HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/16/1984 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING July 16, 1984 Councilmembers present: Ed Rich, Ray Duncan, Bill Tarver and Fred Ross. City Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. There was some discussion concerning a voucher to Jeffery Heath. Mr. Heath was issued a building permit Dec. 12, 1983. He stated in a letter to the Mayor, that he will terminate the project and asked to have his fee of $331.00 refunded. Neil Fuller did some research to determine whether the City could refund his money. The build- ing code states that the permit becomes null and void if work has not commenced within 180 days from issuance of the permit. Bill Tarver and Fred Ross said they felt the City had a moral obligation to refund the money, as no services were rendered. Neil said he found case law that said the City could not return the fee. After more discussion, Bill Tarver moved to refund the fee, seconded by Fred Ross and passed by Mayor Crain. Ray Duncan and Ed Rich voted against the refund. Fred Ross made a motion to accept all bills and accounts as submitted, seconded by Bill Tarver and passed. Ray Duncan abstained. Ron Combs, Douglas County Fire Chief, introduced himself and stated he wants to work ' with the City and wants to hear if services have not been provided or if the City should receive any complaints, he would like to be informed. Mayor Crain stated the future fireworks problems would have to be worked out between the Chief of Police and the Fire District. Chief Combs said 10 fires were caused as the result of fireworks. Jim Telford and Morris Payton asked the Council if the Apple Blossom Commission could store the apple blossom float in the City shop building. They said it was stored in a warehouse at this time but they will need another location by September. Neil Fuller said since the Apple Blossom Assn. was non profit and the parade does promote tourism, he could see no problem with it as long as the Commission paid the utilities and Insurance on the building and held the City Harmless in case of an accident etc. Neil was asked to draw up a lease agreement to be presented at the next meeting. Motion was made by Fred Ross, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Bob Goodman stated that most of the streets on the paving contract have been completed and although they are having some problems on Grant Road, by the middle of the week those problems should be solved. He also stated, some of the utilities are updating at this time so the street should not have to be disturbed for several years. The Call for bid for the shop roof and city hall roof was postponed as it was not clear what can be done with the shop roof. Bob Goodman said he contacted Tom Robinson ' who was hired by the Wenatchee School District to advise them on their maintenance and problems. Mr. Robinson advised that the roof was put on backward and would always give problems even if patched. He suggested taking off the metal roof and replacing it with a builtup roof. It was agreed by the Council to contact Chuck Munson and have his engineering firm look at the roof and give their recommendations. 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Wm. McKenzie 2. Dorotha McGee 3. Cynthia St. Vincent 4. H. B. Hanna 5. Schmidt & Clem 6. Donnell Crain 7. Peggy McArthur 8. Virginia Kinzel 9. Fuller & Cassel 10. Ronald Lannoye 11. Lennie Breckenridge 12. George Sperline 13. Dept. of Labor & Industries 14. Emp. Security Dept. 15. Wenatchee World 16. Wm. Smith 17. The Craftsman 18. Wenatchee Office Supply 19. Chelan Co., Treasurer 20. Do. Co. Sewer Dist. 21. Security Bank of WA. 22. Trusteed Plance Service Corp 23. Fuller & Cassel ' 24. General Telephone Co. STREET DEPT. 1. Lennie Breckenridge 2. Ronald Lannoye 3. Robert Goodman 4. Emp. Security Dept. 5. Columbia Concrete Products 6. Trusteed Plans Service Corp. 7. Dept. of Labor & Industries 8. Spokesman Review 9. General Telephone 10. Morrill Asphalt Paving Co. 11. Do. Co. Sewer Dist. 12. Pedco Credit Union 13. Security Bank of WA. 14. Wenatchee World 15. E. W. Water District 16. Wenatchee Sand & Gravel 17. Elder Auto Parts POLICE 1. Wm. Brooks July Salary 326.55 " 747.17 " 692.00 " 533.00 " Public Defender Retainer 300.00 " Salary 310.14 " 1 280.30 " 869.69 " Legal Retainer 1 580.00 " Salary 437.63 ItIt 435.77 It " 326.55 2nd Quarter Industrial Insurance 1 285.65 " " Unemployment Compensation 586.19 Notice of Hearing 10.00 Judge Pro-tem 60.00 Office Supplies Court Clerk 12.52 It " City Clerk 6.36 2nd Quarter Liquor Profits (2%) 137.48 2 Months Service 14.00 July Withholding Deposit 2 823.30 August Medical Insurance 1 023.14 Legal Services 250.43 1 Months Service 197.64 14 245.51 July Salary 871.60 " 738.32 " 1 172.80 2nd Quarter Unemployment Compensation 139.50 Cement for Sidewalks 29.56 August Medical Insurance 261.36 2nd Quarter Industrial Insurance 544.06 Publication Loader 40.32 1 Months Service 36.31 1.5 Tons Hot Mix 40.93 2 Months Service 14.00 July Payment 175.00 July Withholding Deposit 453.20 Call for Bids Loader 28.94 Bi-Monthly Water Statement 32.00 Mixture of Sand & Gravel for Shoulders 71.72 Miscellaneous Parts & Supplies 12.77 4 662.39 July Salary 1 545.60 1 LS'9LS bL LS'SVZ bL'PMd 'Leg •dx3 3uai.AnO ' 11'L£E JLw:aad 6uLPLLng 10, pun3aa L9'E69 ZL 8Z'896 L'Lnp Aol 3uawaaAbV '•3uLeW pup 4uawdLnb3 uo Aogpl 8 sq.apd 9b'LLLSgJL)I 8 sjoo,AS •suI k3LL69eS60 s43U0W 9 08'L8L saLLddnS q s3apd snoaueLLaosLW £Z'OE dol jsaO Aol sseL9 b8'b w163 00'SLL 3uawL'ed XLnp Ob'bLZ L 4uawaat40a FLnp 00'£9 u4eH aoJ saoLA.AaS LeoLPOW OE'£8Z sapO aoLLod uo Aoqul ;a&A3S 98'Ob aoLAAaS auogdaLLgoW L'Lnp 08'bL Aogpl ALedaa oLppa I puua3uy £Z'ZE saLLddnS aoL,[}O 00'LOL sa6peg 9L'95£ Z9'0£L It „ sa6eM „ bL'LZL „ „ 00'L6Z L 06'OLZ L 09'bLE L „ S9'L8E L SS'LZE L 4-AeLpS �Lnp 43paH •3 XD-WDC 'SZ 3SN3dX3 1N32 M •ouI 'suoL3eoLunwwo3 Le,aluaO 'ZZ •o3 aoue.Ansul 8411 ueLpAenq •LZ s4.Aed o;ny -AaPL3 'OZ sseL9 B 4uPd apLsgse3 '6L spuawe3 s4P •8L uoLun 3 LPa+3 ooPad 'L L swa4sks ;uawaaL4ab 10 •gda0 9L •doo3 43LeaH dnoag •SL aa404PuaM •3 40 •3 'bL •M •N auoMgoW '£L •ouI 'soLuOJ40aL3 auLdLV 'ZL RLddnS aOLd40 43L3 aLddtl 'LL suuo- LPn LP44uawnL9 'OL •00 RLddnS a6uaag •6 aLPH 3,Aagoa 8 a4aa)l MO 'L uosL,a.APH u4OP •9 6Lu,ALA Ja4O 'S spao4L wp.A LH 'b uL34eO Lae40LW '£ XgJL)l PLoaeH •Z 'l,NOO 33I10d