HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/5/1984 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCouncil Meeting
March 5, 1984
1 Councilmen resent: d h p E Ric Ray Duncan, Fred Ross and Bill Tarver. City Attorney,
Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur.
Meeting was called to order by Mayor, Don Crain.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as submitted. Motion was made by
Bill Tarver, seconded by Fred Ross and passed unanimously.
Ray Duncan questioned approving Ordinances of the last meeting without a motion
for approving each ordinance. Mayor Crain advised Mr. Duncan that the Council
unanimously voted to have Neil Fuller draft the Ordinances at a previous meeting.
Neil Fuller said, in the past after each Ordinance had been drafted, the Council
woudl then make a motion on each ordinance for final adoption and it would probably
be better to have each ordinance be passed by motion. Mayor Crain said it would
be done that way in the future.
Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Ed Rich,
seconded by Fred Ross and passed unanimously.
Mayor Crain and Councilman Bill Tarver stated that Councilman Darrell McNeill
is doing fine and will probably be at the next meeting.
Bob Goodman said the
finished painting the
truck and they will now start
preparing the streets
striping. Mayor Crain
complimented Bob on the good job
the street department
been doing.
Fred Ross asked again about the shop roof. Neil Fuller stated the City is going
through the Department of Labor and Industries to attach the Bond. He said Bob
Goodman is in the process of getting estimates for the repair and damage. Will
have more information at the next meeting.
Ed Rich said there might be two options for the light at the intersection of
the State Highway and Grant Road. He said he and Bob would talk to the Traffic
Engineer for the Department of Transportation and see if anything can be done
and what the cost might be.
Mayor Crain said George Sperline is still working on the city's comprehensive plan
and that he appointed Ed Dillon to the Planning Commission. Ed has been helping
George with the plan.
Mayor Crain read a letter from Judge Hanna requesting a time change for Court
from 5:30 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. on Tuesdays and Thursdays commencing March 15th.
The Council had no objections to the change.
Victor Blair and four other pawn brokers requested that the age be dropped to
18 for buying and selling in their shops. Mr. Blair said it is just sending business
to the other side of the river.
Neil Fuller said when they drafted the new ordinance, he and Chief Brooks, felt
there would be less problems if the age limit remained at 21.
Mayor Crain said he would like to talk with Chief Brooks about his thoughts on the
change and the matter will be again discussed at the next meeting.
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1. Ray Duncan Feb. Per -diem 55.98
2. Darrell McNeill 55.98
3. Ed Rich 55.98
4. Wm. Tarver 55.98
5. Fred Ross 27.99
6. H. B. Hanna Salary 416.37
7. Employment Security Social Security Payment 2 755.75
8. James A. Dart 18th Payment Copier 113.20
9. Wenatchee Humane Society March Dog Control 175.00
10. R. L. Polk & Co. City Directory 74.18
11. P. U. D. 2 Month Service School Bldg. 20.00
12. Grant Road Hardware Bathroom Supplies 31.02
13. Robert Crawford Probation Fees Collected 60.00
14. Joel Goplin " " 11 313.00
15. Wenatchee Office Supply Office Supplies Court Clerk 22.35
16. Copy Cat Printing 1000 Cards Court Clerk 41.87
17. WA. Courthouse Supply 1000 Court Receipts 144.05
18. Robert Perez Interpreter 15.00
19. Apple City Office Supply Office Supplies, City Clerk, Court Clerk
and Police Dept. 81.10
20. E. W. Water District Bi-Monthly Water Statement 14.00
21. Fuller & Cassel Legal Services 266.92
4 795.72
1. Employment Security Feb. Social Security Pay. 530.88
2. North Central Petroleum 1 Drum Solvent 169.86
3. Grant Road Hardware Supplies for Shop & Paint Machine 48.18
4. P. U. D. 2 Months Service 36.00
5. Eastside Paint & Glass Supplies for Painting Boom Truck 64.66
6. Pete Savage Body Tool(Mac Tools) 78.82
7. Cascade Gas Corp. 1 Months Service Shop & Garage 159.29
8. Modern Machinery Part for Sweeper 22.84
9. Inland Machinery Caterpillar Wheel Loader 50 288.50
10. Elder Auto Parts Miscellaneous Parts & Supplies 171.08
51 570.11
1. David Corn Feb. Salary 55.98
2. Kayo's Car Wash Feb. Police Cars (Washes) 40.00
3. Do. Co. Sheriff's Dept. Feb. 911 Service 667.00
4. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Public Official Bond $30.00 Cr. 15.00 15.00
5. Grange Supply Co. Gasoline 247.56
6. Ted Finkbeiner Motors Chip Guard #6 50.31
7. Elder Auto Parts Parts & Supplies Police Cars 244.98
8. City of E. W. St. Dept. Labor on Police Cars 266.72
9. Nelson Office Machines Electric Typewriter & Supplies 541.54*
' * $499.88 To Be Paid From City Hall Bldg., Fund 2 129.09