HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/16/1985 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Sept. 16, 1985 Councilmen present: Ed Rich, Paul Cassel, Ray Duncan, Terry McKee and Les Young. City Attorneyes, Bob Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. Deputy City Clerk Dannie Kinzel. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Pro tem, Les Young. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Bills and Accounts were approved as submitted. Motion made by Ray Duncan, second- ed by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Bob Goodman asked that the Consultant Agreement Contract to engage the services of Forsgren-Perkins Engineering on the 9th Street Project be accepted. Ray Duncan gave a brief explanation of the process necessary to comply with the State and Federal government program. Motion was made to accept the agreement by Ed Rich, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Chuck Zimmerman was asked the out come of the Civil Service meeting regarding William B. Brooks disability hearing. Mr. Zimmerman stated the Civil Service ' Board granted Mr. Brooks a six months disability leave. Mr. McKee reported doing research on the Travel Washington, a travel guide and that in his estimation a quarter page ad shared with Wenatchee on a 60 - 40 percentage basis would be an excellent investment. He discussed the matter with Mayor Lynch who saw no problems but stated he would have to take it before his Commissioners for their approval for paying 60%. Mr. McKee and Mayor Lynch con- curred that a photo taken from Ohme Gardens down river with a listing of all the activites the valley has to offer might be an excellent joint effort on the part of both cities. Terry McKee made a motion to buy a quarter page ad in Travel Washington with the City of Wenatchee on a 60 -40 basis with a layout to be submitted to the Council for approval, seconded by Ed Rich and passed un- animously. Mr. Cassel reported he had contacted three Janitorial Services and ask that they submit bids for services to City Hall. He will report his findings at the next meeting. Mr. McKee reported he had met with Karen Wade of the Apple Blossom Festival commitee. He said Ms. Wade was very enthusiastic about Fun Festival banners being displayed on a two to three block section of Wenatchee Avenue during Apple Blossom Festival. To date Mr. McKee did not have a cost figure for said banners, but stated if when such figures were obtained if they were to costly the Council might consider buying the hardware necessary to display Apple ' Blossom Banners during the Fun Festival. It was decided to table the issue until Oct 7th, meeting, at which time some cost figures might be available. Next on the agenda was the Small Works Roster revised resolution. Mr. Kiesz asked that it be placed on the Oct. 7th, agenda. The City safe that was previously used by the Court Clerk was discussed due to an inquiry from Douglas County District Court. The inquiry stated District •%'LsnOWLueun passed pue ueoun0 kea f'q papuooas `pou.AnoCpe aq 6UL;9aw ag; 4P4; UOL;Ow P OPPW L8sse3 LnPd SsaULsnq Aag;anj ou 6ULaq aaagl •meL a;e;s f'q pa;eU6Lsap a;Pp 844 uo LLouno3 ay; o; pa;uasaad aq ;a6pnq fi'aeuLWLLaad aq; ;eq; pajsP y3ia P3 'aW LLouno3 a4; o; )oeq 3,Aodau pup UOLsSLWWo3 FPMg6LH a;e;S aq; Io UeLgsegepo )OLQ PUP AaIeg u4oV ;Oe;Uoo pLnoM ay pa;P;s aH •Xemg6L4 MaU 044 a0I ;LPM Sou Woo pup anL3eAadwL SPM aa;;eW 943 pLes aalloW •.AW •om; a43 uaom;aq 9ouP4SLp ;aogS 043 SL ROOLIILp ag; pue UOL;ounCuoo UL IJOM 446LL XPmlAed LLeW ROLLPA Pup peon ;uPag 043 Pup 446LL Z-dS a44 pLes UL;3e3 aILW -UL Ind SUM RPM46Lg mau ay; LL3un PORP Lap 6ULaq seM UOL;OP ;Soo do asneoaq ;nq a;e;S a4; 44Lm passnosLp uaaq pey UOL;Oasaa;UL pue 446LL SL44 pappe ueoun0 •.AW •gbnoaq; 446Lea4s auPL puey ;46La ayq pup RLuo SauPL uan; puey ;IaL jQOsLndwoo SaueL .Aa3uao pue ;daL ayq alew pue MOAAP y6noaq; 4y6LPa4S ay; a4PULWLLa o; seM UOL4sab6ns sLy pue a;P;S a43 44LM ;sed ay; UL passnosLp uaaq pey 46 pLes put)paaa6e ;uaw3.AedaO aoLLod ay} Io UL;;P3 911W 6u snoaaPp pue 6uLsnduoo seM ;L pLes aaNOW aW •awL; awes aq; ;e LLP peon ;uPag o; uo uan; puey 3IaL a 6UL;eU6LSap MOA•Ae aamOL P pue Lr4nos 6UL4ULod moA.Ae up sey uoL;oasaa;uL ;eq; ;e y;nos 6uLo6 aueL as;uao aql peon ;ueag pue Z-bS 3P 346LL Leu6Ls a;e;S aq; 6uLpaP6aa aalloW kj.Aal f'q do 346noAq sem passnosLp Wa;l 3xaN •pLnom ay pLes Lasse3 %AW •6UL40aw ;xau a43 ;e wa43 ;uasaad pup 6ULJLJM UL saULL apLn6 a43 36w -qns o; palse sem ay 4;6u3L awos Io 6utaq ;nq squaw3.Aedap 4;oq o; aLgPaaa6P ';P panLaaP pey 4a4; aLnpagos a Pa;uasead Lasse3 •.AW *Red awL3,Aano ssnosLp o; '3uaw3.Aedaa aoLLod aq; Io RgALN PLoaPH ;UPa6a9S pue AOSLAJ adnS 4uau4,AedaO 39a.AIS 'uewpoog qog 43LM 6uL49aw a pe4 ay LLouno3 a43 pawaodUL Lasse3 Lned 'f'LsnoLuLueun passed pup aalloW 4aaal Acq papuooas '£6£ *ON DOUPULpao ssed o; UOL;ow P apPw Lasse3 Lned 'Palle; -ua 3L LLe Pup ;uPau UOL;eOLILPOO waa; aq; ;e4m 3uasa.Ad aso43 0; pauLeLdxa zsaLN •aW •uOLssnoSLp DLLgnd Aoj pauedo seM opo3 LPdLOLunW a43 do uoL;dopy 'aWL3 SL44 ;P passnosLp aq OSLP LLIm panLOnUL 1.Aom waded aq3 Io 3soo ayl •6uL;a8W 3xau aq3 ;e way; ;uasaad pLnom pup s;oel mau awns pey-AauueLd 9313 943 aULLAadS a6.Aoag ;eq; saagwaw LLouno3 a43 pawaol -UL UeOuno •,AW pup passnosLp seM 3a&A3S swept' do 3.Aed ULe3.AeO 10 UOL;POPA ayl •4LsnOWLueun passed pup 4OLb P3 fiq papuooas 'sasuadxa sLy Sed pup 6uL309w P pua;;P o; OI.Ang qog Ise o; uoL3au a apew aoNoW •aW •sasuadxa La;ow pup LanPa; Red pLnom kq'o a43 pa;e;s osLe sum ;L •aneq 4y6LW f'ag; SUOL;sanb Sue ssa.Appe pLnoo LLouno3 aq; os aan4n4 ay3 UL aWL3 awns 6uL3aaw LLouno3 93L3 P pu833e o; wa43 ISe 0; UOLSSLwaad SLLouno3 ay3 011L PLnom ay pLes aalloW •,AW •pueLsl aaoaaW uo pa;POOL slang g LLauuo3oW kq Pa;4lwgns asoy; g4tm passaAd -wL k.AaA SPm ay pa3e3s aH 'SUOL3e0LdLLPnb pup sawnsaa panLaoaa pue swaL4 ay3 pa;OP;uoo aH 'PLaL4 SL44 UL 6uLZLLPLoads SWALI OM; Io Saweu aq3 uanL6 sum aH •aan;nl ay; Aol ueLd P paau AQ 843 ;Lad aH 4;L3 aq; Ao4 g4moa6 awn;n; 6UL paP6aa SaL'4Q UO4bULgSPM Io UOL;PLOossy a43 pa;oe;uoo pe4 ay pa;aodaa aalloW aW •FLsnOWLUP -un passed pup gOLa P3 f'q papuooas 'Lasse3 Lned f'q apew sum ales ay; ueoL 0; UOLIOW y •pauan;aa aq pLnom ;L A;L3 ay; f'q papaaU Aana SUM ;L dL 6ULpue4saapun ay; q;lm ;ano3 30La4SLO o; DIPS ay; ay; ueoL 4g6LW k4L3 ay3 pa;sa66ns zsaLN •aW •saagwaw LLouno3 aq; fq passnosLp SUM ;I '00'05$ aallo o; paaedaad aaam kaq; aLglseal IOU seM SLg3 dI 'a6aP40 Ou ;e al Ps a44 6uLnP4 pa;PLoaadde pLnom 4ano3 Mayor Pro Tem v v i L�Zl .44 -�rl e ::e� ,a 4 Deputy City Clerk BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT SEPT. 16, 1985 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Wm. McKenzie 2. Steven Clem 3. Donnell Crain 4. Peggy McArthur 5. Virginia Kinzel 6. Ogden, Ogden & Murphy 7. Ron Lannoye B. Len Breckenridge 9. George Sperline 10. Do. Co. Dist. Court 11. Wenatchee World 12. Pedco Credit Union 13. Assn. of WA. Cities 14. Grant Road Hardware 15. Security Bank of WA. 16. Petty Cash 17. In Print 18. Do. Co. Sewer Dis�rit #1 STREET 1. Ron Lannoye 2. Len Breckenridge 3. Robert Goodman 4. E. W. Water District 5. Pedco Credit Union 6. Assn. of WA. Cities 7. Mac Tools Distributors 8. Grant Road Hardware 9. Sears, Roebuck & Co. 10. Security Bank of WA. 11. Petty Cash 12. Harrison Auto Parts 13. Morrill Asphalt Paving Co 14. Do. Co. Sewer District #1 POLICE 1. Wm. Brooks 2. Harold Kirby 3. Michael Cattin 4. Hiram Thomas 5. Chet Virnig 6. John Harrison 7. Wm. Brooks 8. Harold Kirby 9. Hiram Thomas 10. Michael Cattin 11. Chet Virnig 12. John Harrison 13. Kelli Keefe Sept. Salary 11 Public Defender Retainer Sept. Salary Legal Retainer Salary 11 II " Court Payment 2 Publications Sept. Payment Oct. Medical Insurance Payment Supplies Sept. Withholding Deposit Miscellaneous Cash Expenditures Office Supplies Clerk's office 2 Months Service Sept. Salary11 2 Months Service Sept. Payment Oct. Medical Insurance Drain Pan Parts & Supplies Paint Sept. Withholding Deposit Weed Control Manual & Postage Parts for Truck #1 10% Retainage 2 Months Service 325.32 450.00 308.27 1 129.54 964.94 1 660.00 485.38 486.49 325.32 2 092.75 37.90 500.00 1 041.00 28.12 3 430.65 134.00 41.70 14.00 13 455.38 914.95 1 097.43 1 268.68 14.00 275.00 325.45 9.62 122.69 23.63 617.06 4.07 76.62 3 638.80 14.00 8 402.00 3rd Quarter Cleaning Allowance 20.00 " 11 " 20.00 " 20.00 " 20.00 " 20.00 " 20.00 Sept. Salary 1 725.84 " 1 470.63 " 1 373.50 " 1 516.47 " 1 268.95 " 1 479.95 " 874.51 F I 05'6LL 91 00'LL luaw4eaal sJooa8 5Z'ZL 6uLgSLuL}og04d 9 wlH 90'LOS L luawf'ed 4uaw3.AL4ad •3daS L6'8b s.AeO aoLLod AOJ saLLddnS 8 s4,Aed L8'bZL dool 4Lag g •aaj6y '•3uLVW ldaS OS'ZZL 6uL4o;edsLO •4daS 00'£b aoLAJaS auogda MoW 4daS 95'6L SJR3 aoLLod uo Jogel •;da0 'IS 09'90b £ aa3 6uLsnoH AauosLud jsn6ny oLuLLO oL;oe.AdoJL43 }sAnH 'ZZ se,Aawe3 S,401 ' LZ swa3sf'S ;uawaJL49a _40 •4da0 -03 sued o;ny uosLA.AeH '6L SuoL;eoLunwwo3 Le,AluaO '8L •4da0 s,ddl,aa4S X;uno3 'o0 'LL 4s9mg4.AoN auo;aLLgoW •9L aa403euaM '3 10 RI Q 'SL ,Aa,Anseaji '03 UeLa43 'bl '1,NO3 33IlOd