HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/15/1985 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCouncil Meeting July 15, 1985 Council Members present: Paul Cassel, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich, Les Young and Terry McKee. Attorneys, Bob Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Bills and Accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and discussion followed. Paul Cassel explained that a voucher to Chief Brooks was for expenses incurred while attending a two day seminar in Seatte and a warrant to the East Wenatchee District Chamber of Commerce for matching funds in the amount of 2,000.00 for the fun festival be held by the City Clerk until the Chamber supplies Attorney Bob Kiesz some proof that donations by the various businesses have been collected. All bills were then unanimously approved. Bob Goodman advised the Council that construction work on Valley Mall Parkway by Eastmont Pharmacy has been completed and the various street paving is about completed. Les Young inquired about a street cut being made on Baker St. in the 600 Block and was informed by Bob Goodman that a Leavenworth Co. is doing the work for sewer service to a County building project. Mayor Crain read a memorandum stating that John Wallace has been elected to the position of Second Vice President of the Washington State Association of Municipal Attorneys and asked Bob Kiesz to extend John hearty congratulations on behalf of the Mayor and Council. The request from Clarence Watson of 27 Hamilton St. asking that the property lying east of his property owned by the City be deeded to him was again discussed. Mr. Watson's lastest request was that the property be divided to the following: Charles Huffman, Clarence Watson, Larry Ensley and Allen Lake. All parties concerned agreed to share costs incurred from the Quit Claim Deed. As it was determined by George Sperline and the Council that the property is of no value to the City, Paul Cassel made a motion that the property be deeded to the four parties. Seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Attorney Bob Kiesz will draft the necessary Resolution. Mayor Crian asked the Council again if they were interested in purchasing a Nativity scene. He stated it would have to be ordered soon and the cost would be approximately 25,000.00. This cost Mayor Crain stated, would include a shed and lighting. Ed Rich said if the City is going to spend that much money, he would prefer thay purchase flags that could be used more than once a year. He stated he would like to see "More Patriotism and less Commercialism". Terry McKee said he pretty much agreed with Ed Rich. There being no other comments, Mayor Crain said he would drop the idea. The Council discussed the annexation of property petitioned by Les Young located at 1016 N. Devon. Mayor Crain & Councilman Terry McKee questioned if the annexation had been requested by anyone other than a Council Member, if the Council would be favorable to such an annexation. 1 aq 6uL4aaw ayg Qtfn passed pup ue3un0 Rea Aq papuooas •paurnoCpp apew aalloW Frral °ssauLsnq ra4grnj ou 6uLaq amyl •4uaw4reda0 6uLuueLd a44 ayg arolaq gsanbar sL44 9IP4 gsrL} PLno4s, 84s pLes ULerO AORPW •Remared LLpW RaLLeA d0 10OLq 006 044 UL sumo ays figradord puLgaq ray og 44radord R4L3 awns 6uL4eoeA raPlSUOO og LLounoO ayg @ILL PLnom pup AaArns a Op 6ULraauL6u3 uosunW ppy ays pagegs rap La aLoreO 'anssL 944 UO r944abOl UOLgewro}uL 6uL44a6 are skaurogge ayg geyg pasLApe sem aH •UOLgpredard ga6pnq aro4aq passnOsLp aq sdp4ard pLnoys awLgrano 4o guawkpd dL palse LasspO Lnpd •aOL;go ro; saLL3 04m DUO Rue og Rdoo a puas osLe Mm ay pLes aH paljpap pey ay sanssL u6Lpdwpo 986L jo Rdoo e ragwaw LLounOO 43ea ane6 pue 6uL W arolaq 6uL4aaw gseL a44 sL sLyg pagegs uLerO roXeW 'RLsnowLueun passed pue 40La P3 Sq papuooas 16unoA sal Rq apew sem uoLgoW radedsmau LeLoL}}o up 6ULgeu6Lsap gg-£ UOLgnLosaa gopua og pasodord LLounoO aql 'kLsnowLupun passed pue LasseO Lned Rq papuooas 1upoun0 Rea Xq apew spm uoLgoW •gbL 'ON aOUeuLprO 6ULLeadar pup X4[o ayg Rq S90LION pue saoueuLprO 40 uOLgeoLLgnd Og 6UL4PLar ZU aoupULprO gOeua og pasodord LL3uno3 a41 'paULpgsge 6unoA sal *passed pup aalloW Rural Xq papuooas 'gOLa P3 Xq apew spm UOL40W •Sgradord 6unoA sal ayg se mOul FLUOwwoo Rgradord Lear uLegraO 6uLXauup °L6£ 'ON aOueULprO gopua og pasodord LLouno3 ayg 'gnduL OLLgnd ou 6uLaq amyl •arngn; ayg UL UOLgoarLp geyg UL UOLgeXaUUe 6ULjaas aq pLnom 4 10 ayg geyg paar6e Os Le sem 41 'ppy LLOunoO ayg gpyg paar6p UeounO Tea gspd ayg UL auop uaaq peq kgradord auo UL 6ULIeg pLes goLa P3 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JULY 15, 1985 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Wm. McKenzie 2. Schmidt & Clem 3. Don Crain 4. Peggy McArthur 5. Virginia Kinzel 6. Ogden, Ogen & Murphy 7. Ron Lannoye 8. Len Breckenridge 9. George Sperline 10. Do. Co. District Court 11. Dept. of Labor & Industries 12. Pedco Credit Union 13. Security Bank of Wa. 14. Trusted Plans Service Corp. 15. Eastside Paint & Glass 16. Petty Cash 17. Wenatchee World STREET DEPARTMENT 1. Ron Lannoye 2. Len Breckenridge 3. Robert Goodman ' 4. Harrison Auto Parts, Inc. 5. East Wenatchee Water Dist. 6. Dept. of Labor & Industries 7. Pedco Credit Union 8. Security -Bank of WA. 9. Trusteed Plans Service Corp. 10. Morrill Asphalt Paving Co. 11. Libke, Jones & Mitchell, Inc POLICE 1. Wm Brooks 2. Harold Kirby 3. Michael Cattin 4. Hiram Thomas 5. Chet Virnig 6. John Harrison 7. Kelli Keefe 8. Chelan Co. Treasurer 9. Central Communications 10. Do. Co. Sheriff's Dept. 11. Mobilefone Northwest 12. Harrison Auto Parts ' 13. City of East Wenatchee 14. Dept. of Retirement Systems 15. Dick's Service 16. Blumenthal Uniforms 17. Wm Brooks July Salary 325.32 July Public Defender Retainer 450.00 July Salary 308.27 " " 1 129.54 " It 964.94 " Legal Retainer 1 660.00 " Salary 485.38 " 486.49 " 325.32 " District Court Payment 2 092.75 2nd Quarter Ind. Insurance 1 376.74 July Credit Union Payment 500.00 July Withholding Deposit 2 774.30 August Medical Ins. Payment 1 041.00 Window Repair Park Bathroom 14.65 Cash Expenditures 167.69 Publication Les Young Annexation 41.15 14 143.54 July Salary 832.25 " " 973.37 " It 1 268.68 Parts & Supplies 14.16 2 Month Service 14.00 2nd Quarter Industrial Insurance 575.14 July Payment 275.00 July Withholding Deposit 533.70 August Medical Insurance 325.45 Hot Mix & CSSI 180.41 Insurance 730.35 5 722.51 July Salary 1 725.84 " 1 470.63 " 1 516.47 " 1 373.50 " 1 268.95 " 1 479.95 " 874.51 June Prisoner Housing Fee 2 765.85 July Maintenance Agreement 116.10 July Dispatching 722.50 July Dispatching 40.85 Parts & Supplies 60.28 Street Labor on Police Cars 341.16 July Retirement 1 353.06 Air Condition Repair 8.49 Uniforms 477.00 Travel Expenses 46.11 15 641.25 1 00*000 Z LPAL3s9j unj spun] 6uLgo'4eW ao.AawwoO jo Aagwpgo a9go4euaN Ise3 'L SONnj Wf1Iavis