HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/6/1984 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Aug. 6, 1984 Councilmembers present: Les Young, Ed Rich, Ray Duncan, Bill Tarver and Fred Ross. City Attorney, Neil Fuller and Peggy McArthur, City Clerk. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Bill Tarver and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Bill Tarver, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Mayor Crain stated that he had discussed the possibility of a Medic I program with Ron Combs, Douglas County Fire Chief and Ron felt it was feasible and would check in to the costs etc. Chief Brooks said it appeared the plans for the fun festival are going fine and they have approximately 22 officers that will direct traffic. Bob Goodman said the various paving projects were completed and a good job was done. Bob was given permission to widen the driveway at R. B. McGregors as it is causing a traffic problem. 'Authorization was given by the Council to call for bids to pave Baker Street from 9th to 6th and Adams street. Bids to be opened the first meeting in September. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. The Council agreed to wait until the next meeting to see if Huls Construction was able to get their bid and sign the contract for demolition of the School. The roof at the shop was again discussed. Ray Duncan said he still felt the roof could be repaired and felt this should be tried. After morediscussion, Fred Ross made a motion to call for bids to repair the shop roof. Seconded by Bill Tarver and passed unanimously. Neil Fuller had with him a drafted lease for use of the shop building to store the apple blossom float. As no one had a chance to review the lease, including the Apple Blossom Assn., it was agreed to have the Association take the lease, look it over and make any necessary changes and have it back by the next meeting for final adoption. A Hearing was held on the revised City Plan. The City Planner and Planning Commission was in attendance to explain its contents if necessary and answer any questions. The Commission said they reviewed every page and felt it was a very good plan. Neil was unable to have the final draft completed for the meeting, but said he would have it ready by the end of the week. As the Council had reviewed a rough draft of the plan presented by the Commission with the exception of Les Young, Fred Ross ' made a motion that to adopt the new plan, seconded by Bill Tarver and passed by Ray Duncan. Ed Rich and Les Young voted against until reviewing the final draft. The plan will again be discussed at the next meeting after the Council reviews the final plan. •FLsnowLupun passed pup upouno X'e8 f'q papuooas 'uano.pe o; A9A.ael LLLB fiq apew sem UOL40W `ssaULsnq ,aag4,an; ou 6ULaq a,aagi 'b86L `5 'jd@S pauado o3 sptq -RLsnowLupun passed pup ssob paa3 �q papuooas 'goLa p3 Fq apew sem UOL30W •;ooU LLeq R4L0 aq3 6UL3eLda,a ao 6ULALpda.a ,ao; sp6q uo; LLeO 04 LLounoO ago Rq uanL6 sem uoLIPZLaoglny •6uLJaptsuoo sem ag uoL4e,aooap ago ;o awns LLounoO ago pamogs aH '00'000`5Z puno.ap aq pLnoo 4soo aq4 papnLouL sem peon 4ueU9 ;L ptps aH suoLIp,aooap sewgst,a40 6ULse4oand 04UL 3ooL o'4 Leno,adde ,ao; passe ULPJO JOXPW 'LapowaU ;o awL; ag-4 4e pappp aq pLnoo ;ego wa3sks auogd a o;uL VOL 03 pup woo,a a.aow 3,aaLo Pup aoLLod aq; anL6 04 LLeH R4Q 44Lm auop aq Ueo 4pgm 04 se seapL awos anL6 30a4Lg0,ae ue aneg agg'ew pue 03uL 3oago 01 JORPW a41 04 uanL6 sem uoLssLwaad •sa6uego Le.an}on,als 6UL3ew ao; ueLd uoL}Lse.aj a a,apdaad pup UOL4enLena ;Las p 4onpuoo °aanpamid aouenaLA a gsLLge4sa LLLm MO 'J04eULp.aoo3 we.aboad a se aan,apj LLLB pajULodde ULPID JORPW •b86L ,aago;oo f'q pa}dope aq Zsnw aanpawid aoupnaL,a6 y •passnosLp sem suoL4PLn6ad paddeoLpueH anuanaa paaegS Leaapaj •UoL4exauue pasodoid aqj ssnostp o4 s.aa44ajsreg ag; gjtm a,4ep 6uL48aw a sp OZ jsn6ny }as 04 f'Lsnowtueun passed pup upounp RPH kq papuooas 'sso8 paU3 Rq apew sem uoLJow y •.aaj4a4s3oeg x'3gaq pup poom.an0 dq panLaoaa sem s6ULpa9oaad uoLjexauuy a3uawwo0 o; 3u@IUI ;o aoL40N V 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT AUG. 6, 1984 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Dorotha McGee 2. Ray Duncan 3. Ed Rich 4. William Tarver 5. Fred A Ross 6. James A. Dart 7. W. V. Humane Sociery 8. William J. Smith 9. Steven McCormick 10. Kristine Ayers 11. Ralph Gilman 12. Francis Gilman 13. (11) Jurors 14. Robert Crawford 15. Joel Goplin 16. Wenatchee World 17. Nelson Office Machines 18. Emp. Security Dept. 19. Grant Road Hardware 20. General Supply Co. 21. In Print 22. Fuller & Cassel STREET 1. Pedco Credit Union 2. Grange Supply Co. 3. Dept. of Labor & Industries 4. Sahlberg Equipment 5. Emp. Security Dept. 6. Cascade Gas 7. Basin Paving Co. 8. General Supply Co. 9. Grant Road Hardware 10. Robinson Roofing Consultants 11. Wells & Wade 12. Wenatchee Radiator POLICE 1. David Corn 2. Robert Hale 3. James Harum 4. Do. Co. Sheriff's Dept. 5. Kayo's Car Wash 6. Grange Supply Co. 7. W. S. Darley & Co. 8. Lighthouse Uniform Co. 9. Alpine Electronics 10. Ted Finkbeiner Motors Accrued Annual Leave 809.61 July Per -diem 55.98 " " 55.98 " 55.98 " 55.98 23rd Payment Copier 113.20 August Dog Control 175.00 Judge Pro-tem 60.00 Witness Fee 10.00 " 10.00 " 10.00 " 10.00 Jury Fees & Mileage 178.96 Probation Fees Collected 139.00 " " " 185.00 (2) Publications 20.00 Supplies for Copier & Ink Rollers 146.21 July Social Security 2 779.73 Material & Supplies (Reroofing) 146.12 Trash Can & Liners for Park 170.25 Office Supplies for Departments 37.39 Legal Services 63.84 5 288.23 July Credit Union Payment 100.00 Gasoline 444.32 Wages Statement -Basin Asphalt 12.50 Safety Vest 13.42 July Social Security 530.88 1 Months Service 10.70 Sts., Paved less 15% 59 415.00 5 Trash Cans & Liners 851.26 Plug for Irrigation Line 5.15 Roof Survey City Shop 100.00 Blade for Brush Cutter 10.60 Radiator Ford Truck 80.93 61 574.76 July Wages 37.32 " 74.64 " 37.32 July Dispatching 667.00 July Police Car Washes 40.00 Gasoline 294.99 6 Emblems for Police Cars 105.82 Uniform Shirt 26.77 Ni-Coil Flashlight replacement 43.00 Chip Guard Car #7 50.30 1 1 6Z'LZ AauueoS ALedw o; Aogel g s3.Aed EL'9L uPA aoLLod uo waLgw3 6uL;;nd jogel EO'99 L# -APO 36 LeuaPaj L 9Z'£b saLLddnS aOL};0 OL'OLL s.AeO aoLLod uo Aogel '•4S sLLn0 9£'Lb (saeO) saLed aa Ao; s'4ued ''osLW 08'L9Z £ aaj 6uLsnoH siauosLad aunp DUI suoLgeoLunwwoO Le-A3uaO •LL aagoleuaM }o auLl-wLul '9L 4uawdLnb3 4uawa3,a0;u3 'M'N '9L L'LddnS aoLddO �360 0LddV 'bL aa4o4euaM 3se3 30 A LO '£L sg,aed ojnV aaPL3 'ZL aa.Ansea.al •00 uPPU ' LL 'l,NOO 30I10d