HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/18/1984 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING June 18, 1984 Members present: Fred Ross, Bill Tarver, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich and Darrell McNeill. Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Bill Tarver, seconded by Fred Ross and passed unanimously. Neil Fuller stated he still has not heard from Huls Construction regarding the contract for demolition of the school but expects to hear something by the end of the week. Mayor Crian advised the Council that he would be working on the 2nd quarterly report and would have copies ready for review by the next meeting. Chief Brooks stated he would be on vacation most of the month of July and Officer Kirby would be in charge during his absence. The Council discussed a letter Mayor Crain had received from Ernest Elder. He stated the owner of Abby's Vacuum would like a space marked with his name, as he moves many vacuum cleaners from truck to store. He would like the space in the parking lot and if that is not feasible, he would like a 15 minute parking space in front of his store on Valley Mall Parkway. The Council stated they have no objection to the parking space within the lot. However, the police could not enforce such parking as the lot is now being leased by Mr. Elder. Mayor Crain said he would discuss the matter with Mr. Elder. The City Plan was again discussed. Bob Huges, Planner for the City of Wenatchee was in attendance and said the Plan has worked well for Wenatchee and although it has been challenged several times, the contents of the plan has always held up in Court. Neil Fuller said if the City adopted the Plan drafted after the City of Wenatchee, he feels there would be a problem combining the Zoning and Comprehensive Plan. Also, Neil said a Public Hearing would have to be held before the Council could adopt the Plan. Ray Duncan said he still felt that the Planning Commission should look into the Plan used by Douglas County. John Baker said the City and County are two different jurisdictions and the City's Plan should not have to conform with that of the County. 'Fred Ross said he didn't feel the City should be in such a hurry to adopt the Plan. After more discussion, the Council agreed the Plan needed to be reviewed further and and Neil Fuller should probably meet with the Commission and discuss some the problems he foresees. 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Wm. McKenzie 2. Dorotha McGee 3. Cynthia St. Vincent 4. H. B. Hanna 5. Schmidt & Clem 6. Donnell Crain 7. Peggy McArthur 8. Virginia Kinzel 9. Fuller & Cassel 10. Ronald Lannoye 11. L. Breckenridge 12. George Sperline 13. Fuller & Cassell 14. Security Bank of WA. 15. Trusteed Plans Service 16. Pedco Credit Union 17. U. S. Post office 18. Apple City Office Supply 19. Libke, Jones & Mitchell 20. Petty Cash 21. P. U. D. STREET 1. Ronald Lannoye 2. L. Breckenridge 3. Robert Goodman 4. Security Bank of WA. 5. Trusteed Plans Service 6. Morrill Asphalt Paving 7. Apple City Office Supply 8. Pedco Credit Union 9. Sahlberg Equipment, Inc. 10. General Telephone 11. Wenatchee World 12. P. U. D. POLICE 1. Wm. Brooks 2. Harold Kirby 3. Michael Cattin 4. Hiram Thomas 5. Chet Virnig 6. John Harrison 7. Kelli Keefe 8. Dept. of Retirement 9. Do. Co. Fire Dist. 10. Classis One East 11. Central Communications June Salary Public Defender Retainer Salary It to Legal Retainer Salary Legal Services June Withholding Deposit July Medical Insurance June Payment 1 Year Box Rent Office Supplies, Police, Cou Public Employee's Blanket Bo Cash Expenditures (See slips 2 Months Service City Hall June Salary rt & Clerk's Offices nd attached) " Withholding Deposit July Medical Insurance 2.01 Tons Class G Mix Office Supplies June Credit Union Payment Vest 1 Months Service Notice of Hearing 6 Yr. Road Program 2 Months Service June Salary " June Retirement Payment First 6 Months Fire Contract Uniform Alterations Parts, Labor & Maint., Agreement 326.55 747.17 692.00 533.00 300.00 310.14 280.30 869.69 580.00 437.63 435.77 326.55 207.65 810.30 023.14 175.00 45.00 124.16 308.00 176.03 125.00 12 833.08 758.32 871.60 172.80 453.20 261.36 54.85 5.38 255.00 13.42 36.41 10.00 768.00 5 660.34 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 545.60 327.55 387.65 314.60 270.90 291.00 688.09 214.40 705.00 20.96 203.98 L9'6Z0 £L WEN EL £b'96L Eb'9£L 00'OL CC* OL 00'OL 00'OL 00'OL 00'OL 00'00S L �,ABLO AQ PUP M.AaLO 4.AnoO ..;daO aoLLod 04 aOLA,AaS sg3uoW T aaj ssauq �M auogdaLal LPJDU99 '8Z 5LuALA 4a40 'LZ A'eMoLLOH 'W wM '92 uosueMS LLB '9Z awed 'l A',aaaC 'bZ JOL)OLO '0 fiO,AaI £Z .Aa4SL.Aoj 91LW 'ZZ '1,N00 3SN3dX3 10daj 4uaw8a.A6V .Aad aoaawwo0 So Aagwe40 'M '3 'L ONnj Wf1IOV1S ' 00'009 6L 40eu4uo0 a,ALJ S44uoW 9 ZSL 3oL,A4s�O a.A[j '00 'oO •L 3N3A3b O32 M 1V2 303j 6L'Z60 LZ 00'0Z „ „ „ „ uoSL.A.AeH u40P 'LZ 00'0Z „ „ „ „ 6�u,ALA 3a40 '9Z 00'0Z sew041 we.ALH '9Z 00'0Z „ „ „ „ uL33E0 LDPWM 'bZ 00'0Z „ „ „ Sq.ALN PLoAeH *CZ 00'0Z aoueMoLLV 6uLML3 AazAPno puZ s3oo.A8 'wM 'ZZ 98'0b 83LA.A9S auogd9 MoW aunp 'M'N auojaL�goW 'LZ LE'9 wLLj 6ULSsaoo,Ad S,.AaLBW 13PP '03 08'OL Z# 6uiuoL4�pu00 ALV s4.aed I Aoge3 93LAJOS s,JoLO '6L OL'ZE£ auLLoseg " SLED ON 00 LLddnS a6ueJ9 '8L 8L'908 su6LS 4;pnoaS aL43.ALS g SaL@JOSsaOOV 'JPq 346L0 3uawa3,Aoju3 Mel 'M 'N 'LL WOE suo}egn)l 9 suuojiun Le43uawnLB '9L 09'£LL sPuEM „ Zb OL 4uawdLnb3 6,A@gL4ES 'SL 9SS*8 saL.Aa33e8 'd.AoO aneS u,L'ed 'bL 06'OL 6uL4SLU�j I wLLj lZuawa6jPLu3 •0404d ,AnoH I 'A aLddV 'EL OL'EE9 Z aaj 6uisnoH JauoSLAd fiPW AaansPaji 1'00 ueLa40 'ZL '1,N00 33I]Od