HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/17/1985 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING
June 17, 1985
Councilmen present: Paul Cassel, Ed Rich, Les Young and Ray Duncan.
City Attorneys, Bob Kiesz, John Wallace and Chuck Zimmerman.
City Clerk, Peggy McArthur.
Meeing was called to Order by Mayor Don Crain.
Mayor Crain read a letter of resignation from Councilman Fred Ross. The Mayor accepted
his resignation with regret. He stated that his resignation would be a great loss to
him and the City. Mayor Crain suggested that maybe it would be better not to appoint
his replacement until after the July filing for office.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by
Paul Cassel, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously.
Bills and accounts were accepted as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded
by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously.
Debbi Tofte was present and asked permission to erect a Beta Sigma Phi Welcome You
sign adjacent to Larry's Drive-in on land over looking SR-28. She said they have
contacted the Dept. of Transportation and they had no objections. The Council agreed
that they would like to have a copy of the Organizations Charter before making any
decision and will take the request under advisement at the next meeting.
Mayor Crain brought up the use of reserve officers at prime time and women riding in
police cars.
'Paul Cassel said he was not apprised that the issue was coming up if it had to do with
personnel, he would like to go in to executive session.
Bob Goodman said he had not been able to get together with Paul Cassel concerning the
purchase of a backhoe so would get some facts and figures ready by the next meeting.
Three lump sum bids were received for paving 4th St. N.E., 13th St. N.E., Anne St.
and Aurora Ave. as follows: 1. Central Wa. Asphalt - 42,706.00; Basin Paving -
36,992.00; Morrill Asphalt - 36,388.00. Ed Rich made a motion that the low bid of
Morrill Asphalt be accepted subject to review and acceptance of the documents by the
attorneys. Seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously.
Two bids were received for installation of a storm catch basin across Valley Mall Parkway
Liberty Construction 3,173.00 and B. A. Wilson 5,500.00. Motion was made by Ray Duncan
to accept the low bid of Liberty Construction upon review and acceptance of the documents
by the attorneys. Seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously.
There being no public input concerning the Six Year Street Program, authorization was
given by the Council to adopt Resolution 2-85. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded
by Ed Rich and passed unanimously.
Authorization was given by the Council to approve the Contract for Fun Festival Funding
with Exhibit A forthcoming by the Chamber of Commerce and made a part of said contract.
'Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously.
The Council reviewed a letter from the East Wenatchee District Chamber of Commerce
requesting that the Chamber telephone be placed at City Hall and be answered by the
City Clerk. The Council agreed to take it under advisement and take action at the
next regular meeting.
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public safety program.
After a much heated discussion, the Council
program with the City's Insurance Agent and
next meeting.
There being no further business, Paul Cassel
Seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously.
asked Chief Brooks to discuss the rider
the issue will be discussed further at the
ion that the meeting be adjourned.
1. Wm. McKenzie
2. Schmidt & Clem
3. Donnell Crain
4. Peggy McArthur
5. Virginia Kinzel
6. Ogden, Ogden & Murphy
7. Ron Lannoye
8. Len Breckenridge
9. George Sperline
10. Do. Co. Dist. Court
11. Pedco Credit Union
12. Trusteed Plans
13. Security Bank of WA.
14. De Forest N. Fuller
15. Wenatchee World
16. Apple Land Spray
17. Wells & Wade
18. In Print
19. Petty Cash
1. Robert Goodman
2. Ron Lannoye
3. Len Breckenridge
4. Harrison Auto Parts
5. Security Bank of WA.
6. Trusteed Plans
7. Pedco Credit Union
8. Wenatchee World
9. Pete Savage Mac Tools
10. Miller Fasteners
11. Basin Asphalt Co.
12. Wells & Wade
1. Wm. Brooks
2. Harold Kirby
3. Michael Cattin
4. Hiram Thomas
5. Chet Virnig
6. John Harrison
7. Wm. Brooks
8. Harold Kirby
9. Michael Cattin
10. Hiram Thomas
11. Chet Virnig
12. John Harrison
13. Kelli Keefe
June Salary
June Public Defender Retainer
June Salary
It It
It "
June Legal Retainer
June Salary
" Payment
July Medical Insurance
June Withholding Deposit
Legal Services
Spraying Trees in Park
Parts & Supplies for Park
Printed Statements & Office Supplies
Postage & Landfill fee
13 330.17
June Salary
1 268.68
" "
It "
Parts & Supplies
June Withholding Deposit
July Medical Insurance
June Payment
Blades & Socket
2 Grinding Wheels
Hot Mix
Acetyline Cylinder
4 376.86
6 Months Cleaning Allowance 40.00
" 40.00
" 40.00
June Salary 1 725.84
1 470.63
1 516.47
1 372.07
1 292.52
1 478.52
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