HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/7/1984 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCouncil Meeting May 7, 1984 Councilmen present: Ed Rich, Fred Ross, Bill Tarver and Ray Duncan. Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded Ed Rich and passed unanimously Bills and accounts were adopted as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Bill Tarver and passed unanimously. The problems with the ground hogs, the Council agreed would probably have to be worked out between the Department of Transportation and the Game Department as to putting up a fence to keep the little fellows off the highway, making their entrance into the City park through the culvert running under the State highway. A 15 minute parking stall in front of the cleaners on Valley Mall Parkway was postponed until the next meeting to allow all of the Council members to review the list of continents from other merchants obtained by Chief Brooks. Neil Fuller said progress is being made on attaching the Bond of Mr. Frank Ornie concerning the shop roof. Ray Duncan said he met a gentleman from Seattle that had several suggestions for repairing the roof and would invite any Council member interested, to look over the problems pointed out to him and how they could repaired. Chief Brooks said it was a very quiet apple blossom weekend and thanked both Neil Fuller and Judge Hanna for being available if any problems arose. Mayor Crain read a letter from Mayor Lynch requesting the City's participation in development and/or maintenance of a bicycle path project. Mayor Crain explained that the city does not have a paths and trails fundand asked Neil Fuller if he would check and find out if the City is eligible for paths and trails funds. Mayor Crain also stated that we may have to plan our own access to the bike path. Mayor Crain gave congratulations to the previous council members and former Mayor Lannoye for applying for Federal Funds for Ninth Street. The project now has been accepted and funds are available for Ninth from Valley Mall Parkway to Baker Street. The City has five years to apply for these funds. At the suggestion of Ron Selstead, State Aid Engineer, Department of Transportation, authorization was given by the Council to to wait until this Fall and see what happens to SR-28 Highway project and prehaps combine the two projects as it could save the City some money. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. It was agreed by the Council, if the State has no definite answers concering the River Front Project by December, the City will then go ahead with the ninth street project because costs will probably accelerate. 1 1 VLSrJO* upun passed pup ssod paij Xq papuooas °pauunoCpe aq 6uL;aaw ay; ;ey; uoL a appw ,aanuel LLLB `ssauLsnq Aaq}.Anj ou 6uLaq a.aagl XLsnOWLuPun passed pup gDLd p3 Xq papuooas °ssob paAj Xq apew seM uo.40W •yopa 00'OsL .Aoj sueo yse,A; L';np R'neay XLs aseyo.And o; uewpoog qo8 MOLLe o; LLounoj ay; L'q u9nL6 seM uoL;pZLuoy;ny LZ LLudtl 6uL;aaw ;xau a y; ;e p,Aemp ay} anew pup ,AalLnj L6aN y;LM uoLsLOap .Atay; ssnosLp pup spLq ay; MaLnaJ o; upwpoog qo8 pue uan,ael LLLB `ueouna Fed pa;uLodde uLeuO JORPW '00'8b9`6L Z# uoL;do 00'b8L`99 L# uoL;do 6uLZo0 Aa;uaD 00'008`Ls - saan;uaA ;OaLaS `00'698`69 - a0Ln,AaS aueaO LLassnd 100'000`s Z# uoL;do 100'000`bt L# uoL;do - FLddns s;onpoud - 00'000`89 - 6uL;3aA;uo3 eu.Aal Os'bZ9`69 - uoL;on.A;suoO uos.AapuaH `00'005`6Z - uoL;On,A;suoO sLLnH `00'b66`6L Lp;uad dwnd a;auouoj `00'000`89 - 6uLIOaJM OL4L02d `00'98£`Z£ - suos B uos.ae; •0.9 `00'OVE`Z£ - uOL;LLowaO ;asunS 100'00s`8s - uoL;e6LJJ I LaeyOLW •L :SmOLLoj se s;Lnsaa PL8 Looyos L'.Ae;uawaLa PLO ay; 10 uoL;LLowap ,Aoj pauado a.AaM spLq 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT MAY 7, 1984 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Ray Duncan 2. Darrell McNeill 3. Ed Rich 4. Wm. Tarver 5. Fred Ross 6. Wenatchee V. Humane 7. James A. Dart 8. P. U. D. 9. Gen. Telephone Co. 10. WA. Finance Officers 11. In Print 12. E. W. Water District 13. Spokesman -Review 14. Emp. Security Dept. 15. Grant Road Hardware 16. Wm. Smith 17. Robert Crawford 18. Joel Goplin 19. Fuller & Cassel, In April Per -diem 11 11 Sociery May Dog Control Payment 20th Payment Copier 2 Months Service School 1 Months Service City Clerk's Assn. 1984 Dues City Clerk 3 000 Printed Envelopes 2 Months Service to City Hall Call for Bids School Demolition April Social Security Step Ladder for City Hall Judge Pro-tem Probation Fees Collected 11 11 11 c.,P.S. April Legal Services * City Hall Bldg., Fund STREET 1. Emp. Security Dept. ' 2. Cascade Natural Gas 3. E. W. Water District 4. Knutson Lbr. Co. 5. Elder Auto Parts 6. Valley Tractor & Equip. 7. P. U. D. 8. WA. Belt & Drive Systems 9. T. Control Signs Co. 10. Gen. Supply of Yakima, Inc. 11. Grant Road Hardware POLICE 1. David A Corn 2. Robert E. Hale 3. James M. Harum 4. Do. Co. Sheriff's Dept. 5. Kayo's Car Wash 6. W. S. Darley & Co. 7. Kits Cameras 8. Blumenthal Uniforms 9. Grange Supply Co. 10. Farwest Sports ' 11. The Keyhole Security Center 12. Applie City Office Supply 13. N. W. Law Enforcement Equip 14. Drivers License Guide Co. 15. Dick's Service April Social Security Deposit 1 Months Service to Shop 2 Months Service Material for Arrow Template Parts & Supplies for Repair & Maint. Hose Fitting for Jackhammer 2 Months Service Hose for Paint Machine 1000 LBS. Glass Beads Cleaning Equipment Parts & Supplies for repairs & maint Wages 11 April Dispatching April Police Car Washes 10 Decal Emblems Film & Photofinishing 1 Uniform Shirt & Pants Gasoline 5 Cases Ammunition 4 Keys Office Supplies Police 1 Tiremarker Dept. & Ct. Clerk 2 Drivers License Guides Parts & Labor Air Conditioner #2 & 3 55.98 55.98 55.98 55.98 55.98 175.00 113.20 20.00 31.76 40.00 124.70 14.00 102.24* 2 789.93 43.59 40.00 335.00 479.00 135.50 4 723.82 530.88 50.74 14.45 9.13 51.01 11.05 35.00 12.22 432.60 89.73 44.77 281.58 74.64 74.64 156.37 667.00 40.00 237.82 11.55 69.65 381.50 279.10 5.91 48.57 11.74 28.40 68.40 J OZ'ZL£ b L6'bl suuo3 g,aodad OOOL 4guno3 yewougLnW •OZ OL'6£8 L aa3 6ulsnoN suauosL.ad Lpdy Aaansea.Ai '00 uRPQ •6L Zb'LLL sdeLJ NO g sdwel 3 g sg.aed ogny aaPL3 '8L Zb'SLL s.ae3 9OLLod uo Aogel •4da0 •gS a9y0geuaM '3 10 A Q 'LL 00'OL (s)oo,a8) aouaaa4uo3 6ul.adS b86L OdSVM '9L '1,NO3 33I10d