HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/2/1984 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCouncil Meeting
April;L, 1984
Councilmen present: Darrell McNeill, Ray Duncan, Bill Tarver, Ed Rich and Fred
Ross. City Attorney, Neil Fuller and Peggy McArthur, City
Meeting was called to order by Mayor Don Crain.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by
Ray Duncan, seconded by Bill Tarver and passed unanimously.
Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan,
seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously.
George Sperline, Planning Consultant, stated he would probably have something
prepared by the next council meeting concerning updating the City's Planning
Chief Brooks advised the Council that the police car involved in an accident was
totoled and he is in the process of ordering a new car. He said it could be from
60 to 90 days before delivery.
There was some discussion about putting one of the old cars back in operation.
Chief Brooks said it would probably cost 500.00 to have the light bars etc.
' installed.
Fred Ross asked if the Ins. Co. would pay for installation. Brooks said he would
contact them. The Council felt they may need the additional car for apple blossom.
Dr. Jaecks, speaking for the Doctor's group planning to build a clinic at Highline
and Simon streets said they had worked out their difficulties with Jack Hale.
After some discussion, Dr. Jaecks said at this time they were purchasing only one
acre with an option to purchase the other two acres.
Jack Hale stated as far as he was concerned, the papers have been signed.
Bill Tarver said there appeared at this time to be no guarantee and as the surround-
ing property owners appeared to have no objections if the Doctors purchase the entire
property, at such time as the option is exercised, they can again come before the
Council for rezone of the other two acres.
Fred Ross made a motion that the Easterly one-third of the following described
property: The southerly 225 feet of Lot 1, East Wenatchee Land Company's Plat
of Section 14, T22N, R20 E.W.M., Douglas County, Washington, AND ALSO a tract
beginning on the north line of Lot 16, East Wenatchee Land Company's Plat of
Section 14, T22N, R20 E.W.M., at a point 165 feet west of the northeast corner
of said Lot 16, as a POINT OF BEGINNING; thence west on the north line of said
Lot 15 to the northwest corner of the north half of the east two-thirds of said
' Lot 16; thence south a distance of 15 feet; thence east and parallel with the
north line of said Lot 16 to a point 165 feet west of the east line of said
Lot 16; thence north a distance of 15 feet to the Point of Beginning be zoned
commercial. Seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously.
Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 364 (reducing the age
by which transactions can be made by second-hand dealers and pawnbrokers from
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1. Ray Duncan March Per -diem 55.98
2. Darrell McNeill 27.99
3. Ed Rich 55.98
4. Wm. Tarver 55.98
5. Fred Ross 55.98
6. Wm. J. Smith Feb. Judge Pro-tem 320.00
7. James Dart 19th Payment Copier 113.20
8. W. Valley Humane Sociery April Dog Control 175.00
9. Nelson Office Machines Tone & Paper for Copier 143.24
10. Wenatchee World Notice of Hearing 24.99
11. Janet Holcomb March Salary 93.30
12. Security Bank of WA. March Withholding Deposit 3 166.60
13. Chelan Co., Treasurer 1st Quarter Liquor Payment 102.47
14. Employment Security March Social Security Payment 2 821.51
15. Employment Security lst Quarter Unemployment Insurance 587.28
16. Robert Crawford Probation Fees Collected 280.00
17. Joel Goplin 471.00
8 550.50
1. Cascade Gas 1 Months Service to Garage & Shop 84.00
2. WA. St. Treasurer Feb. Traffic Signal Maint. 49.97
3. Do. Co. Road Dept. Traffic Control Signs 296.58
4. Grant Road Hardware Supplies & Parts 26.74
' 5. Equip., Manufacturing Co. Seals for Hydraulic cylinders 12.98
6. Eastside Paint & Glass Paint 10.64
7. Interstate Parts & Equip. Strobe Lite for Loader 106.41
8. Traffic Control Signs Co. 4 Signs 179.55
9. Security Bank of WA. March Withholding Deposit 453.20
10. Elder Auto Parts Misc. Parts & Supplies 125.74
11. Emp. Security Dept. lst Quarter Unemployment Payment 139.50
12, Petty Cash Cash Expenditures (Slips attached) 34.78
13 Apple City Office Supply Office Supplies 13.19 51K2 3
1. Kits Camera Film Processing 3.38
2. Chelan Co., Treasurer Feb. Prisoner Housing Fee 899.60
3. Lannoye Emblem 30 Police Patches 74.83
4. In Print Business Cards & Envelopes 88.85
5. Blumenthal Uniforms Uniform Jacket 120.45
6. Grant Road Hardware Stapler & Staples 28.09
7. Do. Co., Sheriffs Dept. March Dispatching 667.00
8. Kayo's Car Wash March Police Car Washes 40.00
9. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Professional Liability Insurance 3 690.00
10. Elder Auto Parts Parts & Supplies 43.44
11. James Harum March Salary 74.64
12. Petty Cash Postage & Office Supplies 147.23
13. Apple City Office Office Supplies for Police, City Clerk
and Legislative Dept. 258.20
6 135.71
14. Employment Security Dept. March Social Security 530.88