HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/19/1984 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Mar. 19, 1984 Members present: Ray Duncan, Darrell McNeill, Ed Rich, Fred Ross and Bill Tarver. Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Bill Tarver, seconded Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Bill Tarver, seconded by Fred Ross and passed unanimously. Bill Tarver stated it was his understanding that no purchase was to be made over 100.00 without Council approval. He said if there is a limit, those purchasing should stick with policy or it should be waived. This does not pertain to utilities, gas, etc. that can't be controlled. Chief Brooks made reference to an annual report he passed out to each Council Member. He said 1983 was a good year for the police. There appeared, he said, to be a reduction in crime. The asked that the Council review the report and discuss it at the next meeting if they have any questions or suggestions. After a short discussion, and Chief Brooks stated he had no objections to lowering the age limit to 18 for those desiring to sell or purchase from pawn shops, Neil Fuller was directed to draft an amended Ordinance lowering the age from 21 to 18. Allen Lake, one of the shop owners, gave Chief Brooks a copy of the new State Laws on the issue. The Council asked Neil Fuller to review the new laws and make any necessary changes in the amended ordinance. Motion was made by Fred Ross, seconded by Darrell McNeill and passed unanimously. ' Ed Rich pointed out that the owners of pawn shops should realize the Ordinance can be changed back to 21 if they do not comply with the Ordinance. Mayor Crain asked the Council if they had received a letter of recommendation from the Planning Commission on the rezone of R-2 to General Commercial property located at the intersection of Highline and Simon streets, for the purpose of a clinic, and what action they wanted to take on the recommendation. Bill Tarver stated he had received a letter from residents of that area asking that the Council consider their wishes. The letter stated they do not oppose the rezone if the Doctors group purchase the three acres. Their concern is what will be done with the property if the Doctors purchase only one acre for the Clinic and the other two acres are zoned commercial. The group has five months to exercise their option to purchase and Charles Durr speaking for the residents said one month has elapsed. Dr. Jaecks speaking for the group of Doctors, said they planned to purchase one acrex now if the rezone was approved with option to purchase the other two acres, but still had some negotiating with the owner, Jack Hale. Jack Hale said he was not aware of any problems and the group had only until April 1st to negotiate the 1 acre. Dr. Bowsman suggested the Council wait for two to four weeksawhich time they will know if they can work things out with Mr. Hale. He stated they want to do the right thing and feel they have an obligation to the residents living in the area. �I J 1 papu *RLsnowLueun passed pup ssob paaj f'q SUM uoL4ow 'ssauLsnq aa44anj ou 6uLaq aaa41 •apew suoL4aLap awns pue suoL4sa66ns awns pue paMatnaa SUM k4L0 aq4 10 Saa40A paaa4sL68a o4 ;no 4uas aq o4 'uLea3 aokpW f'q pa4}pap 4aodaa XLaa4aenb y '..P004LLa^Ll ano„ aae pa4e4s ay saawael a44 se Fe0 aan4Ln3La6y ueOLaawy b86L 'OZ 40JPW pawteLooad uLeaJ JORPW •6uL4aaw 4xau ay} kq Rpeaa 44PJP aa440ue ane4 pup 4oafoad a44 aano 06 pue a944a6o4 4a6 Mm 4OLb P3 pue ue0un0 X'eb 'aaLLnj LON 'paa.a6e spm 41 'OL4Loads aaow aq FLgpgoad pLnoys punoa6 a44 ;0 6uLLanaL 4p44 pLps upoun0 Xpb •s40aCoad ao} 6uL100L aae k944 se y6LH 4uow4se3 jo gnL3 kaN a44 aoj 40aCoad pooh a aq 446tw aLnsdeo a44 6uL4e00L pies ute.a0 aoktW •6uLPLLnq a44 uL4jtM 4ou pup spunoa6 a44 uo sL kL4uaaedde aLnsdeo a44 pup macro 4aaa4s a44 f'q umop ualp4 aq ue0 pue Le4aw }o apew sL LOOg3s a44 uo 6uLaa44aL aq4 pLps ue0un0 kPH •auop 6uLaq jaom Cue 4no44Lm sy4uow ao gaam ao4 44aL aq 4ou pLnom 4oaCo.ad aq4 os papnLOuL aq pLnoys aLnpagos Jo puLb awns pue acre a4ts a44 ao,} sueLd aan4n} a44 4e4m Lesodoad ptq a44 uL a4e4s 40u Ja44eJ pLnom Raqj paaa6e osLe 4941 •aeaS auo 4seaL 4e aq pLnoys uoL4aLdwoO aoj awL4 pa8a6e LLH •6uL4aaw 4xau a44 LL4un sptq a04 LLeO 044 auod4sod o4 paaa6e Pup L0040s a44 10 uoL4LLow9p ao} suo14eOL}toads pue sLesodoad ptq ao} 4sanbaa a44 _4o 44e,ap y6noa a44 paMatnaa pey kay4 pa4e4s Lt0uno0 a41 -sham om4 uL lopq 4aodaa LLLm ay pips qo8 •sIeaL aa4eM ay4 jo asneoaq paoeLdaa aq o4 ane4 flew Nooa 4a9ys 844 }o awos 4e44 pauLw,a94ap SUM 4I •aa4ueaen6 ay4 jo asnpoaq sem 400a Le4aw a44 SPaem04 6uLueaL ao_4 uospaa aq4 paps qo8 •a4ewL4sa ue anL6 pup dogs a44 Xq 6utddo4s aq pLnom •6pL8 40ueb uaa4saM woa} 9nt4e4uasaadaa a pies upwpoog qo8 •aae s446noy4 aL944 4egM aas pue 6uLPLLnq aq4 uo mou sL 4ey4 4onpoad aq4 paan40ejnupw 4ey4 Fuedwoo a44 40e4uoO 04 paaaJJO LM uo0 ptes pue 6ut}oob LteA wOJJ a4onb a punoap passed uay4 aH •jooa dogs a44 44Lm auop aq o4 sey 6uLy48wos 4e44 LLounoo 944 pasLnpe aOXPW gLsnowLueun passed pup ssob paaj Rq papuoOaS-pa44Lwgns uaaq sey uoL4ewao}uL Mau LL4un ao s4ep 0£ aoj uale4 aq UOL40e ou 4ey4 uoL4ow a apew aanael MO •eaae aaL4ua ay4 aseyoand o4 4do dnoa0 aq4 dL auozaa a44 anoadde pLnom ka44 4p44 dnoag a44 paansse LLounoo a44 'sao40o0 a44 kq paysegoand aap saaoe aaa44 LLe dL auozaa aq4 441m waLgoad ou aney s4uaptsaa a44 sy •apew uaaq sey uoLSLOap a aa4;e LLounoo a44 aao}aq lopq 446noaq aq pue aLEH �OeC Pup sao4000 a44 uaam4aq 4no palaom aq 01 aney pLnom waLgoad ay4 4e44 pa4e4s LtOunoO a41 1 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT MARCH 19, 1984 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Wm. McKenzie March Salary 2. Dorotha McGee " 3. H. B. Hanna " 4. Cynthia St. Vincent " " 5. Schmidt & Clem Public Defender Retainer 6. Donnell Crain Salary 7. Peggy McArthur " 8. Virginia Kinzel " 9. Fuller & Cassel, Inc., P.S. Legal Retainer 10. Ronald Lannoye Salary 11. Lenueal Breckenridge " 12. George Sperline " 13. Do. Co. Sewer Dist. 2 Months Service 14. Lynne Shaw City Stationery for Neil Fuller 15. Chevron U.S.A. Gasoline Credit Card Charges (Mayor) 16. Trusteed Plans Service April Medical Insurance Payment 17. Petty Cash Cash Expenditures (Slips Attached) 18. Gen. Telephone Co. 1 Months Service 19. Bus., Envelope Manufactureres1000 Printed Envelopes Court Clerk 20. Wells & Wade Homelite Oil Chain Saw 21. Wenatchee World Notice of Hearing (Hollingworth) STREET 1. Ronald Lannoye 2. Lenueal Breckenridge 3. Robert Goodman 4. Trusted Plans Service 5. Eastside Paint & Glass 6. Pedco Credit Union 7. Gen. Telephone Co. 8. Pybus Steel Co. 9. Petty Cash 10. Sahlberg Equiment, Inc 11. Wells & Wade POLICE 1. Wm. Brooks 2. Harold Kirby 3. Michael Cattin 4. Hiram Thomas 5. Chet Virnig 6. John Harrison 7. Wm. Brooks 8. Harold Kirby 9. Michael Cattin 10. Hiram Thomas 11. Chet Virnig 12. John Harrison 13. Keiil Keefe March Salary it 11 April Medical Insurance Payment Paint & Supplies - Boom Truck March Credit Union Payment 1 Months Service 10 Sacks Grit & Fire Extinguisher Cash Expenditures (Slips Attached) Amber Strobe Lite less credit memo 2 Springs for Paint Machine 326.55 747.17 533.00 692.00 300.00 310.14 1 280.30 869.69 1 580.00 437.63 435.77 326.55 14.00 417.30 32.59 1 023.14 151.87 147.55 29.53 5.76 10.00 9 670.54 758.32 871.60 1 172.80 261.36 51.65 255.00 36.94 59.13 39.70 116.53 3.94 3 626.97 1st Quarter Cleaning Allowance 20.00 it 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 " 20.00 March Salary 1 589.30 1 327.55 1 387.65 1 314.60 1 270.90 1 291.00 660.10 1 E9'8£6 LL 60'8t (L'wapeoy aoLLod) sleaW 00'sZ ALedab we( Aoo0 sL'9Z OOLnaaS aajoaaM s£ ' 6 L SRBN Ob'6L ssea8 aeLLOO wAodLun Z SUM allLLoseO "SLeg Eb£ 8b'sL L# PaIe;oa 9 PaoueLUO sLaa4M 08'89 L B 9# adel anLjoal;aa 4ouL b/L £0'sb (LooPS) spaeO 4LPaAO uo sa6,ae43 auLLose9 8E's a Ledab a.A Ll L8'ZOL (s3ooa8 •wM) sasuadx3 Laneal £0'L8Z a4eLd MEN I saL.Aa4je8 '•aaa6y "4ULeW s8'Otb b86L 43JPW aoLnaaS auogdalLgoW 00'SLL 4uawL'ed uoLuN iipaa3 4oa w 00'002 aa3 a6uea 6uLaLd b86L WtH L '4uawFed 4uawaaL4aa „ 66'LZ „ Z9'0£L 09' ZL L L'ae LES yoaeW uosLaaeH UgOP 'Z£ 4SLnb,'q ugoe 'LE s,aaMoa,AM SumOLddtl '0£ .ia4ua0 44pnoaS alo4L'aN '6Z swa0-4M Le44uawnL8 '8Z R'LddnS a6ueag 'LZ 90LnaaS s,JOLO '9Z aa4o-4euaM Jo auLI-WLal 'sZ '03 LLO LLa4S 'bZ ooexal s,Aa0 'EZ •3 6uLnLonaa '•dx3 lane.al 'ZZ suoL3eoLunwwo0 Lea4ua0 'LZ •M•N auo;aLLgoW OZ uoLup 41paaO oopad '6L saaOL;}0 a3e9d •00 •00-ueLaQ '8L ;uawaaLjaa 10 '4da0 'LL pueLaal Lae40LW '9L uaoO PIAPO '9L aLPH laagq 'bL