HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/7/1985 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING
Oct. 7, 1985
Council members present: Ray Duncan, Terry McKee, Ed Rich, Paul Cassel and Les Young.
Attorneys Bob Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman and City Clerk,
Peggy McArthur.
Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Don Crain.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by
Ray Duncan, seconded by Terry McKee and passed unanimously.
Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded
by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously.
Ron McConnel with McConnel and Burke, Planning and Development Counselors gave a
background of their qualifications as planning counselors and passed around a tabloid of
Pierce County's new comprehensive plan.
Ed Rich asked how long a study would take to do the City. Mr. McConnel stated a
comprehensive plan usually takes from nine months to one and one-half years. He said it
would depend on what the City wants.
Mayor Crain suggested a study should include the County and other entities in Douglas
County. Terry McKee agreed that a plan would take cooperation from all entities.
Ray Duncan said he was bored with talking about annexation. He said he felt the plan
should provide for making the City a better place to live. It should first be a
community plan and then look towards annexation.
Ray Duncan asked if the City could retain these counselors without notifying other firms.
Bob Kiesz said he would check into it.
After more discussion it was agreed by the Council to retain McConnel & Burke and pay
expenses up to 1,000.00 for a scope of what course the City may want to take. Motion
was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Terry McKee and passed unanimously.
It was agreed that Terry McKee, Paul Cassel and George Sperline will be working with
McConnel and Burke. It was suggested that Douglas County may want to take a part in the
Study. Mr. McConnel said he would contact Bob Patrick.
Acting Chief of Police Harold Kirby, gave an update on the condition of Hiram Thomas.
He said he should know more in a couple of weeks and the Department of Labor and Ind.
should know in two weeks if the State will be paying Hiram after his sick leave and
vacation benefits run out with the City. Bob Kiesz said the City cannot extend additional
sick leave to Mr. Thomas.
The Council unanimously approved to have the City attorneys proceed and make demand on
the Bonding Company and Ted Huls Construction as Mr. Huls is two months past his contract
date and hasn't done any work for three weeks.
Paul Cassel contacted four janitorial services and received two quotes. Motion was made
'by Paul Cassel to accept the low quote for janitorial services from Cascade for 45.00
per month, starting Nov. 1st, with the 1st initial cleaning to be 65.00. Seconded by
Terry McKee and passed unanimously.
Terry McKee passed around a brochure showing different types of banners and brackets.
He said the City of Wenatchee may purchase some banners in the Spring and it was decided
to wait until a later date and discuss it. Bob Kiesz was asked to look into whether
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1. Ed Rich Sept. Per -diem 55.77
2. Ray Duncan 55.77
3. Les Young 55.77
4. Paul Cassel 55.77
5. Terry McKee 55.77
6. W. Valley Humane Society Oct. Dog Control Payment 191.00
7. General Telephone 1 Months Service 311.77
8. Ogden, Ogden & Murphy August Legal Services 409.50
9. Employment Security Dept. Yearly administrative expense 16.90
10. Chelan County Treasurer 3rd Quarter 2% Liquor Tax 86.79
11. Grant Road Hardware Supplies & Parts 28.31
12. The Wenatchee World Publications 214.13
13. Do. Co. District Court Jury Costs, Witness Fees & Interpreters fee897.91
14. Employment Security Dept. Sept. Social Security 3 360.29
15. Employment Security Dept. 3rd Quarter Unemployment Compensation 747.33
16. Dept. of Labor & Industries 3rd Quarter Industrial Insurance 1 451.87
7 994.65
General Telephone
1 Months Service
Traffic Control Signs Co.
Traffic Control Signs
Employment Security Dept.
Sept. Social Security
Seco Machinery Inc.
34 174.11
WA. State Treasurer
August traffic signal maintenance
Grange Supply
Cascade Natural Gas
1 Months Service
Harrison Auto Parts
Supplies for Shop
North Central Petroleum
Solvent & Oil
Employment Security Dept.
3rd Quarter Unemployment Compensation
Dept. of Labor & Ind.
3rd Quarter Industrial Insurance
36 721.45
Kayo's Car Wash
Police Car Washes
Kuston Electronics
Radar Unit Repair
Chelan Co. Treasurer
Sept. Prisoner Housing Fee
2 498.10
Grange Supply
David Corn
Sept. Wages
Harrison Auto Parts
North Central Petroleum
Oil for Police Cars
In Print
Office Supplies
National Health Laboratories
Blood Tests for Hahn
Clifford Hahn
Prescription Drugs Hahn
Kits Cameras
Film, Photofinishing & Battery
Hurst Chiropractic Clinic
Wm. B. Brooks Treatment
■ 13.
Lake Chelan Community Hospital
Second evaluation Wm. Brooks
4 400.70