HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/1/1985 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING July 1, 1985 Members present: Paul Cassel, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich, and Less Young Attorneys, Bob Kiesz, John Wallace and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were accepted as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Paul Cassel nominated Terence F. McKee to fill the position of Council Member No. 5. There being no further nominations Paul Cassel made a motion to seat Terry McKee, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Mayor Crain stated that Brian Taylor and Sharon Hilton also had expressed a desire to serve on the Council and advised tham that they might want to file for one of the positions at the end of the month. Mayor Crain administered the Oath of Office to Terry McKee. ' Bob Goodman said Charlie Johnston, Manager of the East Wenatchee Water District requested that the District be given permission by the Council to install a 10 inch water line at the edge of 9th street before the City's Federal Aid pro- ject starts. There were no objections but Ray Duncan said he would like to talk it over first with the Department of Transportation. Mayor Crain said the company that is handling Ted Huls Bond is trying to get the school demolition project started. Mayor Crain said he was happy with the work roster submitted by the Police Dept., and he said that he had received a letter from Chief Brooks stating that he probable would go over his budget because the City's insurance costs had doubled. Mayor Crain said he realized insurance costs had gone up and that the budgets submitted for 1985 were lean. A need for a backhoe was again discussed. Paul Cassel said after talking with Ray Duncan about the need and the work that could be done if the City had a backhoe, he had no objection. Ray Duncan made a motion to call for bids for a backhoe to be opened August 5. Seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Christmas decorations were again discussed and Mayor Grain suggested that eight more elves would be nice for Grant Road, a snowman could be ordered and a Merry Christmas sign. He said a Nativity scene could probable be purchased for $25,000.00, and he suggested it be placed in the City park. Ray Duncan said Leavenworth's Nativity scene has drawn a lot of people into the area v LsnowL,,nP,pv,5/,s,vd pue LassP3 Lned Cq papuooas •pauanoCpe aq 6uLga ay q UOL40WaOW k.a.aal 'ssaULsnq Aag4.Anj ou 6ULaq auayl •33.aawuo3 }o uagwP40 ayq a0; quaPLSaJd '.a96uLayPg UgOP pue sfiau,aogge 4,4l3 ayq fq ogUL pa�001 aq LLLM uaggew ayl •SbULpunj LPALgsej unj Ao3 goe,aquo3 ayq oq payoegge aq oq seM geyq y gLgeyx3 gnogP UOLsnjuoo awns seM a,aayl •kLsnowlueun passed pue yoLa P3 S'q papuooas 'ueouna f'ea Xq apew seM UOL40W '9££ PUP 5£E `b£E `E££ `Z££ 'LEE •sON aoUPULpaO 6uLpuawe pue •s6P19 sno,aa6uea }o quawagegy ayq Aol woo w.oj m ayq pue apoa 6ULgwnLd w,ao3LUa ayq apoa u6LS w.aoj[un aqq 'apoa LPoLUPyoaW uuosm ayq 'SPJPpUPgS pue apoa &ALj w,ao;Luq ayq 'apoa 6uLPLLng w.ao;Luq ayq }o SUOL41P3 986L a43 aouaaa;aa cq 6uL3dope 06E 'ON 03ueulp.A0 goPua oq pasodo.ad LLouno3 ayl ,aoS quads aq pLnoo 4l gegm 4sab6ns 04 quPM RPW LLounoo ayq 'UOLgexaUUP aingn,+ uoS pasn aq qou LLLM s,aeadde 4l geyq Sauow e,agxa sey 4,4Lo ayq a3U[S geyq PLPS ULea3 UOXPW •MOLLOJ 01 squeM Llounoo ayq g0LyM UL saLn.a ayq do J,aoM oq pagULodde a,aaM yoLa P3 Pup LasseO Lned •pasLe.a aq LLLM SgLWLL ayq SE agepaagPL P qP ql gdope LLLM 'aoeLLPM ugOP 30 UOLgsa66ns ayq uodn qnq Aa4sOa s3.aoM LLeU1S ayq oq UOLgoaCgo ou pPy LLouno3 ayl •paulPgsgP bunoA sal *passed pue L8sse3 Lned kq papuooas 'yoLa P3 kq apew seM UOLgoW •6unoA sal S'q pauoLglgad 'uonaa ZLOL qP PageooL kq.aado,ad J0 6uLaeay uoLgexauue ayq JOJ qas seM yggL RLnC •,a0n0 qL paap oq aploap pLnoys LLouno3 ayq dl uewj;nH •.aW AoggBL9U sLy ygLM 94,aadoad ayq gLLds oq SL op 04 6UL4q ULPI X'Luo ayq PCPs uosgPM •AW •Ua3e4 SPM UOL40P CUP a.aolaq 96,aoag oq 3Le4 oq pagUPM zsaL)l xoe 'RDU.aoggy PUP aOUPpuaggP UL qou SUM auLL,aadS a6,aoag Se 6ULgaaw gxau ayq B;un pauodqsod seM Xql3 ayq kq pauMo '•qS uogLLWPH LZ ,aPau pageooL Xgaadoad Jo aoaLd a Aol uosgPM aoua.aeLO woa} gsanbaa ayl •sX'ep OL JO )aaM a UL LLPH R413 UL paoeLd aq pLnoM auoyd PCPs UOSaapuy epuoa •pau6LS PUP palleap uaaq pey LLPH F4L0 UL auoyd s,.aagweg3 ayq aoPLd oq saoLA.aaS apLAoad oq g3e.a4uo3 ayq geyq LLouno3 ayq pasLAPP uLPu3 JOXeW 6ULgaaw gxau ayq f'q UOL42UUOJUL WOW aney PUP sa,an6L3 awns qa6 pLnoM ay pLes ULe,aO aofPW BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JULY 1, 1985 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Ed Rich June Per -diem 55.77 2. Ray Duncan " " " 55.77 3. Fred Ross 1, 27.89 4. Les Young to 55.77 5. Paul Cassel It 55.77 6. W. V. Humane Society July Dog Control Payment 191.00 7. James A. Dart 34th Payment Copier 113.20 8. Employment Security Dept. June Social Security 2 750.09 9. General Telephone Co. 1 Months Service 325.75 10. WA. Municipal Clerks Assn. 1985-1986 Dues 20.00 11. Chelan Co., Treasurer 2nd Quarter 2% Liquor Tax 115.59 12. Grant Road Hardware Paper Supplies & Parts for Park 77.08 13. Emp. Security Dept. E. W. 2nd Quarter Unemployment Compensation 697.95 14. Water District 2 Months Service to City Hall 29.30 4 570.93 STREET 1. Snap On Tools Corp. Crowfoot Wrench 43.81 2. General Telephone 1 Months Service 47.11 3. Emp. Security Dept. June Social Security 612.20 4. P. U. D. 2 Months Service 1 796.00 ' 5. WA. State Treasurer May Traffic Signal Maintenance 42.58 6. Grant Road Hardware Paper Supplies & Broom 53.09 7. Emp. Security Dept. 2nd Quarter Unemployment Compensation 182.36 8. Cascade Gas Corp. 1 Months Service to Shop & Garage 20.08 9. Emp. Security Dept. 2nd Quarter Unemployment Compensation 182.36 2 979.59 Less #9 182.36 in twice 182.36 POLICE 2 797.23 1. Kayo's Car Wash June Police Car Washes 70.00 2. P. U. D. 2 Months Service to City Hall 89.00 3. City of East Wenatchee Street Dept., Lavor on Police Cars 424.32 4. Office of the Code Revisor 2 Sets 1985 Session Laws 10.78 5. Grange Supply 280 Gals., Gasoline 350.28 6. Blumenthal Uniforms 1 Pair Uniform Pants 46.30 7. Keyhole Security Center Repair Ignition Lock 6.99 8. In Print Office Supplies 18.03 9. 1 Hour Photo Slides 4.59 10. Wenatchee World Publication 10.00 11. Dennis Automotive Rectifier Bridge & Regulator Car #6 42.45 12. Hurst Chiropractic Clinic Treatments Wm. Brooks 70.00 1 142.74