HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/20/1984 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCouncil Meeting August 20, 1984 Council members present: Fred Ross, Bill Tarver, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich and Les Young. City Attorney, Neil Fuller and Peggy McArthur, City Clerk. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Fred Ross and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Bill Tarver, seconded by Fred Ross and passed unanimously. Bob Goodman explained that Adams street was not included in the call for bids for paving as the Highway Department plans to pave 100 feet of the street if the river front highway project goes through. Authorization was given by the Council to hire a contractor to do concrete work at the entrance of McGregors in the amount of $650.00. Motion was made by Fred Ross, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Bob Goodman said the Bank that is going in at 3rd Street and Valley Mall Parkway will do include the concrete work in their project on the South Side of 3rd street if the City will remove the existing concrete. ' There was some discussion about the fun festival and it appeared all went well. Fred Ross praised the Police and Street Department, stating they did an excellent job. Authorization was given by the Council to accept the request of Curwood and Betty Gackstetter to circulate a petition for annexation. The parcel of land bordered on Grant Road and Georgia Street. Motion was made by Bill Tarver, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Gackstetter's attorney stated that at this time, they were not asking for a zone change. Mr. Huls notified the City Clerk and said he would be in East Wenatchee on Tuesday and would try to have a verification of the certificate in the amount of $16,000.00. Authorization was given by the Council to adopt the final draft of Ordinance 370. (Comprehensive Zoning and Planning for the City of East Wenatchee) with some minor changes to made by the City Clerk. Motion was made by Bill Tarver, seconded by Fred Ross and passed unanimously. After some discussion concering the lease with the Apple Blossom Commission, Fred Ross made a motion that the lease be accepted, seconded by Bill Tarver and passed unanimously. ' Mayor Crain said he is still working on Christmas Decorations and would probably have many more suggestions to bring before the Council. 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Wm. McKenzie 2. Cynthia M. St. Vincent 3. Schmidt & Clem 4. Donnell Crain 5. Peggy McArthur 6. Virginia Kinzel 7. Fuller & Casses 8. Ronald Lannoye 9. Lennie Breckenridge 10. George Sperline 11. Do. Co. District Ct. 12. Trusteed Plans Service 13. Security Bank of WA. 14. Int. Revenue Service 15. P. U. D. 16. General Telephone 17. Cindy Johnson 18. In Print 19. Petty Cash ' STREET 1. Ronald Lannoye 2. Lennie Breckenridge 3. Robert Goodman 4. Morrill Asphalt 5. Security Bank of WA. 6. Pedco Credit Union 7. Trusteed Plans Service S. General Telephone 9. P. U. D. 10. Southpark Industries POLICE 1. Wm. Brooks 2. Harold Kirby 3. Michael D. Cattin 4. Hiram Thomas 5. Chet Virnig 6. John Harrison 7. Kelli Keefe 8. Mobilefone N.W. 9. Pedco Credit Union '10. Dept. of Retirement 11. N. W. Law Enforcement 12. The Keyhole 13. Central Communications 14. Jack Miller's 15. Pioneer Business Forms August Salary 326.55 " " 692.00 " Public Defender Retainer 300.00 " Salary 310.14 " 1 280.30 " 869.69 " Legal Retainer 1 580.00 " Salary 437.63 " 435.77 " 326.55 " Payment per Contract 2 092.75 Sept. Medical Insurance 888.64 August Withholding Deposit 2 442.50 Federal Tax Deposit Penalty 23.38 2 Months Service City Hall 86.00 1 Months Service 162.34 Wages for typing Zoning Ordinance 111.27 Office Supplies & Printing 201.51 Cash Expenditures 129.19 12 696.21 August Salary 738.32 " 871.60 " 1 172.80 2.04 Tons Hot Mix 55.66 August Withholding Deposit 453.20 August Payment 275.00 Sept. Medical Insurance 261.36 1 Months Service 36.31 2 Months Service 1 759.00 11 Segments Gutterbrooms 130.02 5 753.27 August Salary 1 545.60 " 1 327.55 " 1 387.65 " 1 314.60 " 1 270.90 " 1 291.00 " 721.74 " Mobilephone Service 40.85 " Payment 175.00 " Retirement Payment 1 214.40 Barrier Tape 30.69 Keys 7.74 August Maintenance Agreement 116.10 Film 4.61 Printing (Citations) 409.91 10 858.34 1 00'05 aa3 UOL42dL3L4.APd 4OP.A4uO3 a}P4S UOL3P.A4SLULWPV lPaauag 40 •gda0 'OZ 3SN3dX3 A32i2 n