.00. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Ed Rich and passed by Ray Duncan. Bill Tarver opposed as he felt the bid of J. N. Vail was the better bid because of the guarantee. ' Two bids were received for reroofing City Hall as follows: J. N. Vail Co. $3,286.88 and Myers Roofing, Tukwila $4,356.98. Authorization was given by the Council to accept the low bid of J. N. Vail Co. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. 1 1 •L'LsnowLueun passed pup ueouno L'eb kq papuooaS paujnoCpP aq 6uL�aaw aq4 4eg3 UOL40W p appw J9AJpl LLLB `ssauLsnq aag;,An; ou 6uLaq aaagl •alep .AaJPL p 4e pasLI.aanpe aq LLLM spLq ao; LLeO •L'LsnowLueun passed pup ueouno L'pd Fq papuooaS '00.00010Z o; do SUOLIPJ038p asegoand o4 uLEAO UoRpW MoLLp 0; UOL40W a appw u841 ,Aaaael LLL9 'uoL40w sLg MaJpg4LM ,Aan.Apl LLL9 `UoLssnosLp gonw jaJ}e pu0oas p ;o AoeL a oq ano -00.00019Z o4 do suo LIe.Aooap asegoand o4 UOL40W e apew U@AJpl LLL9 'o40 RUMI,Apd LLpW RaLLEA 6ULIE.AoDap ,Ao} suoL4euo3ap sewIsLjgo .Ao} 00'000`sZ o4 do puads 01 uoLssLwuad ,Ao} LLounoo aq4 paAse ULe.A3 JORPW S'LsnowLueun passed pup upoun0 %pa Sq papuooas 'aanuel LLL9 Xq appw spM uoL}0W •6uLnpd ULseB to pLq MoL ago ldaooe 04 LLounoo aq; L'q UanL6 seM UoL4eZLAoggny •00'L69'LL 4Legdsy LLL,AaoW pup 00.OSZ`LL `6uLnpd ULspB :3aaa4s 436 04 4aBJ4S 439 wo,AJ JaAPO 6ULned ,A0} sMoLLod sp panLaoa.A a,AaM spLq oMl BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT SEPT. 5, 1984 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Ray Duncan August Per -diem 55.98 2. Ed Rich 55.98 3. Wm. Tarver 55.98 4. Fred Ross 55.98 5. Les Young 55.98 6. W. V. Humane Society Sept. Dog Control Payment 175.00 7. P. U. D. 2 Months Service School Bldg. 20.00 8. James Dart 24th Payment Copier 113.20 9. E.W. Water District 2 Months Service City Hall 14.00 10. Book Publishing Co. 1984 Supplement Revised Code of WA. 32.37 11. Grant Road Hardware Parts & Supplies for Park 45.49 12. Wenatchee World Publications 36.30 13. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Insurance 3 779.82 14. IBM Corp. Lift Off Tape 45.15 15. Fuller & Cassel Legal Services 26.34 16. Empl. Security Dept. August Social Security 2 650.88 7 218.45 STREET 1. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Insurance 150.57 2. Wenatchee Sand & Gravel Concrete for Storm Drain Repair 18.88 3. Wenatchee World Call for Bids 53.92 4. Grant Road Hardware Premix & Cement Storm Drain Repair 12.51 5. Basin Paving Co. Balance Due on Paving (15%) 10 485.00 ' 6. P. U. D. 2 Months Service Shop & Garage 36.00 7. Dale's Cement Finishing Repairs to Approach 280 Grant Road 705.20 8. Cascade Natural Gas 2 Months Service Shop & Garage 8.79 9. Elder Auto Parts Parts & Supplies 14.34 10. Reid Pump & Supply Blades for Weeder 24.62 11. Wells & Wade Acetylene Tank 20.52 12. Empl. Security Dept. August Social Security 530.88 12 061.23 POLICE 1. Kayo's Car Wash August Police Car Washes 40.00 2. Do. Co. Sheriff's Dept. August Dispatching 667.00 3. Blumenthal Uniforms Uniforms 413.15 4. In Print Office Supplies 12.82 5. C. of E. Wenatchee Street Labor on Police Cars 55.05 6. Pay'n Save Corp. Rope 52.25 7. Apple City Office Supply Office Supplies 11.07 8. Grange Supply Gasoline 412.73 9. Kit's Cameras Film, Photofinishing & Album 71.10 10. Dick's Service Parts, Supplies & Labor Air Conditioning 50.27 11. Wm. B. Brooks Travel Expense 10.55 12. Clifford Hahn Medical Expense 7.00 13. Elder Auto Parts Part for Police Car Repair 6.15 14. Farrell Hutchinson August Wages 44.32 Randi Morrell 23.32 '15. 16. Shari Gills 18.66 17. McArthur Fire Equipment Fire Extinguisher 40.80 1 936.24 STADIUM FUND 1. Wenatchee Area Visistor & Convention Bureau Per Contract 2 000.00