HomeMy WebLinkAbout8/5/1985 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCouncil Meeting Aug. 5, 1985 Council Members present: Terry McKee, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich and Les Young. Attorneys, Bob Kiesz, John Wallace and Chuck Zimmerman City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor. Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Les Young. Ed Rich questioned a voucher to Ogden, Ogden & Murphy in the amount of 2,053.90 for legal services above their retainer. Bob Kiesz explained the services and said the charges were outside of the retainer ordinance. Councilman Ed Rich said he felt the charges were out of line and if the billings continued to be that high, by the end of the year the City would be well over its budget. It was agreed that Ed Rich and Paul Cassel would come up with some guidelines and present them at the next council meeting. There being no further questions concerning the bills, all bills and accounts were unanimously approved. Bob Goodman said he received word from U.A.B. that Rock Island Road was not accepted for funds. He said the City might want to make plans to upgrade it with its own funds. ' Chief Brooks said Hiram Thomas had a heart attack and it would probably be some time before he would be able to come back to work. Mayor Crain said he would like to let things ride until the City hears from Hiram's Doctor. Chief Brooks was granted permission to purchase 16 tires for patrol cars. The cost for the tires will be approximately 530.00. Motion was made by Terry McKee, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Chief Brooks asked Mayor Crain about a memo he received in reference to Policy relating to absences and leaves to be effective immediately. Chief Brooks asked if it would be possible to wait until Paul Cassel was in attendance. Mayor Crain said he can set policy and he could see no reason to wait for Paul. Terry McKee asked if the policy could wait until the next meeting so he could spend more time reviewing it. Mayor Crain said "no, its my policy". Ed Rich asked if Chief Brooks is entitled to overtime pay as he is no longer just an administrator. John Wallace said he is still the Department Head so is usually universally exempt. Ed Rich asked if the Mayor has to have Council permission to fire someone. John Wallace said the Mayor has the power to terminate unless he wants Council involvement. Les Young asked who Chief Brooks would report to if the Mayor was gone. John Wallace advised, he would report to the Mayor Pro Tem. Terry McKee asked if the policy relating to absences and leaves applied to other department heads. Mayor Crain said "no". n )assed pue upoun0 A'ea Rq papuooas •pau.AnoCpe aa)oW XJJai 'ssaULsnq ,A844.An; Ou 6uLaq a,Aa41 •ACLsnoWLupun passed pup 6unoA sal Rq papuooas 'aWLg LpbaLpapd uo4 anoq uad 00'9£ oq 00.0E Pup awtg ageLoosse jo4 ,Ano4 .Aad 00'OL 'aWLg Aauq.Apd Ao4 Anoq Aad 00'98 :SmOLL04 se aa40gpuaM ;spa 40 L'g10 •A pegsLRIS ',Aaggew agg uo if1L0 ayq guasaudaj og A'gdjnW 9 uap60 'uap60 ULP49J og UOL40W a apew ueoun0 Aced 'uoLssas 04UL loeq 6uL4aaw a44 paLLeo uLPJ3 J04RW •sagnuLW 9L ACLagewLxouddp aleg pLnoM uoLssas agq gegg OLLgnd aqg pasLApe pue U0Lge6L4jL LeLguagod aLgtssod a ssnosLp 04 uoLssas aALgnoaxa 04UL o6 og ssaoa.A a paAeLOap uLe,AO AoieW 'pagaLdwooun suLewa.A goaCoad uoLgLLowap agg 4p44 996L 18 •6ny gsed Rpp 4oea ,Ao4 00.09 do gunowp aq; UL sa6ewep pagpptnbLL og paL'4gW sL R4Q aqg pue 43eugu00 agg aDJ0 Ua 04 46Lu S4L saAJasaJ 9,410 agg gegg wL4 pasLApe gnq anULj000 og UOLssLwuad wLq ane6 Ltounoo agl •uoLgLLowap L0040S agg agaLdwoo 01 sL'ep 9y 40 UOLsuagxa UP J04 paIse pue aouepuagge UL sum sLnH pal •UOLsLOap a 6ULjeW a.Aogaq aouepuagge UL sL LasseO Lned Ltgun gLpM og LLounoo agg Nq paa,A6p sum gI •gt agppdn pup qL MaLAaa 04 wa44 gueM Fagg }L Ltounoo aqg pajse pup suoLsLAaA awns spaaN apoO Leutwta0 s,Rjg o aqg pagsa66ns zsaLN qo8 •uaj;o up DIRW Og gUBM 446LW g,Anoo agg pagsa66ns pup RpMe 4L aAL6 gsnC g,ueo A'gto agg Pees aoeLLeM ugoC 's.Aagwp40 LLounoO agg UL sL gegg a}es agg alL pLnoM g.Anoo 40L,A4sLO •6uL4aaW gxau agg og req suoL4sab6ns 6uL,Aq pup gndUL oLLgnd awos gab aggew pup gL gnogp JUL44 pLn04s LLounoo agg ggbnogg aq ptes aalloW L'u,Aal •gonw aL441L p seM auaos AfgtntgeN aqg gnq 4pa.a6 aq pLnoM sbeLj aq-4 gg6noq4 aq pLes bunoA sal ase4ound agg UL s6eLj aqg apnLouL pLnoM a4 '00'000`9Z 0ZL.Ao44ne LLounoo agg dt pup auaos 941ALIEN agg asegound og aU L LLLgs pLnoM a4 pLes OH '00'099`L JOJ sgaloe.Aq snLd s6eL} 8Z ase4o.And ueO pue s6eLj ;o aoLAd 844 04UL pa�OOL aq pLes ULP,13 A0L'PW 'SLsnOWLupun passed pup bunoA sal L'q papuooas 'ueoun0 L'eb ICq apew seM uoLgow (s.aauMopueL 6UL44ngp og awes agg jo 6ULpaap aqg J01 6ULptno,Ad pup Rij adoud snLduns se 41aado.Ad LeaJ ULegaao bULJeLoaO) 98-q UOLgnLosab Iona og pasodoad Ltouno0 aql •A'LsnOWLupun passed pup aalloW A',A.Aal f'q papuooas •6uL4a9W LLounoO gxau agg gp papMe aqg ajew pup sptq agg MaLAau 04 uoLgow agg apew upoun0 Rq 69'L88`L L8'8L9`Z£ 69'l88`L b8'69C'VE 00'80L`9 00'09L`LE •ooy LPUOLgdO 8 999 Puoj puoj RaLLeA '33d LEUOLgdO V 999 Puoj p,Aoj R@LLeA Z •ooy LEUOLgdO OL£ aAaaO ugoC SJauLgoeW ooaS •L :ao4j3eq a .Aol pauado a.AaM sptq 6ULMOLL04 a41 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT AUGUST 5, 1985 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Ed Rich July Per -diem 55.77 2. Ray Duncan 55.77 3. Les Young 55.77 4. Paul Cassel 55.77 5. Terence McKee 55.77 6. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Insurance on Cannon Copier 24.00 7. Do. Co. Sewer District 2 Months Service to City Hall 14.00 8. General Telephone 1 Months Service 282.66 9. W. V. Humane Society August Dog Control 191.00 10. James Dart 35th Payment Copier 113.20 11. Employment Sec. Dept. July Social Security 2 754.30 12. WA. Fire Equipment Service Fire Extinguishers 39.24 13. Sears, Roebuck & Co. Part for Lawnmower 27.40 14. Grant Road Hardware Supplies for Park 6.32 15. In Print Printed Envelopes & Office Supplies 280.00 4 010.97 STREET 1. WA. Fire Equipment Service Fire Extinguishers 87.07 2. Emp. Security Dept. July Social Security 612.20 3. Do. Co. Sewer District 2 Months Service 14.00 4. General Telephone 1 Months Service 47.10 5. United Supply Co. Pipe for Storm Drains 305.52 6. Grange Supply Co. Gasoline 263.62 7. Wenatchee World Call for Bids- Backhoe 27.90 8. Liberty Construction Co. Install Catch Basin -Connect to S. Drain2 855.70 9. Wells & Wade Solo Sprayer 41.01 10. Cascade Natural Gas 1 Months Service 4.35 11. Grant Road Hardware Lumber & Nails 41.94 12. Harrison Auto Parts, Inc. Miscellaneous Parts & Supplies 84.84 4 385.25 POLICE 1. Kayo's Car Wash July Police Car Washes 70.00 2. Guardian Life Ins. Co. 6 Months Disability Ins. Brooks & Kirby 177.46 3. Wen. Chiropractic Clinic Spinal Adjustements-Bill Brooks 50.00 4. Grange Supply Co. Gasoline 446.88 5. Keyhole Security Code Key 3.76 6. Eastmont Pharmacy 1 Pr., Rubber Gloves 6.59 7. Kustom Electronics Inc. Radar Unit Repair 108.36 8. Jack Miller's I. D. Photo for Reserve Officer 10.75 9. Signs'n Suck 1 M Business Cards -Bill Brooks 96.75 10. Blumenthal Uniforms Pants, Shirts, Insignias & Mace 249.42 11. William B. Brooks 1 Nights Lodging 35.23 12. Harrison Auto Parts, Inc. Parts & Supplies Police Cars 65.00 1 320.20 1 06'£SO Z 00'000 l SaOLA.AaS Ie6a1 aunp X4d,AnW g uap60 . uap60 •9I 3SN3dX3 1NRbno wSL,anol nea,Ans uoi4uanuo8 g JO'4ISIA eaJV 99yo4euaM •I 0Nf13 whiav1S