HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/16/1985 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Dec. 16, 1985 Council members present: Ed Rich, Les Young, Terry McKee, Paul Cassel and Ray Duncan. Attorneys Bob Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as presented. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted with the exception of a voucher to Ted Huls for demolition of the school. Paul Cassel made a motion to accept bills with the exception of the voucher to Ted Huls, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Chuck Zimmerman said he talked with Ted Huls and his Attorny. Goodfellow Brothers were concerned about getting their money from Mr. Huls for their subcontract and Ted Huls agreed that the Warrant could be made out to both parties. The Council also agreed to withhold liquidated damages in the amount of 3,500.00 as the attorneys spent a considerable amount of time working with Mr. Huls, the sub contractors and the bonding co. Ray Duncan said he had received a letter from Goodfellow Brothers stating that they would bring in 300 yards of dirt in the Spring and level the ground. Ray Duncan made a motion that a warrant in the amount of 26,000.00 be drafted to Ted Huls and Goodfellow Brothers and that the City release the 16,000.00 certificate plus any interest it had accured to Mr. Huls. Seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Chuck Zimmerman said he would prepare the necessary releases. 'Acting Chief of Police Harold Kirby said Officer Hiram Thomas' claim was rejected by the Department of Labor and Industries. Marilyn King with Travel Washington again asked the Council to participate with a color banner in their travel magazine. Mayor Crain said the only thing the City has to sell is its Mall so he thought the Mall should participate. Ms. King said she had already sold some ads if the City bought a page. She also said 100,000 copies would be handed out at Expo. Les Young said he felt the money spent for the heading would regenerate right back into the motels. Paul Cassel asked if there was any follow up to see if the guide does any good. Ms. King said there are ways of tracking it but it takes a few years to know for sure. Paul also asked if the City was obligated if they could not meet the deadline of January 6th. Ms. King said the City would not be liable. After more discussion and public input, the Council agreed to a quarter page color heading for 2,770.00. Motion was made by Terry McKee, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. 'Terry McKee and Les Young agreed to come up with ideas for a heading with the help of the East Wenatchee Chamber if needed. An Agreement to contract its State Building Code Services with Douglas County was discussed. a 'RLsnOWLueun passed pup ueouna Aqj L'q papuooas `Las ed �q EGl SEM uo oW 'Ia6pnq LeULJ aq; ;o UOLgdopp aol 4ILL aagwaoaa 5L: LL un uano, a oI paaa6e LLounoO ayg `ssaulsnq aayganq ou 6uLaq aaagl 1 'ReM Rue UL L'4uno3 agI dlaq oI 6ULLLLM aq pLnoM 9410 aqg pLps aH •aa43leuaM Isp3 og DLLIAJ04PM woa} Ipas k4uno3 aq4 6uLnow UL pagsaaaguL Iou seM aq pLes pup „filunoD ayg gILM aLL saLggpdwg's Ano„ gegg aeaLO IL @Iew oI pagueM a4 pies pue SwBLgoad 4a6pnq s,k; unoa seL6no(i of paaaajaa ULeJO aoREW 'k'LsnOWLUeun passed pup Lasse3 Lned Rq papuooas `ueouna ken f'q apew SEM UOL40W •%q Ip SaspaaouL Lae Les ayg BULneaL pue L9sse3 Lned }o SUOLIsa66ns papuawwooaa ayg g4Lm 4a6pnq LeUL; ayg IJpap og pagoeua LLounoO aqi •UOLULdo sLq UL a90LJJO 4IL a JOJ paau ou seM aaagl pue pasEaJOUL RJ eLes %9 aql sgupM 4um4j edep ayg pLps RgaL)l pLoaeH }aL43 6uL43y •aWLI ayg }o Iced pajaoM }aLgo ayg }L 4apSSaoaU seM a83Lg3o 4IL e JULgI l,uplp aq ptps as)low L'aaal 'aeo aoLLod a ao} 6uL4a6pnq pue aaoL}}o ggL e 6ULaLq Led awLgaano ao3 pa4a6pnq Iunowe ayg joeq Ino `saLaeLpS UL aseaaOUL k£ oI Z/L Z e 6uLnL6 ;o crone} UL seM a4 pLes 6unoA sal •4a6pnq aogoadsUL 6uLPLLnq oI pappe aq 00'008`Z$ '8 •punj 6uLpLLnB LLEH SILO oI pappe aq 00'bOL`£6$ 'L •UOLgoagoad aaLj ao4 4a6pnq aoLLod og pappe 00'b8L`6$ '9 •L'eLlno Legldeo oguL Ind aq 00'00019Z$ '9 -punk Loua6UL4uoo a oguL Ind aq 00'000`5Z$ 'b spaeu 6ULuueLd aanln4 ao} snoaueLLaosLw uL Ind aq 00'000`OZ$ '£ •saoLn,aaS Lenloeaguoo oI 00'005$ ppH 'Z •Laneal aol Ia6pnq anL4eLSL6aL UL 00'000`2$ 'L :4a6pnq 986L a44 UL papn[OUL aq Oj.SUOLlepuawwooaa I96pnq 6ULMOLLOI a4I apew LassPO Lned •Ia6pnq 986L pLes 6UL3UeLEq }o asodand agI aol pun; Iaaags pup asuadxa Iuaaano ayg uLg4LM SUOL4PLadoadde LpnpLALpuL uaaMlaq aa}sueal 01 �JaLO L'IL0 a4I paZLaoggnp ULea3 JORVW •L'LsnOWLueun passed pup 6unoA sal Rq papuooas `aeNoW f'aaal Rq apeW seM uoLloW •986L weal' Ia6pnq agI a04 saapuaIaa oLLgnd Se paULegaa aq aalaeg RaJ449P Ie41 LLouno3 ayg Rq paaa6e seM IL `UOLssnosLp awns aaljy •6ULpun} agI aoI LLounoO pue aoReW a44 palue44 pup ILtnq acre L'ayl aa4le saalLags snq agI uo Ind aq LLLM legl U6Ls a LLounoO agI paMogs IaeIS peaH }o aoloaaLa `UOS�3La3 UeOC •passpd uoLloW •ou p340n aaNOW Raaal pue 40[2 p3 '4ILO aqI UL UOLllsod aqI dael og sak pagon 6unoA sal pup ueouna L'eb `Lasse3 Lned •agon a44 ao; paIse ULeaa JORPW •ueouna Red Rq papuooas pup Lassen Lned L'q apew seM uoLloW *R4g 0 a4I UL aogoadsuI 6uLpLLnB }o uoLlLsod aqg daa� oI UOL40W seM 8a944 dL pajse uyeaa aoR'eW 'RIL0 aq; UL uoLlLsod ayg daa� oI a)LL pLnoM pue 6UL4aaw IseL ayg aouLS puLW sLq pa6ue40 peg aq pLes 6uno% sal •pa9a6e a4 ptes LassuO Lned •qOC aql uo sL Pup pauangaa seg aoloadsuI 6ULPLLnB SILO aql pLes aH -k4unoO a4I 01 saOLnaaS agl aano uanl oI eapL good a seM IL 4Lal a4 pLes aauupLd 4 Q `auLLaads a6aoag I BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT DEC. 16, 1985 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Do., Co., Dist. Ct. 2. Peter Adelsohn 3. Steven Clem 4. Don Crain 5. Peggy McArthur 6. Virginia Kinzel 7. Ogden, Ogden & Murphy 8. Ronald Lannoye 9. Len Breckenridge 10. George Sperline 11. Wm. McKenzie 12. Postmaster 13. Pedco Credit Union 14. Terence McKee 15. Ogden, Ogden & Murphy 16. Grant Road Hardware 17. Petty Cash 18. In Print 19. Security Bank 20. I B M Corp. STREET 1. Robert Goodman 2. Ron Lannoye 3. Len Breckenridge 4. Pedco Credit Union 5. Libke, Jones & Mitchell 6. Columbia River Concrete 7. Critzer Equipment Co. 8. Safety Signal Systems 9. Grant Road Hardware 10. Equipment Mfg., Co. 11. Petty Cash 12. Grange Supply 13. Seco Machinery 14. In Print 15. Security Bank 16. Harrison Auto Parts POLICE 1. Harold Kirby 2. Michael Cattin 3. Chet Virnig 4. John Harrison 5. John Harrison 6. Michael Cattin 7. Chet Virnig 8. Wm Brooks 9. Harold Kirby 10. Michael Cattin 11. Chet Virnig Dec. Payment 2 092.75 Interpreters Fee 15.00 Dec. Public Defender Retainer 450.00 Dec. Salary 308.27 Dec. Salary 1 329.54 Dec. Salary 964.94 Dec. Retainer 1 660.00 Dec. Salary 485.38 Dec. Salary 486.49 Dec. Salary 325.32 Dec. Wages 207.04 6 Months P. 0. Box Rental 26.50 Dec. Payment 300.00 Long Distance Telephone Charges 26.06 Oct. Legal Services 902.10 Parts for Repairs 11.78 Postage 132.00 Office Supplies 81.58 Dec. Withholding 3 058.30 Lift Off Taper for Typewriters 73.53 12 936.58 Dec. Salary 1 268.68 Dec. Salary & Nov. Overtime 939.47 Dec. Salary & Nov. Overtime 1 195.16 Dec. Payment 275.00 Insurance Backhoe 52.90 Gravel 30.98 Parts for Snow Plow 274.33 Signal Lamp 151.99 Parts & Supplies 33.85 Repairs Snow Plow 112.21 License Plate Backhoe 8.10 Gasoline & Diesel 1 417.39 Blade Backhoe 2 902.00 Time Cards 29.22 Dec. Withholding Deposit 633.70 Parts & Supplies 67.28 0JR16YAF'IV: 4th Quarter Cleaning Allowance 20.00 " 20.00 " 20.00 " 20.00 Nov. Overtime 210.77 11 " 148.04 " if 184.76 Dec. Salary 1 725.84 11 1 575.84 " 1 516.47 1 268.95 1 00'00019Z$ do qunowe a4q UL '*DUI 'sa0440.48 MOLLDJP 009 g SEWN pal oq qL pabuego LLounoO '•00 uoL4on.a4suo3 SLnH LZ# Aagonon 3SN3dX3 AAHn0 Aapun * 99' LL£ bZ'b60 L Lb' L09 L * 00'009 6Z �e 69'L90 bZ 00'Lb6 LL 00' OZ L OZ'0£ 90'6L OZ'99Z E8'bL 06'LZ 00'£b 8L'bb OZ'ti9b 0L'9LL OS' ZZL 69'L6L L LS'VL8 96'6Lb L LequaO g uoLSLA `LeoLPaW 986E 'uep gsn,al 41Jau@9 aaROLdw3 3MV 'L ARTS LequaO 9 uoLSLA ' LeoLPaW 986L 'uep gsn.al 4LSauaq 8BROLdw3 3MH -L 11I9 986 L A'ed aneal Papua4x3 6uLPLLnB L0043S 10 uOPq Lowaa 40e.aquo0 8aL3 s4quoW 9 PUZ 4oe.a4uo0 aaL3 s4quoW 9 puZ Rde.aal s3ooa8 'wM gsal qel .ae0 aoLLod Uo; sgUed S,aeO aoLLod uo Aogel 4aw4 S P,AUD ;LPWO uo Pa6.aeQ auLLoseg s,euuaquy £ aoLAJOS auogdaLLgoW oa0 squed aa3 6uLsnoH s.aauosL,ad •AoN quawaa,a6y aoueuaquLeW „ 6ULgo4edsLO quawa.ALgab „ II II A'.aeLeS •0a0 sewo41 weaLH •ZZ 03 uoLgon,agsuoo s, LnH ' LZ 3SN3dX3 A3HnO Z# '4SLO aaL3 '00 '00 'L NNR32 03dVHS lVd3033 Z# *4SL(l auL3 'o'J '00 '9Z '0 "ASd °asa,a3 uaLO 'SZ UPH p,ao}3LLO 'bZ sq.aed ogny uosLuueH '£Z aa434euaM '3 do 44L0 'ZZ '00 L LO L La4S ' LZ oLuo.ag3aL3 aULdLV 'OZ •M •N auo;aLLgoW '6L sLLuOJ Pn Le4quawn LS ' 8 L ,aa,ansea.al 1•00 ueLa4o 'LL suoL4eoLunuwo0 Le.aqua) '9L gda0 s,44Laa4S 'o0 '00 '9L quawa,aLgaa qo •gda0 'bL a}aaX LLP)i '£L uosLu-1eH u40C 'ZL '1,N00 33IlOd