HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/18/1985 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Nov. 18, 1985 Council members present: Terry McKee, Paul Cassel, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich and Les Young. City Attorneys Bob Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Terry McKee and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Bob Goodman said he talked with people at the Department of Transportation concerning problems with the signal light at Valley Mall Parkway and Grant Road. They informed him that one bicycle loop was shorting out and they cut it out of the system for the time being. Also, traffic straddling the line will trip the light but there is not too much that can be done about that. They did not recommend that the City exchange signals at this time as the cost would be too great. It may be something the City might want to consider in the future. The Council granted Bob Goodman permission to purchase a gas vibrating tamper for 1,650.00. Bob said the school is gone but more backfill is needed as it is three feet too low in places. Goodfellows will be back and look it over on Tuesday Bob advised. 'Bob Kiesz said he had checked into whether the City could use Stadium fund money for the Wenatchee ice skating rink. He said in his opinion, the only way the City could do this, is to enter into an agreement with the City of Wenatchee. The City can not give funds to the Second Rink Committee. No decision was made at this time. Acting Chief Harold Kirby said the deadline for receiving police applications will be Friday. To date they have received nine applications. Joan Erickson, director of Head Start again explained some of their problems and asked for 9,782.50 be donated from Federal Shared Revenue funds. She stated that 23% of the Children that attend headstart are from East Wenatchee. The Council said they would consider the request. There were no other requests from the public for those funds. Ms. Erickson said she would attend the next Council meeting. Mary Schamens, with the Visitors Convention Bureau addressed the Council and asked that 2,000.00 be donated by the City from the City's 1985 Stadium funds. She stated that there was some misunderstanding in an earlier request and that the funds are needed at this time. Les Young made a motion that the City donate 2,000.00 to the Bureau, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Mayor Crain called for a Ten minute executive session to discuss a possible litigation against the City. The Council was called back into regular session and a budget workshop followed. The first item discussed was the legal budget. The Council agreed that the total legal budget did not seem out of reason but felt unless the Council knows what is not covered under the retainer, the legal budget could well go over the estimated miscellaneous figure of 15,000.00. After some discussion, Paul Cassel said he would have some recommendations for review at the next meeting. 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Steven M. Clem Public Defender Retainer 450.00 2. Don Crain Nov. Salary 308.27 3. Peggy McArthur Nov. Salary 1 329.54 4. Virginia Kinzel Nov. Salary 964.94 5. Ogden, Ogden & Murphy Nov. Legal Retainer 1 660.00 6. Ron Lannoye Nov. Salary 485.38 7. Len Breckenridge Nov. Salary 486.49 8. George Sperline Nov. Salry 325.32 9. McConnell/Burke Professional Services & Expense 532.31 10. George Sperline Mileage 25.02 11. Douglas Co. District Court Nov. Payment 2 092.75 12. Pedco Credit Union Nov. Payment 300.00 13. Awc Employee Benefit Trust Dec. Medical Insurance 899.60 14. Security Bank of WA. Nov. Withholding Deposit 3 134.30 15. Wenatchee World Publications 42.08 16. Wm. Shaw Translator Fee 15.00 17. Do. Co. Serer Dist. 2 Months Service 14.00 18. Petty Cash Postage & Cleaner for Police Cars 115.84 19. General Telephone Co. 1 Months service 312.29 13 493.13 'STREET 1. Ron Lannoye Nov. Salary 832.25 2. Len Breckenridge Nov. Salary 973.37 3. Bob Goodman Nov. Salary 1 268.68 4. Pedco Credit Union Nov. Payment 275.00 5. AWC Employee Benefit Trust Dec. Medical Ins. 325.45 6. Harrison Auto Parts Parts 55.38 7. Chevron U.S.A. Gasoline charged on Credit Cards 21.42 8. Grange Supply Gasoline 455.68 9. Security Bank Nov. Withholding Deposit 533.70 10. E. W. Water District 2 Months Service 15.35 11. Shell Oil Co. Gasoline Charged on Credit Cards 24.10 12. Petrolane Gas Service Propane 8.14 13. Do. Co. Sewer District 2 Months Service 14.00 14. Petty Cash Cash Expenditures Propane 23.79 15. General Telephone Co. 1 Months Service 56.02 4 882.33 POLICE 1. Wm. Brooks Nov. Salary 1 725.84 2. Harold Kirby Nov. Salary 1 575.84 3. Michael Cattin Nov. Salary 1 690.79 4. Hiram Thomas Nov. Salary 1 539.05 5. Chet Virnig Nov. Salary 1 353.29 ' 6. John Harrison Nov. Salary 1 522.12 7. Kelli Keefe Nov. Salary 874.51 8. Grange Supply Gasoline 345.49 9. Do. Co. Sheriffs Dept. Nov. Dispatching 722.50 10. Mobilefone N.W. Nov. 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